GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 722608
[iOS 1.2.2] Moving GStream.framework cause errors
Last modified: 2016-05-22 16:57:31 UTC
Hello, I was struggle with this error over a week. I try with tutorial, templates and my own projects. If you move and change searching paths to other than "~/Library/Developer/GStreamer/iPhone.sdk" for Frameworks and "~/Library/Developer/GStreamer/iPhone.sdk/GStreamer.framework/Headers" for headers in Xcode 5. Then Xcode throw errors because he can't find or some function (in my own project) or headers (in tutorials). Solution in both cases is set those paths.
The issue comes from moving the GStreamer framework to /Library/Frameworks or from adding -F /Library/Frameworks ? Do you have the OS X framework installed too?
(In reply to comment #1) > The issue comes from moving the GStreamer framework to /Library/Frameworks or > from adding -F /Library/Frameworks ? > Do you have the OS X framework installed too? Yes I do, so the issue is that GStreamer for OSx and iOS have the same name.
Adding -F /Library/Frameworks for an iOS build is wrong, why do you need it at all?
It was added by xcode by default.
Right, I was confused with one of the debug lines you posted on the ML. We might need to rename the iOs framework if we can't find a way to avoid the name collision. Changing the order of the search paths might work though, but I haven't tried anything yet. For now, the easiest thing is to remove the framework, and drag&drop the correct iOS framework from ~/Developer/GStreamer/iPhone.sdk/GStreamer.framework
What version of XCode are you using? Are you sure you are not adding -F /Library/Frameworks manually? I have just double-checked and XCode is not adding it here. For iOS XCode should be using -F/Applications/ The values in Framework Search Paths should be: * ~/Library/Developer/GStreamer/iPhone.sdk * $(DEVELOPER_FRAMEWORKS_DIR)
I'm using Xcode 5, and atm I can't confirm for 100% that I didn't add it by myself because it's been a while since I start that project.
Well, I am using the same version of XCode and creating a test application using the template, /Library/Frameworks is not anywhere in the link path: Ld /Users/fluendo/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestApp-dyydyakxmttrqbdefowocavosdmt/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ normal i386 cd "/Users/fluendo/Documents/Test App/TestApp" setenv IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 7.0 setenv PATH "/Applications/" /Applications/ -arch i386 -isysroot /Applications/ -L/Users/fluendo/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestApp-dyydyakxmttrqbdefowocavosdmt/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator -F/Users/fluendo/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestApp-dyydyakxmttrqbdefowocavosdmt/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator -F/Users/fluendo/Library/Developer/GStreamer/iPhone.sdk -F/Applications/ -filelist /Users/fluendo/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestApp-dyydyakxmttrqbdefowocavosdmt/Build/Intermediates/ -Xlinker -objc_abi_version -Xlinker 2 -lresolv -lstdc++ -framework CoreFoundation -framework Foundation -framework AVFoundation -framework CoreMedia -framework CoreVideo -framework CoreAudio -framework AudioToolbox -framework OpenGLES -framework AssetsLibrary -framework QuartzCore -framework AssetsLibrary -fobjc-arc -fobjc-link-runtime -Xlinker -no_implicit_dylibs -mios-simulator-version-min=7.0 -framework CoreGraphics -framework GStreamer -framework UIKit -framework Foundation -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker /Users/fluendo/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestApp-dyydyakxmttrqbdefowocavosdmt/Build/Intermediates/ -o /Users/fluendo/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestApp-dyydyakxmttrqbdefowocavosdmt/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
ping? Should we close this?
Closing this bug report as no further information has been provided. Please feel free to reopen this bug report if you can provide the information that was asked for in a previous comment. Thanks!