GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 716315
allow deleting photos from camera independent of import
Last modified: 2021-05-19 11:59:33 UTC
---- Reported by shotwell-maint@gnome.bugs 2010-07-07 15:33:00 -0700 ---- Original Redmine bug id: 2257 Original URL: Searchable id: yorba-bug-2257 Original author: Jani Monoses Original description: I did an import which crashed at the end, so did not ask whether to delete the photos from the media. It would be helpful to allow deleting selected photos from the camera/SD card before or after importing. Related issues: duplicated by shotwell - Feature #2547: Add the possibilty to delete a photo in the camera (indep... (Duplicate) duplicated by shotwell - Feature #6806: Suggestion: allow image deletion from the preview page. (Duplicate) ---- Additional Comments From shotwell-maint@gnome.bugs 2013-10-06 12:55:00 -0700 ---- ### History #### #1 Updated by Jim Nelson over 3 years ago Shotwell does offer to delete imported photos from the camera at the end of the import process. Of course, that's not real useful if it crashes before then. I'd like to know more about this crash. Can you reproduce it? If you could run Shotwell from the command prompt as so: % SHOTWELL_LOG=1 gdb shotwell then type “run†at the (gdb) prompt. (This assumes you have gdb installed.) If/when the program crashes, type this at the prompt: (gdb) where and attach that output and the Shotwell log file to this ticket (the log is at ~/.cache/shotwell/shotwell.log), that would be great. #### #2 Updated by Jim Nelson over 3 years ago * **Priority** set to _High_ #### #3 Updated by Jani Monoses over 3 years ago this was the crash I filed an issue about yesterday (file deleted from library but the thumbnail still there), and which aborted with Upload error while trying to export it to picasaweb. I sent a patch to a at print out the whole error message – file not found. I had deleted the file because at one point – due to another crash caused by disk full – I had had photos reimported multiple times and being named XXX.%(=caps)PNG% XXX_1.%(=caps)PNG% XXX_2.%(=caps)PNG% at each try. I deleted some of the duplicates in the Photo library outside shotwell, but the thumbnails remained. I tried renaming the title (this is why it would have helped to have the rename text entry prefilled, I only wanted to remove _1 or _2 from the titles). Now I see that title and underlying file are not coupled, so the file in the photo DB still points to an inexistent file. I think all issues I had with shotwell stem from that original failed import on disk full. Both crashes so far left shotwell in an inconsistent state, so in general using error() may not be the best solution. #### #4 Updated by Jim Nelson over 3 years ago I see -- yes, we should do more testing under disk-full situations. The problem of Shotwell still showing a thumbnail for a file that's been deleted is something we're addressing in 0.7 with #374. #### #5 Updated by Adam Dingle over 3 years ago * **Subject** changed from _allow deleting photos from camera independent of import_ to _[strings] allow deleting photos from camera independent of import_ #### #6 Updated by Adam Dingle over 3 years ago * **Subject** changed from _[strings] allow deleting photos from camera independent of import_ to _allow deleting photos from camera independent of import_ #### #7 Updated by Jani Monoses about 3 years ago What should the UI for deleting photos allow? -delete everything already imported from camera in one step (full cleanup) and/or -delete any selected subset of already imported (partial cleanup) and/or -delete anything selected from the camera, including not imported (full flexibility & possible accidental data loss) #### #8 Updated by Jim Nelson about 3 years ago Regarding the third option, that could be achieved by using the “Hide already imported photos†checkbox. I think the first two and this existing feature would cover the bases. #### #9 Updated by Adam Dingle about 3 years ago * **Priority** deleted (<strike>_High_</strike>) * **Tracker** changed from _Bug_ to _Feature_ #### #10 Updated by Jeremy Nickurak over 2 years ago * **Description** updated (diff) "Hide already imported photos" doesn't really cover this. When you've got garbage photos on your camera/card, you just want to get rid of them, to make space for more (hopefully) less garbage photos. As it sits, in order to delete a picture you never want to see again, you have to import it, delete it from the popup, and then delete it again from your library. It would be much nicer to just be able to select a set of photos on the camera/card, and delete them permanently. #### #11 Updated by Adam Dingle over 2 years ago * **Priority** changed from _Low_ to _Normal_ #### #12 Updated by Adam Dingle about 2 years ago * **Priority** changed from _Normal_ to _High_ I would also find it useful to be able to delete photos from a camera directly. #### #13 Updated by Jim Nelson 11 months ago * **Target version** set to _0.14.0_ #### #14 Updated by Jim Nelson 11 months ago * **Category** set to _camera_ #### #15 Updated by Jim Nelson 10 months ago * **Target version** changed from _0.14.0_ to _0.15.0_ #### #16 Updated by Jim Nelson 6 months ago * **Target version** deleted (<strike>_0.15.0_</strike>) #### #17 Updated by Richard B. Kreckel about 1 month ago * **Description** updated (diff) Why not just add a context menu item "Delete permanently" for items on cameras? I have a habit of leaving some photos on the camera so other members of my family can import them later. When everybody is done and I want to clean up, it turns out that I cannot do it with shotwell. This is because in order to delete them I must import them first but shotwell won't import them because it finds they are duplicates. :-( Then I have to resort to Nautilus for deleting. Quite inconvenient. --- Bug imported by 2013-11-25 21:45 UTC --- This bug was previously known as _bug_ 2257 at Unknown version " in product shotwell. Setting version to "!unspecified". Unknown milestone "unknown in product shotwell. Setting to default milestone for this product, "---". Setting qa contact to the default for this product. This bug either had no qa contact or an invalid one. Resolution set on an open status. Dropping resolution
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