GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 718504
support Ubuntu Online Accounts
Last modified: 2017-05-29 19:06:57 UTC
---- Reported by 2012-07-30 11:31:00 -0700 ---- Original Redmine bug id: 5596 Original URL: Searchable id: yorba-bug-5596 Original author: Adam Dingle Original description: Ubuntu has patched Shotwell to use Ubuntu Online Accounts for authentication. We may wish to move this code into the Shotwell trunk. Lucas wrote about this: I had an hour-long meeting with David King earlier today on this topic too. Going forward, if we want to integrate these changes into our upstream repo, it looks like we'll have to develop a relationship with both their Web Applications engineering and Desktop Experience design teams. For example, there's some special UI stuff we will have to do if a token has become expired. Related issues: related to shotwell - Feature #5597: possibly support GNOME Online Accounts (Open) ---- Additional Comments From shotwell-maint@gnome.bugs 2013-04-03 17:20:00 -0700 ---- ### History #### #1 Updated by Adam Dingle over 1 year ago * **Description** updated (diff) #### #2 Updated by Adam Dingle over 1 year ago * **Target version** deleted (<strike>_0.13_</strike>) #### #3 Updated by Adam Dingle over 1 year ago * **Assignee** set to _Lucas Beeler_ #### #4 Updated by David King over 1 year ago There is a branch on Launchpad containing changes to port Shotwell to UOA. It is a little bit out of date, but is what we used to demo the functionality: only3 Any comments would be useful, but please also see my email to the Shotwell mailing lis, as that might also be a good place for discussiont: #### #5 Updated by Ken VanDine about 1 year ago * **File** 06_uoa.patch added Attaching the patch that we have applied to the shotwell it quantal. #### #6 Updated by Adam Dingle about 1 year ago * **Tracker** changed from _Bug_ to _Feature_ * **Target version** set to _0.13_ #### #7 Updated by Adam Dingle about 1 year ago Shotwell 0.12.90 including the UOA patch has landed in Quantal, but seems to be broken. See #### #8 Updated by Adam Dingle about 1 year ago It's slowly dawning on me that maybe Shotwell in Quantal is behaving as Ubuntu intended. As I wrote on the downstream bug: > I ran Shotwell, selected a photo and pressed Publish, and Shotwell offered Pigiwo as the only publishing destination. Then I started Online Accounts and added a Facebook account. Now when I run Shotwell I see Facebook listed as a publishing destination in addition to Piwigo. So: is this the expected behavior? The user must create accounts for Facebook/Flickr/Google in Online Accounts, and before they do so those destinations are not expected to show up in Shotwell? #### #9 Updated by David King about 1 year ago Adam Dingle wrote: > So: is this the expected behavior? The user must create accounts for Facebook/Flickr/Google in Online Accounts, and before they do so those destinations are not expected to show up in Shotwell? HI Adam, yes this is broadly correct. The intention with UOA is that all global account management (creating and deleting accounts, disabling accounts, editing global settings, reauthenticating OAuth accounts, etc.) should be delegated to the UOA panel in the control center. For this purpose, the control center can be started with the UOA panel shown, and even with a particular account selected (for example, if there is a problem with the account) or with account and providers shown filtered by the application (such as Shotwell). I wrote a developer quickstart guide which contains most of this material, so I will try to get that published soon. In the case of no accounts being configured, trying to publish a photo should likely just popup the UOA panel with the ‘Add account…’ option selected. Adding further accounts could be done by calling out to the UOA panel, maybe when an ‘Add account’ option was selected inside Shotwell. I will try to get some feedback from our designers to you on how they see that process, but if you have strong opinions yourself then it would be great to hear them. #### #10 Updated by Adam Dingle about 1 year ago * **Assignee** deleted (<strike>_Lucas Beeler_</strike>) We discussed in a meeting with Ubuntu. For Quantal, they plan to make a number of changes to address the usability problems with the existing Ubuntu Online Accounts integration. See For Quantal+1, we plan to work together to refactor the UOA integration code to allow it to land upstream. #### #11 Updated by Adam Dingle about 1 year ago * **Subject** changed from _possibly support Ubuntu Online Accounts_ to _support Ubuntu Online Accounts_ * **Target version** changed from _0.13_ to _0.14.0_ We'd like to merge the Ubuntu Online Accounts code into the Shotwell trunk at some point, but not for 0.13. #### #12 Updated by Jim Nelson 11 months ago * **Category** set to _web-sharing_ #### #13 Updated by Jim Nelson 11 months ago * **Target version** changed from _0.14.0_ to _0.15.0_ #### #14 Updated by Jim Nelson 8 months ago * **Target version** deleted (<strike>_0.15.0_</strike>) --- Bug imported by 2013-11-25 21:57 UTC --- This bug was previously known as _bug_ 5596 at Imported an attachment (id=262378) Unknown version " in product shotwell. Setting version to "!unspecified". Unknown milestone "unknown in product shotwell. Setting to default milestone for this product, "---". Setting qa contact to the default for this product. This bug either had no qa contact or an invalid one. Resolution set on an open status. Dropping resolution