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Bug 736640 - Server trust exceptions cannot be stored
Server trust exceptions cannot be stored
Product: geary
Classification: Other
Component: server-support
Other Linux
: Normal major
: 0.13.0
Assigned To: Geary Maintainers
Geary Maintainers
: 749600 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2014-09-14 09:45 UTC by Manu
Modified: 2019-01-10 06:53 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

A screenshot of the error message. (10.16 KB, image/png)
2014-09-14 09:45 UTC, Manu

Description Manu 2014-09-14 09:45:42 UTC
Created attachment 286158 [details]
A screenshot of the error message.

Using a self-hosted email service I have to deal with self-signed certificates and therefore add a trust exception for our server. Doing that does not work in Geary 6.3 as I receive the message "Unable to store server trust exception - Couldn't find a place to store the pinned certificate".

I am using Linux Mint 17 with XFCE, but have Gnome services running (e.g. gnome-keyring).
Comment 1 Jim Nelson 2014-09-19 19:06:36 UTC
It sounds like gnome-keyring-daemon isn't running.  Can you check with System Monitor or ps that the daemon is executing in the background?
Comment 2 Manu 2014-09-19 19:59:07 UTC
Hi Jim, 
thanks for your answer!

ps x | grep gnome-keyring returns:
1948 ? SLl 0:00 /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --daemonize --login

That looks rather promising, doesn't it?

By the way I pulled the sources from git and built the current master (0.7.2), but the problem persists.
Certificate storage does work in Evolution, in case that makes a difference.

I will probably investigate into that issue in a few weeks when my exams are over and try different setups and constellations and give you feedback if I find something out.

Comment 3 Jim Nelson 2014-09-30 20:58:32 UTC
I'm unaware how Evolution stores certificates.  The key here is that Geary uses gcr-3 for storing (pinning) certificates.  The error you're reporting is coming from gcr-3 (which is due to the backing store reporting an error).

If you could do a little more looking and testing, that would be helpful.
Comment 4 Manu 2014-10-01 14:13:16 UTC
To make sure the problem has not been caused by some of my system modifications I tried it again with a fresh Linux Mint 17 XFCE installation - without success. Of course GNOME services and everything related to gnome-keyring was set to autostart (in the XFCE settings manager).

Now that I have installed Xubuntu 14.04, geary's certificate pinning works as expected!
That being said, the problem still occurs if I try to start geary after the system was suspended at least once. In this case I get asked to unlock my keyring, which is followed by the aforementioned error message.
I assume that during a suspend/resume cycle some required backend service gets locked or stopped.

Geary instances that have been started before suspending the machine continue to work as long as they remain open.

Fiddling around with gnome-keyring I recognized one more thing:
On Mint I was not even able to import certificates via gnome-keyring import or Seahorse, so I assume the general certificate storage is somewhat broken.
Comment 5 Jim Nelson 2014-10-07 20:45:30 UTC
It does sound like something's not configured or installed correctly.  Geary doesn't really make heavy use of gcr-3.  Basically, it merely queries if a certificate is pinned, and if the user requests it, Geary will pin a certificate.  That's it.
Comment 6 zbyszek 2014-10-15 17:37:01 UTC
I just saw this. I was running geary remotely using 'ssh -X'. When I run it locally, certificate pinning seems to work fine. So this might be related to gnome-keyring not working in this situation.
Comment 7 Jim Nelson 2015-05-24 21:51:45 UTC
*** Bug 749600 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Sasan 2015-09-08 01:28:28 UTC
Hi Jim,
I'm experiencing this issue too. Can thi be related to the fact there are two instance of gnome-keyring running on my system?

