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Bug 735818 - Empty games are not saved
Empty games are not saved
Product: gnome-sudoku
Classification: Applications
Component: general
git master
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gnome-sudoku-maint
Depends on:
Reported: 2014-09-01 16:09 UTC by amisha
Modified: 2014-09-05 16:12 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

The saved game is deleted once it is loaded in a new game. (984 bytes, patch)
2014-09-01 16:53 UTC, amisha
reviewed Details | Review
Deleting the savefile when an empty board game is closed. (1009 bytes, patch)
2014-09-02 18:51 UTC, amisha
reviewed Details | Review
Deleting the savefile when an empty board game is closed. (1.38 KB, patch)
2014-09-05 11:56 UTC, amisha
none Details | Review
Games when closed with empty board redirects to new game screen on the next run. (1.69 KB, patch)
2014-09-05 14:03 UTC, Michael Catanzaro
committed Details | Review

Description amisha 2014-09-01 16:09:19 UTC
When the game with empty board is closed ,and run again, it loads the previously saved gamed version.Though it should start with new game instead.
Comment 1 Michael Catanzaro 2014-09-01 16:26:30 UTC
If the game is empty it should not be saved; you should go straight to the New Game screen.
Comment 2 amisha 2014-09-01 16:53:02 UTC
Created attachment 285034 [details] [review]
The saved game is deleted once it is loaded in a new game.
Comment 3 Parin Porecha 2014-09-01 17:11:26 UTC
Review of attachment 285034 [details] [review]:

I'm afraid this is not the right approach.
Everytime Sudoku starts, it checks for a savefile to load the game from, and everytime Sudoku is closed, it overwrites the savegame with the progress made.

If you delete the savefile after reading it, it causes this problem -
If Sudoku crashes (or is sent a kill signal), we wouldn't have saved the progress. The next time Sudoku opens, we won't have anything to go back to !
The savegame is no longer there, so we'll no way but to start a new game. User will have lost ALL of his progress :-(

You might want to discuss your approach first :-)
Comment 4 amisha 2014-09-01 17:27:23 UTC
Yes i understand that and agree with you. Actually when the game is closed with an empty board, it doesn't save the game.In the next run it tries to load the saved game from the stack.but somewhere between we need to indicate that the last game was closed with an empty board.Therefore it should load a new game instead.Do i sound correct?
Comment 5 Parin Porecha 2014-09-01 17:30:40 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> Do i sound correct?

Yes, this is the bug exactly.
What would be your approach ?
Comment 6 amisha 2014-09-01 17:38:18 UTC
Actually i am not getting how would i give that indication when the game is closed with empty board.
Comment 7 Parin Porecha 2014-09-01 18:09:03 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
> Actually i am not getting how would i give that indication when the game is
> closed with empty board.

- Sudoku takes the user to the new game screen when a savefile isn't present.

Try to think how you would use this to solve the bug.
Comment 8 amisha 2014-09-01 18:20:39 UTC
See the savefile will have some or the other file (i mean there will be a stack of saved files) , no matter the last game was closed with an empty board or not.So it might not be appropriate to make decision from savefile existence for this bug.
Comment 9 Parin Porecha 2014-09-01 18:37:29 UTC
(In reply to comment #8)
> See the savefile will have some or the other file (i mean there will be a stack
> of saved files)

On what basis did you assume this ?
Have a look at how SudokuSaver class works. It'll clear many things up.
Comment 10 amisha 2014-09-01 19:07:45 UTC
Yes i went through that.Now i am trying to use something like if ( game.board.is_empty () ) show_new_game_screen ();
But again if i use it while loading any game, the empty game needs to be saved in that case.
And if i do not want to save empty game, i should use the above in  window.delete_event.connect.

Am i going a bit correct way?
Comment 11 Michael Catanzaro 2014-09-01 20:40:50 UTC
I think I would just delete the save file when the user clicks Clear Board; wouldn't that work?
Comment 12 amisha 2014-09-02 06:03:41 UTC
(In reply to comment #11)
> I think I would just delete the save file when the user clicks Clear Board;
> wouldn't that work?

Yes Michael that would definitely work.But using that we may left out the case when new puzzle button is pressed and that brings us a new puzzle to solve.Again if we left it with empty board then in the next run it loads the earlier state. We should do one more thing that delete the savefile after some difficulty level has been selected from new game screen. Will that be appropriate method?
Comment 13 Michael Catanzaro 2014-09-02 12:54:23 UTC
Good point, you're right.  So: delete the save file after the board is cleared, and delete the save file after a new game is started.
Comment 14 Parin Porecha 2014-09-02 13:21:36 UTC
(In reply to comment #13)
> and delete the save file after a new game is started.

We start a new game everytime Sudoku starts. Doing this will cause the problem mentioned in comment 3.
Comment 15 Parin Porecha 2014-09-02 13:23:50 UTC
Delete the savefile when a "fresh" game is started. (i.e. - via new game screen or puzzle complete dialog)
Comment 16 Parin Porecha 2014-09-02 13:32:23 UTC
Hm, this is a bit tricky.
We don't have any way to know if the board is a fresh one or the one after being cleared.

