GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 736352
Expense Voucher adds tax automatically
Last modified: 2018-06-29 23:33:38 UTC
If an entry in an expense voucher is the same as in an invoice/bill, tax is automatically added to the expense voucher entry. When the first entry in an expense voucher adds tax automatically, this is also done to remaining entries in the same voucher. Example: Vendor Bill is created with line item: Food + tax table reference, posted to account Exp:Marketing:Dining. Let's say the tax table specifies 15% tax and the line item is 100$ - total invoice becomes 115$ - all correct and well so far. Expense voucher created on an employee, with the same Line item = Food. Tax is then calculated on all items in the voucher. Probable cause: Due to that GNUCash remembers the previous line item (=Food) it prefills the other field in the entry - my suspicion also the Tax table field which is not visible on the Expense Voucher line item Entry form. Additional line items on the Entry form inherits this tax table settings. Removing all entries on the Expense Voucher will not reset this hidden tax table link. Differences in the XML database between normal Voucher entries and the entries with tax has this XML tag <entry:b-taxtable type="guid"> Regards, Harald
I am also experiencing this problem. Very annoying.
Hi, I noticed this same problem so posted on the Gnucash forum: Will this ever be fixed because if a voucher is going to use a tax table that we have no control over then it's an unusable feature. All it requires it the Taxable and Tax Table columns to be made visible (and editable) and the problem is fixed.
I have committed a fix to maint, which means this will appear in gnucash 2.6.13. You can already test the changes if you like starting tomorrow - using the Windows nightly build - or on Fedora via this copr repository Note this fix also fixes an issue with the page margin being incorrectly added to each check's offset. If you had fiddled with the check formats to compensate for position errors, you may have to redo this when you start using gnucash 2.6.13.
GnuCash bug tracking has moved to a new Bugzilla host. This bug has been copied to Please update any external references or bookmarks.