GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 725375
spurious frozen pane
Last modified: 2014-02-28 19:19:07 UTC
new gnumeric hide column headers save the file quit new gnumeric open the above file note that the top row is now frozen.
It also appears to be impossible to unfreeze that pane.
Confirmed. The only difference in the file between the above and a blank file is creating time and this one: - <gnm:Sheet DisplayFormulas="0" HideZero="0" HideGrid="0" HideColHeader="0" HideRowHeader="0" DisplayOutlines="1" OutlineSymbolsBelow="1" OutlineSymbolsRight="1" Visibility="GNM_SHEET_VISIBILITY_VISIBLE" GridColor="0:0:0"> + <gnm:Sheet DisplayFormulas="0" HideZero="0" HideGrid="0" HideColHeader="1" HideRowHeader="0" DisplayOutlines="1" OutlineSymbolsBelow="1" OutlineSymbolsRight="1" Visibility="GNM_SHEET_VISIBILITY_VISIBLE" GridColor="0:0:0"> So the file is right and the problem is in loading.
I encountered the problem with loading the corresponding odf file. So it comes down to: g_object_set (sheet, "display-column-header", ..., "display-row-header", ..., NULL);
GUI problem. This problem has been fixed in our software repository. The fix will go into the next software release. Thank you for your bug report.