GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 72197
gnome-terminal menu item Edit/Copy broken
Last modified: 2003-02-09 02:49:14 UTC
Package: gnome-core Severity: normal Version: gnome-core- Synopsis: gnome-terminal has no File/Copy menu item, has broken File/Paste. Bugzilla-Product: gnome-core Bugzilla-Component: gnome-terminal Description: Surely you have interface guidelines for this kind of thing? Selecting text should assert that text as the PRIMARY selection. Middle click should insert the PRIMARY selection. File/Copy should copy the selected text to the CLIPBOARD selection. File/Paste should insert the CLIPBOARD selection. Bugs: - you have no File/Copy. - File/Paste seems to insert the PRIMARY selection. Please see if this isn't immediately apparent to you. ------- Bug moved to this database by 2002-02-21 19:15 ------- Reassigning to the default owner of the component,
Edit/Copy and Edit/Paste is there now. Please file bugs on them not working properly. (
in Edit/Paste works properly (uses CLIPBOARD), but Edit/Copy only copies first character of selection (but to CLIPBOARD). selecting text and pasting with middle mouse button uses PRIMARY. in gnome-terminal for gnome2, there are no issues with copy/paste
*** Bug 57152 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Fixed in 2.0.x then
Because of the release of GNOME 2.0 and 2.2, and the lack of interest in maintainership of GNOME 1.4, the gnome-core product is being closed. If y0u feel your bug is still of relevance to GNOME 2, please reopen it and refile it against a more appropriate component. Thanks...
Argh. Apologies for the double spam. Actually closing this time.