-> ps x | grep gnome-keyring
  396 ?        SLl    0:00 /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --daemonize --login
  629 ?        S      0:00 /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --foreground --components=secrets
 1546 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep gnome-keyring
Comment 9 Sasan 2015-09-08 03:14:59 UTC
A little update:
Apparently "gnome-keyring-daemon --login" was being run by PAM and gnome-keyring daemon needs to be run after that too.
When I click Geary's icon to run it the "gnome-keyring-daemon --start --foreground --components=secrets" is being called but not working for some reason. I've put a simple "gnome-keyring-daemon" in my startup and now it works as expected.
Comment 10 Michael Gratton 2016-12-08 00:06:44 UTC
Hi all, Is anyone still experiencing this issue?

It looks more like a system configuration issue than a Geary bug?
Comment 11 Michael Gratton 2017-10-26 01:08:38 UTC
Closing this bug report as no further information has been provided. Please feel free to reopen this bug report if you can provide the information that was asked for in a previous comment.
Comment 12 hfel 2018-04-09 20:06:59 UTC

I'm still getting the same bug, running GNOME 3.28.0 and Geary 0.12.1 on Antergos/Arch.

I tried restarting the keyring daemon without any additional options as in comment 9, but Geary is still unable to store the certificate.
Comment 13 Michael Gratton 2018-04-10 03:41:13 UTC
Hi hfel,

Thanks for letting us know. For GCR to use gnome-keyring-daemon for pinning certificates, it needs to be started either without the -c/--components command line options, or with at least "pkcs11". Can you verify if storing a trust exception works when gnome-keyring-daemon is started using "gnome-keyring-daemon --start --foreground --components=pkcs11"?

If not, please install Bustle <>, start recording a log just before you are prompted to trust the certificate, and stop it after the error dialog has appeared. Save the log, and either attach it here, or if it contains confidential information, email it to me directly.

Comment 14 Michael Gratton 2018-05-03 02:13:30 UTC
Two things:

1. Be careful about posting Bustle logs that contain calls to org.freedesktop.Secret, since that may contain your password.

2. Another way to get some debugging info about this is to start geary using the command:

    GCR_DEBUG='all' geary

Can people please try that and let me know if what gets printed out when the "Unable to store server trust exception" message pops up?
Comment 15 infin1ty 2018-05-06 11:47:21 UTC
Hello Michael!

I am another user having this exact issue .

result of GCR_DEBUG='all' geary : 

Gck-Message: 14:41:59.890: couldn't open session on module while enumerating objects: The device is write protected
Gck-Message: 14:41:59.890: couldn't open session on module while enumerating objects: The device is write protected

(geary:1361): Gck-CRITICAL **: 14:41:59.890: gck_modules_token_for_uri: assertion 'uri != NULL' failed
Comment 16 Máirín Duffy 2018-05-07 12:14:42 UTC
Hi, I am experiencing this issue on Fedora 28:


I see in seahorse that Geary is successfully storing my IMAP passwords in the keyring. 

I tried launching with 

GCR_DEBUG='all' geary

It becomes a Heisenbug because I can't reproduce it that way. Oddly (is this expected?) it didn't have my accounts when I started it this way so I had to reconfigure the account having the cert issues when running it with GCR_DEBUG. (if i run it the normal way, both accounts I had configured come back.)
Comment 17 Michael Gratton 2018-05-08 03:48:57 UTC
Hi all, since a few people have reported this issue with F28 this seems like a regression there, however to look into it properly I'd need an account on server which uses a self-signed cert for SMTP and/or IMAP. Since I don't currently have one,  it'll be a lot faster if anyone can create a temp one on such a server that I can test against.
Comment 18 Máirín Duffy 2018-05-08 13:04:12 UTC
Hi Michael, I'm happy to set one up for you. I'll send you the details to your GNOME BZ listed email address?
Comment 19 Michael Gratton 2018-05-10 06:25:09 UTC
Thanks Máirín, I received the login details fine, will try to repo asap.
Comment 20 ZeHiro 2018-05-21 14:56:58 UTC

I also observe the problem on Fedora 28.

Michael, do you need more information to analyse the bug ?
Comment 21 Michael Gratton 2018-05-22 06:53:22 UTC
(In reply to ZeHiro from comment #20)
> Hi,
> I also observe the problem on Fedora 28.
> Michael, do you need more information to analyse the bug ?

