GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 716301
Add support to select multiple tags
Last modified: 2021-05-19 11:58:59 UTC
---- Reported by shotwell-maint@gnome.bugs 2010-07-14 13:28:00 -0700 ---- Original Redmine bug id: 2275 Original URL: Searchable id: yorba-bug-2275 Original author: Jozef Mares Original description: I would really enjoy this new feature in Shotwell: I have many photos tagged. I have for example these tags: New York, Park, Friends, Fun I would like to select all photos which have these tags: New York, Fun. I will click (with CTRL key for example) to tag New York and then Fun. Shotewell will show me all photos tagged by both of tags. I think this improvement will not hurt perfectly clear UI design of Shotwell and will add this great feature to "advanced users". Related issues: related to shotwell - 4031: Most sidebar items are now drag-droppable, but don't need... (Duplicate) related to shotwell - 4048: tag hierarchy modification is not keyboard accessible (Open) duplicated by shotwell - Feature #4486: there should be an search/filter where multple tags can c... (Duplicate) duplicated by shotwell - Feature #3616: Select Multiple tags for view photos (Duplicate) duplicated by shotwell - Feature #6153: Tag Manager (Duplicate) duplicated by shotwell - Feature #4670: Select multiple tags (Duplicate) ---- Additional Comments From shotwell-maint@gnome.bugs 2013-09-07 20:42:00 -0700 ---- ### History #### #1 Updated by Adam Dingle over 3 years ago Jozef, thanks for filing this ticket – several users have asked for this. This is a reasonable idea. I don't think we'll have time to implement this for 0.7 (coming next month), but it's a strong candidate for a release soon after that. #### #2 Updated by Luca Clemenzi over 3 years ago When you will work to implement this feature, please think about implementing also a NOT function for selecting multiple tags. I'll explain with an example. Suppose that I have: some photos tagged: “New York, Fun†some photos tagged: “New York, Work†some photos tagged: “New York, Sport†some photos tagged: “New York, Dance†some photos tagged: “New York, Shopping†It is reasonable that sometimes I want to see all the photos concerning New York, but I don't want to see photos concerning Work (they are so boring!)… it will be interesting to have a feature in shotwell to select all photos tagged “New York†and NOT tagged with “Work†I know that implementing this feature without hurting the clear UI design is more difficult than what proposed by Jozef, but maybe is possible ;-) Best regards #### #3 Updated by Adam Dingle over 3 years ago @clem: Note that we have a separate ticket (#1587) for letting the user perform complex searches. Once that ticket is implemented, you'll be able to combine criteria using in any way you like using NOT, AND or OR operations. This ticket describes a simpler search mechanism that would let the user select multiple tags in the sidebar to perform an AND. We may possibly implement both these features. #### #4 Updated by Berteh - over 3 years ago Complex queries is a must have, to me too. Would you mind taking a look at MetaTracker, a possible backend that would provide for great features such as metadata parsing, tagging and complex queries… all at once. I'd love to see Shotwell and Tracker integrated for it is my Desktop search engine… so having photos tags not available without “exporting†them first would be a pitty. #### #5 Updated by Jim Nelson over 3 years ago Tracker support is something we're considering: #1890 #### #6 Updated by Berteh - over 3 years ago By the way complex queries would make additional mechanisms such as “rejected†useless… that is worth a lot to me in terms of usability where less (cumbersome) is more (efficiency). Anyone could have his own interpretation of “rejected†or “favorite†based on a combination of tags and treshold on score… for instance. #### #7 Updated by Jim Nelson about 3 years ago * **Subject** changed from _Add suport to select by multiple tags_ to _Add support to select multiple tags_ #### #8 Updated by Sean van Buggenum almost 3 years ago Yes please. In fact, I had naively assumed that this was part of the whole benefit of 'tagging'. That one can do quick intersections, or unions on tags. I understand the 'idea' of allowing complex searches, perhaps via some other mechanism, but could I suggest the following; 1. Intersection be the simple default action when using ctrl-key or shift /mouse-click combination in selecting multiple tags (as it is what most people would expect) 2. Once tag selection is made (and intersection is already showing), left- mouse-click on one of the selected tags to trigger context sensitive menu would uncover the option to modify the default action, to; a) simple union b) more complex search (which then brings up an extra dialog allowing the individual union/intersection/%(=caps)NOT%) on the selected tags. At the least, intersection and union should be quick and simple tasks, I would think. Great software, great interface, almost there ;) #### #9 Updated by Adam Dingle about 2 years ago * **Description** updated (diff) * **Priority** changed from _Low_ to _High_ * **Target version** set to _0.12_ Some users have pointed out that now that with our hierarchical tags implementation in 0.11, there's no easy way to move lots of existing tags under a new parent tag: they must drag and drop them one by one. This could be quite awkward if a user has a large number of existing tags. I think the most natural way to allow this operation in Shotwell would be to let the user select multiple tags in the sidebar, at which point they could drag and drop them as a group. As it turns out, that's an operation which many users have