GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 716790
Support writing metadata to RAW formats
Last modified: 2018-06-01 09:24:37 UTC
---- Reported by 2010-09-29 17:57:00 -0700 ---- Original Redmine bug id: 2622 Original URL: Searchable id: yorba-bug-2622 Original author: Jim Nelson Original description: Exiv2 supports limited writing of metadata to certain RAW file formats. Shotwell's current implementation does not support writing metadata to RAW files at all. A better approach would be to write metadata to RAW files if Exiv2 supports it. Related issues: related to shotwell - Feature #3018: convert RAW photos to DNG (Open) related to shotwell - Feature #1879: Metadata in sidecar file (Open) ---- Additional Comments From shotwell-maint@gnome.bugs 2013-05-16 14:44:00 -0700 ---- ### History #### #1 Updated by Adam Dingle about 3 years ago * **Priority** deleted (<strike>_High_</strike>) #### #2 Updated by Jim Nelson almost 3 years ago 1. # is related to this. #### #3 Updated by Simon Spannagel almost 3 years ago Please, please don't do that. I would not like Shotwell to write ANYTHING into a RAW file. The original RAW files are something almost holy for a photographer – that's why all the raw development programs out there use the XMP sidecar files. Using those you never have a writing access to the RAW image and have no risk to destroy it. So in my opinion i would be great to make Shotwell able to read and write at least tags to XMP sidecar files since it can then serve as a really good management tool for RAW photographs even if they are developed somewhere (e.g. in darktable). Just my 2 cents… #### #4 Updated by Jim Nelson almost 3 years ago Hi smn, This would be an optional feature. It has been requested by some users, but we understand that not all users would want this. You would have to enable this in the Preferences dialog for any writing to occur. #### #5 Updated by Simon Spannagel almost 3 years ago Okay, then, if some want to… :) #### #6 Updated by Jonathon Watney almost 3 years ago Will this apply to DNG files as well? I'd really like the option to add metadata to those and avoid XMP sidecar files. #### #7 Updated by Adam Dingle almost 3 years ago Yes, I think that writing metadata to DNG files would be great. See also #3018. #### #8 Updated by Jim Nelson 10 months ago * **Description** updated (diff) * **Category** set to _metadata_ * **Priority** changed from _Low_ to _Normal_ * **Target version** set to _0.15.0_ #### #9 Updated by Lucas Beeler 8 months ago * **Subject** changed from _Support writing metadata to RAW formats_ to _[interim] Support writing metadata to RAW formats_ This could be just as easy as flipping a switch (or fleshing out a list of file extensions or mime types). Marking as do-able in the 0.14-0.15 interim period. #### #10 Updated by Jim Nelson 8 months ago * **Subject** changed from _[interim] Support writing metadata to RAW formats_ to _Support writing metadata to RAW formats_ * **Target version** changed from _0.15.0_ to _0.16.0_ This will be a larger feature and has some risks. We won't get to this for 0.15. #### #11 Updated by Jim Nelson 6 months ago * **Target version** deleted (<strike>_0.16.0_</strike>) --- Bug imported by 2013-11-25 21:47 UTC --- This bug was previously known as _bug_ 2622 at Unknown version " in product shotwell. Setting version to "!unspecified". Unknown milestone "unknown in product shotwell. Setting to default milestone for this product, "---". Setting qa contact to the default for this product. This bug either had no qa contact or an invalid one. Resolution set on an open status. Dropping resolution
*** Bug 729281 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I would lean towards closing this ticket as won't fix and only offer sidecar files as per bug 716228. Or hide this option behinda "ARE YOU REALLY REALLY SURE THAT YOU WANT TO DO THAT" dialog.
Won't fix. Writing to RAW files is to fragile, XMP sidecar files offer the more rubust option here.