I'm still trying to work out why Fedora 28 is triggering this all of a sudden, so yeah, some more information would be good.

Can you let me know the following:

- The host name of your IMAP and/or SMTP server
- Which p11-kit packages do you have installed?
- What is the output of running "p11-kit list-modules"?

(In reply to infin1ty from comment #15)
> result of GCR_DEBUG='all' geary : 
> Gck-Message: 14:41:59.890: couldn't open session on module while enumerating
> objects: The device is write protected
> Gck-Message: 14:41:59.890: couldn't open session on module while enumerating
> objects: The device is write protected
> (geary:1361): Gck-CRITICAL **: 14:41:59.890: gck_modules_token_for_uri:
> assertion 'uri != NULL' failed

This definitely indicates a problem with GCR/GCK and/or p11-kit. The "couldn't open session" error is from GCK, and is printed when a call to the PKCS #11 C_OpenSession() function fails. So something is likely wrong with your p11-kit installation and/or configuration.

If someone could run geary using strace and see if they can find out what p11-kit/PCKS#11 files and/or modules are being opened, that might help?

infin1ty: What Linux distribution and version are you running?

hfel: Do you have any p11-kit packages installed?

This is really starting to look like a bug or configuration problem with GCR/GCK and/or p11-kit. Similar warnings are showing up for other apps as well, e.g:
Comment 22 hfel 2018-05-22 07:12:35 UTC
(In reply to Michael Gratton from comment #21)
> (In reply to ZeHiro from comment #20)
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I also observe the problem on Fedora 28.
> > 
> > Michael, do you need more information to analyse the bug ?
> I'm still trying to work out why Fedora 28 is triggering this all of a
> sudden, so yeah, some more information would be good.
> Can you let me know the following:
> - The host name of your IMAP and/or SMTP server
> - Which p11-kit packages do you have installed?
> - What is the output of running "p11-kit list-modules"?
> (In reply to infin1ty from comment #15)
> > 
> > result of GCR_DEBUG='all' geary : 
> > 
> > Gck-Message: 14:41:59.890: couldn't open session on module while enumerating
> > objects: The device is write protected
> > Gck-Message: 14:41:59.890: couldn't open session on module while enumerating
> > objects: The device is write protected
> > 
> > (geary:1361): Gck-CRITICAL **: 14:41:59.890: gck_modules_token_for_uri:
> > assertion 'uri != NULL' failed
> This definitely indicates a problem with GCR/GCK and/or p11-kit. The
> "couldn't open session" error is from GCK, and is printed when a call to the
> PKCS #11 C_OpenSession() function fails. So something is likely wrong with
> your p11-kit installation and/or configuration.
> If someone could run geary using strace and see if they can find out what
> p11-kit/PCKS#11 files and/or modules are being opened, that might help?
> infin1ty: What Linux distribution and version are you running?
> hfel: Do you have any p11-kit packages installed?
> This is really starting to look like a bug or configuration problem with
> GCR/GCK and/or p11-kit. Similar warnings are showing up for other apps as
> well, e.g:

I have libp11-kit installed.
Comment 23 Michael Gratton 2018-05-22 07:27:36 UTC
Some more information: This related bug points to this Midori FAQ about the exact same problem:

That notes that must be installed, and also gnome-keyring-daemon running correctly. So, can people also check these things by running the following commands:

  sudo find / -name


 ps ax | grep gnome-keyring-daemon

And report back here the result of both. Thanks.
Comment 24 hfel 2018-05-22 07:53:51 UTC
$ sudo find / -name
find: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permiso denegado