asked for even without hierarchical tags, so I now we think we have all the more reason to implement this. I think we should make this happen for 0.12. The simplest approach here is that selecting multiple tags will display all photos with all those tags (i.e. a logical intersection). #### #10 Updated by Adam Dingle almost 2 years ago * **Target version** deleted (<strike>_0.12_</strike>) #### #11 Updated by Freddie Exall almost 2 years ago * **Description** updated (diff) While the simplest approach you describe (actually a logical union, not intersection) neatly fits the other problem of arranging tags my assumption would be that selecting multiple tags would perform the logical intersection (display photos which have ALL selected tags). Is this just me? #### #12 Updated by Sean van Buggenum almost 2 years ago No, it is not just you. I would expect the selecting of multiple tags to produce the logical intersection of the photo collection. That is; if I had many photos, some tagged; 'New york', 'Fun', 'New york', 'Sad', 'New york', 'Work', and I were to select both 'New york' and 'Fun' tags, I would then see only those photos that were tagged with both 'New york' and 'Fun'. In fact, just as the search (ctrl-f) in version 0.10.1 works now. As I use shotwell, I realize that my initial interest in the feature this issue tries to describe drops, as the search functionality basically achieves all I ever needed. And the behaviour when selecting the actual tags from the tree pane on the left, should stay as is (I am guessing it was never meant to be used as a search function per se). In version 0.10.1, if I use the ctrl-f search function, and type in two tags in this search box, shotwell will show me an intersection of those two tags. If I were to ask for an improvement in the search functionality, I would provide two things (maybe the two others as well): 1. a checkbox next to the search (ctrl-f) which lets you toggle between intersection and union (with intersection being default, and the application remembering your last check-box usage) 2. an advanced search dialog box, which lets you construct a more complicated select (i.e., ('New york' AND 'Fun' AND NOT 'Central Park')) 3 (maybe). the Search itself could be suggestion assisted (i.e., as you type more than 2 letters, it could show a list of existing tags which start with those letters you have typed. 4. a tip at application start-up, which helps new users figure out how to use shotwell correctly (including using search, and not the tag list on the left, for doing searches) And the current behaviour of the tag items in the tree pane on the left should just stay the same, because it is anyway too difficult to scroll through all the tags you eventually accumulate and click multiple of these. Not usable. #### #13 Updated by Adam Dingle over 1 year ago * **Target version** set to _0.13_ #### #14 Updated by Adam Dingle over 1 year ago * **Target version** deleted (<strike>_0.13_</strike>) #### #15 Updated by Jim Nelson 11 months ago * **Target version** set to _0.14.0_ #### #16 Updated by Jim Nelson 11 months ago * **Category** set to _tags_ #### #17 Updated by Jim Nelson 11 months ago * **Target version** changed from _0.14.0_ to _0.15.0_ #### #18 Updated by Sean van Buggenum 11 months ago Additional note for potential/future implementer: I recently had a need to do a search for a specific set of photos, and discovered that even with the 'saved search' I was unable to produce what I required. My father, recently deceased, had been very sick for 6 months before this. I tagged all photos of him during these 6 months as 'sick'. Then I wanted to create a search set of photos of both my mum and my dad. I.e. NOT photos which have both tags dad and mum (intersection), but a union of the photos ('dad', 'mum', and 'mum, dad') but didn't include those photos when he was sick ('sick'). I hoped I could use the 'saved search' function to do an 'any' search, with: 1. tag matches 'mum' 2. tag matches 'dad' 3. tag doesn't match 'sick' yet it didn't work as hoped. Any combination (any, all (didn't expect 'all' to work)) didn't bring me success. the only way I was in the end able to do any such search, is to search: any 'mum' and 'dad', rate all the non-sick photos better than the 'sick' photos, and filter using the rating. Ok, so I eventually did it, but it was not easy. Highlighted for me just how much a proper solution in shotwell for search, be it saved or on the fly, would be really helpful. #### #19 Updated by Jim Nelson 8 months ago * **Target version** changed from _0.15.0_ to _0.16.0_ #### #20 Updated by Jim Nelson 6 months ago * **Target version** deleted (<strike>_0.16.0_</strike>) #### #21 Updated by Gregg 128 2 months ago Any news on this topic ? I need this feature too. Thank you. --- Bug imported by 2013-11-25 21:45 UTC --- This bug was previously known as _bug_ 2275 at Unknown version " in product shotwell. Setting version to "!unspecified". Unknown milestone "unknown in product shotwell. Setting to default milestone for this product, "---". Setting qa contact to the default for this product. This bug either had no qa contact or an invalid one. Resolution set on an open status. Dropping resolution
Hi, this feature request was reported almost 5 years ago. It is one of the features that "forces" me to still use F-Spot. Please make this a priority! Thanx a lot. Cheers, d.
This is a major problem for me. I sometimes import tens of thousands of photos temporarily. Somehow some tags are getting imported as well, and then I have to delete them one at a time by hand, either right-clicking the context menu or using the tags menu. It's really aggravating.
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