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Bug 719817 - Sometimes mouse cannot select/draw when a tablet is connected
Sometimes mouse cannot select/draw when a tablet is connected
Product: GIMP
Classification: Other
Component: User Interface
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: GIMP Bugs
Depends on:
Reported: 2013-12-04 00:58 UTC by Jehan
Modified: 2018-05-24 14:12 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Jehan 2013-12-04 00:58:07 UTC
3 Linux users reported a mouse issue with GIMP 2.8 (one GIMP 2.8.8 with Wacom Bamboo on OpenSuse, another 2.8.2 with Intuos 5M on OpenSuse, and last self-compiled 2.8.8 with Intuos 5M on Linux Mint 15).

Discussion started here on the GIMP users list:

Symptom is that the mouse would not draw/select anything anymore. You can still use it to open menus and various GUI elements though.

Unfortunately no 100% reproduction steps has been found yet. I've experienced the issue once but never been able to reproduce it on the same machine or another.
Since already 3 people reported the same symptoms though, I'll keep this report open for now.
Comment 1 Michael Natterer 2013-12-04 01:05:31 UTC
Try "xinput list" as a starting point to figure what is happening when
you plug/unplug the tablet.

You are not trying to hotplug the device while GIMP is running? Because
that is only supported in GTK+ 3.x
Comment 2 Max Mustermann 2013-12-04 05:55:21 UTC
Reproduction on OS X 10.6.8 with a Wacom Bamboo (model nr. CTH-661): 
Both the mouse and tablet work fine - no matter if I started GIMP with the tablet attached or hot-plugged the tablet while GIMP was running.
Comment 3 Max Mustermann 2013-12-04 05:58:07 UTC
Addition: I tested with Claytons 2.8.7 test build from 11.10.2013, that's the latest that works on my platform.
Comment 4 Jehan 2013-12-04 06:26:14 UTC
Mitch: no we were not trying to hoplug the device while GIMP was running. Also how would it prevent the mouse from drawing or selecting? Usually hotplugging would make that the device was not recognized with its specificities. But it can still work at least like a generic pointer in all my tests.
In any case, both devices were attached before starting GIMP.

Sven: sorry I did not understand. Are you saying you could reproduce on OSX or not?
Comment 5 Max Mustermann 2013-12-04 19:44:55 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> Sven: sorry I did not understand. Are you saying you could reproduce on OSX or
> not?

I could not reproduce it on OS X.
Comment 6 Michael Natterer 2013-12-04 20:48:18 UTC
This bug is linux-only.
Comment 7 Jehan 2013-12-04 22:28:37 UTC
Yeah I think so. The 3 people who reported it were all Linux users.
Comment 8 Max Mustermann 2013-12-05 04:24:19 UTC
Yes, that's what I wanted to say with my comment. Sorry, if it wasn't clear enough.

> do you know how frustrating it is to see such stabbing after one has mentioned "hey, iirc we had this bug before, in X/linuxwacom" twice on irc?
The discussion must have been when I was not in IRC, at least not at the time in the morning when I was there and commented this bug.

Do you know how frustrating it is to see such stabbing after one spends hours on finding, reporting and triaging bugs, thinking how things can be improved (even if not everything end it into immediately visible results), writing patches and wiki pages and neglecting other important parts of ones live? Perhaps Bugzilla is for some elitist people who can afford to set their wits to work for peanuts. It's not against you, Mitch and Jehan, but to people who write such shit in IRC.
Comment 9 Jehan 2013-12-05 05:59:55 UTC
Hi Sven,

Sorry, I am completely lost. I have no idea whatsoever of what you are talking about. Maybe I missed something on IRC too?

What you wrote in your comment 8, is it something relative to this bug? Is it a quote of someone else? (There seems to be some quote, but not sure what is what) What is it?

In any case, I honestly does not understand what your last comment is about.
Comment 10 Michael Natterer 2013-12-05 08:06:47 UTC
Jehan, that last comment from Sven has nothing to do with you.
Comment 11 Michael Schumacher 2013-12-05 08:54:57 UTC
Uh... didn't realize that my comment on IRC could be understood that way. Sorry about this, a personal attack was not intended in any way.

What the frustration mentioned above stems from is the following:

- a bug is reported that reads really similar to a problem (even a somewhat common one) we had in the past

- it is treated like a totally new bug, i.e. comments make stabs at finding out more information. this is good, but it may be misleading if there has to be some previous analysis of the problem is something I remember reading about, but I am still pretty sure that this has been traced back to a / linuxwacom configuration setting or bug, but I can't find anything about that so far. And that was what I'd like to have seen being discussed on IRC before, because is is equally misleading to just add my speculations without any data to back it up.
Comment 12 chriemmy 2017-03-07 20:06:49 UTC

Could it be you were talking about this problem?:
1. Use GIMP with tablet (in my case Genius G-pen F509) and mouse
2. Begin to draw with the pen 
3. Then try to use mouse (CTRL+wheel to zoom or draw) and nothing happens
4. Leave canvas area with cursor
5. Re-enter canvas and all blocked mouse functionality is available now

It's the same on GIMP 2.8.20 for Windows and GIMP 2.8.20 in Fedora 25. Discussion here: <a href=""></a>
Comment 13 chriemmy 2017-03-07 20:22:29 UTC
Sorry, in Fedora it can be fixed only by unpluging tablet or disabling it in Input Devices.
Comment 14 GNOME Infrastructure Team 2018-05-24 14:12:41 UTC
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