$  ps ax | grep gnome-keyring-daemon
  640 ?        SLl    0:30 /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --daemonize --login
29598 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep gnome-keyring-daemon
Comment 25 infin1ty 2018-05-22 15:36:43 UTC
(In reply to Michael Gratton from comment #21)
> (In reply to ZeHiro from comment #20)
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I also observe the problem on Fedora 28.
> > 
> > Michael, do you need more information to analyse the bug ?
> I'm still trying to work out why Fedora 28 is triggering this all of a
> sudden, so yeah, some more information would be good.
> Can you let me know the following:
> - The host name of your IMAP and/or SMTP server
> - Which p11-kit packages do you have installed?
> - What is the output of running "p11-kit list-modules"?
> (In reply to infin1ty from comment #15)
> > 
> > result of GCR_DEBUG='all' geary : 
> > 
> > Gck-Message: 14:41:59.890: couldn't open session on module while enumerating
> > objects: The device is write protected
> > Gck-Message: 14:41:59.890: couldn't open session on module while enumerating
> > objects: The device is write protected
> > 
> > (geary:1361): Gck-CRITICAL **: 14:41:59.890: gck_modules_token_for_uri:
> > assertion 'uri != NULL' failed
> This definitely indicates a problem with GCR/GCK and/or p11-kit. The
> "couldn't open session" error is from GCK, and is printed when a call to the
> PKCS #11 C_OpenSession() function fails. So something is likely wrong with
> your p11-kit installation and/or configuration.
> If someone could run geary using strace and see if they can find out what
> p11-kit/PCKS#11 files and/or modules are being opened, that might help?
> infin1ty: What Linux distribution and version are you running?
> hfel: Do you have any p11-kit packages installed?
> This is really starting to look like a bug or configuration problem with
> GCR/GCK and/or p11-kit. Similar warnings are showing up for other apps as
> well, e.g:

I am running Manjaro 17.1.10 MATE
Comment 26 ZeHiro 2018-05-24 06:43:35 UTC
(In reply to Michael Gratton from comment #21)
> (In reply to ZeHiro from comment #20)
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I also observe the problem on Fedora 28.
> > 
> > Michael, do you need more information to analyse the bug ?
> I'm still trying to work out why Fedora 28 is triggering this all of a
> sudden, so yeah, some more information would be good.
> Can you let me know the following:
> - The host name of your IMAP and/or SMTP server
> - Which p11-kit packages do you have installed?
> - What is the output of running "p11-kit list-modules"?
> (In reply to infin1ty from comment #15)
> > 
> > result of GCR_DEBUG='all' geary : 
> > 
> > Gck-Message: 14:41:59.890: couldn't open session on module while enumerating
> > objects: The device is write protected
> > Gck-Message: 14:41:59.890: couldn't open session on module while enumerating
> > objects: The device is write protected
> > 
> > (geary:1361): Gck-CRITICAL **: 14:41:59.890: gck_modules_token_for_uri:
> > assertion 'uri != NULL' failed
> This definitely indicates a problem with GCR/GCK and/or p11-kit. The
> "couldn't open session" error is from GCK, and is printed when a call to the
> PKCS #11 C_OpenSession() function fails. So something is likely wrong with
> your p11-kit installation and/or configuration.
> If someone could run geary using strace and see if they can find out what
> p11-kit/PCKS#11 files and/or modules are being opened, that might help?
> infin1ty: What Linux distribution and version are you running?
> hfel: Do you have any p11-kit packages installed?
> This is really starting to look like a bug or configuration problem with
> GCR/GCK and/or p11-kit. Similar warnings are showing up for other apps as
> well, e.g:

- Hostname:
- p11-kit:
- p11-kit list-modules:

    library-description: PKCS#11 Kit Trust Module
    library-manufacturer: PKCS#11 Kit
    library-version: 0.23
    token: System Trust
        manufacturer: PKCS#11 Kit
        model: p11-kit-trust
        serial-number: 1
        hardware-version: 0.23
    token: Default Trust
        manufacturer: PKCS#11 Kit
        model: p11-kit-trust
        serial-number: 1
        hardware-version: 0.23
Comment 27 Daiki Ueno 2018-05-24 15:21:12 UTC
Not tested, but a workaround would be:

$ mkdir -p ~/.config/pkcs11/modules
$ curl > ~/.config/pkcs11/modules/gnome-keyring.module
Comment 28 ZeHiro 2018-05-24 19:42:26 UTC
(In reply to Daiki Ueno from comment #27)
> Not tested, but a workaround would be:
> $ mkdir -p ~/.config/pkcs11/modules
> $ curl
> ff229abca62db366c84dfe58035324f6d8ca6059/pkcs11/rpc-layer/gnome-keyring.
> > ~/.config/pkcs11/modules/gnome-keyring.module

It does the work. Thanks :)
Comment 29 infin1ty 2018-05-25 06:33:49 UTC
(In reply to Daiki Ueno from comment #27)
> Not tested, but a workaround would be:
> $ mkdir -p ~/.config/pkcs11/modules
> $ curl
> ff229abca62db366c84dfe58035324f6d8ca6059/pkcs11/rpc-layer/gnome-keyring.
> > ~/.config/pkcs11/modules/gnome-keyring.module

Working like a charm,thank you!
Comment 30 Máirín Duffy 2018-06-05 14:17:34 UTC
Michael my output the same as comment 24 (just language difference.) 

Is the workaround in comment 27 something we should be using? What are the implications of that to get this fixed downstream?
Comment 31 Máirín Duffy 2018-06-05 14:20:22 UTC
And FWIW the workaround in comment 27 doesn't work for me in Fedora 28. :(
Comment 32 hfel 2018-06-05 14:33:28 UTC
The workaround doesn't work for me either on Solus 3.9999.
Comment 33 Daiki Ueno 2018-06-06 09:30:30 UTC
Do you see the "User Key Storage" token in the p11tool output after the workaround?

$ p11tool --list-tokens
Token 6:
	URL: pkcs11:model=1.0;manufacturer=Gnome%20Keyring;serial=1%3aXDG%3aDEFAULT;token=User%20Key%20Storage
	Label: User Key Storage
	Type: Generic token
	Manufacturer: Gnome Keyring
	Model: 1.0
	Serial: 1:XDG:DEFAULT
Comment 34 hfel 2018-06-28 22:30:57 UTC
(In reply to Daiki Ueno from comment #33)
> Do you see the "User Key Storage" token in the p11tool output after the
> workaround?
> $ p11tool --list-tokens
> ...
> Token 6:
> 	URL:
> pkcs11:model=1.0;manufacturer=Gnome%20Keyring;serial=1%3aXDG%3aDEFAULT;
> token=User%20Key%20Storage
> 	Label: User Key Storage
> 	Type: Generic token
> 	Manufacturer: Gnome Keyring
> 	Model: 1.0
> 	Serial: 1:XDG:DEFAULT
> 	Module:


$ p11tool --list-tokens
Token 0:
	URL: pkcs11:model=p11-kit-trust;manufacturer=PKCS%2311%20Kit;serial=1;token=System%20Trust
	Label: System Trust
	Type: Trust module
	Flags: uPIN uninitialized
	Manufacturer: PKCS#11 Kit
	Model: p11-kit-trust
	Serial: 1
Comment 35 Birger 2018-07-01 15:34:48 UTC
The workaround in comment 27 works for me on fedora 28 too.

Output before workaround:
$ p11tool --list-tokens                                                                 
Token 0:                                                                                         
        URL: pkcs11:model=p11-kit-trust;manufacturer=PKCS%2311%20Kit;serial=1;token=System%20Trust
        Label: System Trust                                                  
        Type: Trust module                                                    
        Flags: uPIN uninitialized                                                                  
        Manufacturer: PKCS#11 Kit                
        Model: p11-kit-trust           
        Serial: 1                  
                                                                                                         Token 1:                        
        URL: pkcs11:model=p11-kit-trust;manufacturer=PKCS%2311%20Kit;serial=1;token=Default%20Trust
        Label: Default Trust
        Type: Trust module                 
        Flags: uPIN uninitialized                                                                
        Manufacturer: PKCS#11 Kit
        Model: p11-kit-trust     
        Serial: 1                          