Amisha, you might want to add a flag which is set when a fresh game is started, and is reset when progress is made. Save an empty board only if the flag is set.
Comment 17 amisha 2014-09-02 14:02:46 UTC
Parin i agree with you for using some flag.But i doubt that the requirement of bug fix is something else.It needs that game should always start with a new puzzle whenever an empty board is closed(whether from clear board or from new game button).
But according to you ,there will appear the same game when empty board is closed after pressing new game button.

Or,you mean something else?
Comment 18 Parin Porecha 2014-09-02 14:20:19 UTC
No, that's exactly what I meant.

If we don't save the empty board of a fresh game, everytime Sudoku is closed, we'll be redirected to the New game screen. This will stop only when you add a value.
If Michael thinks this is fine, I'm okay with this.
Comment 19 amisha 2014-09-02 15:54:07 UTC
Okay Parin ,after the acceptance of both of you i will move ahead for the patch work. :)
Comment 20 Michael Catanzaro 2014-09-02 16:05:57 UTC
(In reply to comment #18) 
> If we don't save the empty board of a fresh game, everytime Sudoku is closed,
> we'll be redirected to the New game screen. This will stop only when you add a
> value.
> If Michael thinks this is fine, I'm okay with this.

Yes, this is what I would expect. Sudoku should never open up to an empty board, since that's equivalent to starting a new game without letting the user choose his difficulty level. It should always either load a game that was already in progress and in which the user has set at least one square or earmark, or else it should go straight to the new game screen.
Comment 21 amisha 2014-09-02 17:10:14 UTC
Well okay.Should i do one thing that, in window.delete_event.connect i make some condition like if gameboard is empty and savefile exist then delete the savefile.

Will that be fair enough?
Comment 22 amisha 2014-09-02 18:51:27 UTC
Created attachment 285162 [details] [review]
Deleting the savefile when an empty board game is closed.
Comment 23 Michael Catanzaro 2014-09-04 21:18:10 UTC
Review of attachment 285162 [details] [review]:

This looks like a good approach; just a couple small things to fix:

::: src/gnome-sudoku.vala
@@ +176,3 @@
                 saver.save_game (game);
+            if (game.board.is_empty () && savegame != null)
+                {

This block is indented wrongly; it should be four spaces.

@@ +177,3 @@
+            if (game.board.is_empty () && savegame != null)
+                {
+                    var file = File.new_for_path (saver.savegame_file);

I'm surprised this works, since savegame_file is a static member of SudokuSaver.  It's not associated with any object so you should write e.g. SudokuSaver.savegame_file and notn saver.savegame_file

I only noticed this because it caused a compiler warning. It's good to scroll up and check these before submitting a new patch:

gnome-sudoku.vala:179.51-179.69: warning: Access to static member `SudokuSaver.savegame_file' with an instance reference
                    var file = File.new_for_path (saver.savegame_file);

@@ +178,3 @@
+                {
+                    var file = File.new_for_path (saver.savegame_file);
+                    file.delete ();

gnome-sudoku.vala:180.21-180.34: warning: unhandled error `GLib.Error'
                    file.delete ();

So this should go in a try block.  In the catch block, just print a warning if the deletion fails.

    file.delete ();
catch (Error e)
    warning ("Failed to delete saved game: %s", e.message);
Comment 24 Michael Catanzaro 2014-09-04 21:23:47 UTC
Review of attachment 285162 [details] [review]:

::: src/gnome-sudoku.vala
@@ +175,3 @@
             if (game != null && !game.board.is_empty () && !game.board.complete)
                 saver.save_game (game);
+            if (game.board.is_empty () && savegame != null)

Also, this is a crash if game is null (which it will be if the game opens to the new game screen and then you exit without starting a game). Easiest thing to do would be to return early if the game is null, so that you don't have to check that in both conditions:

        window.delete_event.connect ((event) => {
            if (game == null)
                return false;

            if (!game.board.is_empty () && !game.board.complete)
                saver.save_game (game);

            if (game.board.is_empty () && savegame != null)
                    var file = File.new_for_path (saver.savegame_file);
                    file.delete ();

            return false;
Comment 25 amisha 2014-09-05 11:56:40 UTC
Created attachment 285484 [details] [review]
Deleting the savefile when an empty board game is closed.
Comment 26 Michael Catanzaro 2014-09-05 14:03:35 UTC
Created attachment 285499 [details] [review]
Games when closed with empty board redirects to new game screen on the next run.

Rebased since I just pushed a patch that conflicts with this one
Comment 27 Michael Catanzaro 2014-09-05 14:04:07 UTC
Fixed, thanks!

Attachment 285499 [details] pushed as 14f2e6c - Games when closed with empty board redirects to new game screen on the next run.
Comment 28 amisha 2014-09-05 16:12:10 UTC
Welcome Michael :)