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Bug 726479 - Crash while trying to pair with Nokia N900/N9
Crash while trying to pair with Nokia N900/N9
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: Bluetooth
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Control-Center Maintainers
Control-Center Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2014-03-16 22:00 UTC by David King
Modified: 2014-03-17 13:29 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description David King 2014-03-16 22:00:14 UTC
On current Rawhide, with control-center 3.11.91-1 and gnome-bluetooth 3.11.3-1, I get a crash when doing: system status menu->Bluetooth Settings->device which is "Not Setup". The crash occurs when the PIN confirmation dialog pops up on the N900. I do not think that is specific to the N9/N900, but I do not have any other Bluetooth devices to hand. There seems to be several retrace reports in Fedora:

It looks like a crash in gnome-bluetooth:

  • #0 g_type_check_instance_cast
    at gtype.c line 4002
  • #1 bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode
    at bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c line 105
  • #2 confirm_callback
    at bluetooth-settings-widget.c line 653
  • #3 bluetooth_agent_request_confirmation
    at bluetooth-agent.c line 227
  • #4 handle_method_call
    at bluetooth-agent.c line 408
  • #5 call_in_idle_cb
    at gdbusconnection.c line 4875
  • #6 g_main_dispatch
    at gmain.c line 3064
  • #7 g_main_context_dispatch
    at gmain.c line 3663
  • #8 g_main_context_iterate
    at gmain.c line 3734
  • #9 g_main_context_iteration
    at gmain.c line 3795
  • #10 g_application_run
    at gapplication.c line 2114
  • #11 main
    at main.c line 49
  • #1 bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode
    at bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c line 105
$1 = (BluetoothPairingDialogPrivate *) 0x22f6000
(gdb) print priv->done
$2 = 0x226dc50
(gdb) print priv->done->p
parent_instance  priv             
(gdb) print priv->done->p
parent_instance  priv             
(gdb) print priv->done->parent_instance 
$3 = {g_type_instance = {g_class = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa}, 
  ref_count = 2863311530, qdata = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa}
(gdb) print priv->done->priv
$4 = (GtkWidgetPrivate *) 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Comment 1 Bastien Nocera 2014-03-17 13:29:20 UTC
commit fbd89d228ee4ea5be291b394eee29de1040a703c
Author: Bastien Nocera <>
Date:   Mon Mar 17 14:26:45 2014 +0100

    settings: Fix crasher with latest GTK+
    The way to set headers for GtkDialogues changes, and setting
    our titlebar in _init() might cause the default GtkDialog implementation
    to overwrite our widget, eventually leading to free-after-use problems.
    Create the titlebar in constructed instead.