Output after workaround:

$ p11tool --list-tokens 
Token 0:
	URL: pkcs11:model=p11-kit-trust;manufacturer=PKCS%2311%20Kit;serial=1;token=System%20Trust
	Label: System Trust
	Type: Trust module
	Flags: uPIN uninitialized
	Manufacturer: PKCS#11 Kit
	Model: p11-kit-trust
	Serial: 1

Token 1:
	URL: pkcs11:model=p11-kit-trust;manufacturer=PKCS%2311%20Kit;serial=1;token=Default%20Trust
	Label: Default Trust
	Type: Trust module
	Flags: uPIN uninitialized
	Manufacturer: PKCS#11 Kit
	Model: p11-kit-trust
	Serial: 1

Token 2:
	URL: pkcs11:model=1.0;manufacturer=Gnome%20Keyring;serial=1%3aSSH%3aHOME;token=SSH%20Keys
	Label: SSH Keys
	Type: Generic token
	Flags: Requires login, External PIN
	Manufacturer: Gnome Keyring
	Model: 1.0
	Serial: 1:SSH:HOME

Token 3:
	URL: pkcs11:model=1.0;manufacturer=Gnome%20Keyring;serial=1%3aSECRET%3aMAIN;token=Secret%20Store
	Label: Secret Store
	Type: Generic token
	Flags: Requires login, External PIN
	Manufacturer: Gnome Keyring
	Model: 1.0
	Serial: 1:SECRET:MAIN

Token 4:
	URL: pkcs11:model=1.0;manufacturer=Gnome%20Keyring;serial=1%3aUSER%3aDEFAULT;token=Gnome2%20Key%20Storage
	Label: Gnome2 Key Storage
	Type: Generic token
	Flags: Requires login, External PIN
	Manufacturer: Gnome Keyring
	Model: 1.0

Token 5:
	URL: pkcs11:model=1.0;manufacturer=Gnome%20Keyring;serial=1%3aXDG%3aDEFAULT;token=User%20Key%20Storage
	Label: User Key Storage
	Type: Generic token
	Flags: External PIN, uPIN uninitialized
	Manufacturer: Gnome Keyring
	Model: 1.0
	Serial: 1:XDG:DEFAULT
Comment 36 Michael Gratton 2018-07-02 01:23:23 UTC
Thanks for the extra information, everyone.

Daiki, I don't know my way around the gnome crypto/p11kit stuff very well, and Geary's use is limited to simply calling gcr_trust_add_pinned_certificate, gcr_trust_is_certificate_pinned and gcr_trust_remove_pinned_certificate on the assumption the infrastructure should just work.

Since your workaround works for some people on F28 and not others is this likely to be in part a packaging issue? If so, do you know what needs to be installed to get this fixed?

If it's also because of Bug 791401, what should applications now use for secure certificate pinning if not GCR?
Comment 37 Sam Tuke 2018-10-01 08:47:53 UTC
(In reply to Daiki Ueno from comment #27)
> Not tested, but a workaround would be:
> $ mkdir -p ~/.config/pkcs11/modules
> $ curl
> ff229abca62db366c84dfe58035324f6d8ca6059/pkcs11/rpc-layer/gnome-keyring.
> > ~/.config/pkcs11/modules/gnome-keyring.module

Works for me (Fedora 28)
Comment 38 Michael Gratton 2019-01-10 06:53:43 UTC
Hi all, just an update, I'm currently landing a work around for this over at:

This should fix any problems for both people who a) don't have the GNOME-keyring PCKS#11 module ( installed - commonly those who aren't running Geary under GNOME, and also b) people that run GNOME 3.28 or later and hence were missing gnome-keyring.module.

It's looking like GCR and gnome-keyring will re-enable support for this again in 3.32, in the mean time the work around will make it in to Geary 0.13, which hopefully will be out in a week or two.

Thanks for your patience!