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Bug 712192 - file-export update
file-export update
Product: GIMP
Classification: Other
Component: User Interface
git master
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: 2.8
Assigned To: Jehan
Depends on:
Reported: 2013-11-13 02:25 UTC by Jehan
Modified: 2013-12-08 15:23 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Patch (9.68 KB, patch)
2013-11-13 02:25 UTC, Jehan
none Details | Review
Updated patch. Just export labels and actions renamed. (8.57 KB, patch)
2013-11-13 11:56 UTC, Jehan
none Details | Review
New patch. (10.15 KB, patch)
2013-11-14 01:25 UTC, Jehan
none Details | Review

Description Jehan 2013-11-13 02:25:27 UTC
Created attachment 259709 [details] [review]


following up on the discussion on the dev ml where Peter Sikking had some update propositions.
I acted up on them, and implemented, with some additional propositions to be reviewed.
Peter Sikking's message:

Extract of relevant part:
reviewing the situation, I see that the straightforward solution
is to relabel

Export... -> Export As... (in all states)

“Export to” -> Export (when no export target)

you can see that this achieves perfect mirroring of
Save and Save As...

“Export to” and “Overwrite” stay as-is,
they work well with Export As...

So the attached patch made the change.
Since now we say "Export As", I thought that “Export to” should rather be “Export as”. If that was really a mistake (especially with the last line of Peter's saying), well easy to change back. Just tell me.
The patch makes:
"Export" -> "Export As..." (all states)
"Export to" -> "Export" (no export target) or "Export as foo.png" (previously exported to foo.png)

Also I noticed that "Save" was always just "Save". So I update it to "Save as foo.xcf" when the file has already been saved (mimick Export behavior).

Finally I also update the action's names to file-export and file-export-as (mimmick file-save and file-save-as). Of course, to not mess up user's shortcuts, I migrate their old shortcut when migrating their menurc to the new naming (with the migration system I wrote earlier).
Comment 1 Mike Henning (drawoc) 2013-11-13 03:00:00 UTC
Maybe I'm wrong, but it looks like the migration stuff in here is broken if it is run twice.

<Actions>/file/file-export-to is converted, on the first run, to <Actions>/file/file-export. The next migration would change <Actions>/file/file-export to <Actions>/file/file-export-as.

Therefore, <Actions>/file/file-export-to becomes <Actions>/file/file-export-as when the migration is run the second time, which is not the intended effect.

Also, most of the migration stuff has testcases in app/tests. Adding a testcase for menurc migration might be appropriate.
Comment 2 Jehan 2013-11-13 03:19:07 UTC

By definition, it can be run only once. How would it be possible to run the migration twice? If such a thing happens, that's a definite bug, because it means GIMP could overwrite your new settings!
Comment 3 Jehan 2013-11-13 03:24:49 UTC
Also, even though it did happen (note that I never saw such a case, but I assume), what you say would not happen. I remind we don't modify files inplace in the config migration. We copy them (and the copy may be updated to new type of settings). So *if* the migration was to be run twice, we would still end up with the right action naming (there would still be user setting data loss, of any settings made *after* migration, so that's a bad bug. But not the one you talk about).
Comment 4 Mike Henning (drawoc) 2013-11-13 03:28:44 UTC
Suppose a user upgrades from 2.8 to 2.10. The migration is run.

Now, suppose gimp 3.0 is released, and the user upgrades from 2.10 to 3.0. The migration will be run again. Right?
Comment 5 Jehan 2013-11-13 04:00:06 UTC
As answered on IRC:

16:57 < Jehan_ZeMarmot> drawoc: this is the code for 2.10 with specific rules. The rules for 3.0 will be different, and so on.
16:58 < Jehan_ZeMarmot> By definition of the config files migration, as it evolves, the rules evolve too.
16:59 < Jehan_ZeMarmot> For instance right now, we don't migrate menurc from before 2.0.
16:59 < Jehan_ZeMarmot> Every version may have particularities.
Comment 6 peter sikking 2013-11-13 10:49:06 UTC
Sorry Jehan, no. you change too much and I must say, with devastating effect.

first of all I did my job and updated the spec:


checked 98 occurrences of “export” (twice) and updated to the new situation.

in a nutshell, all it is is a string change.

Export... -> Export As...

(no other changes to this menu item or the code behind it.

“Export to” -> Export (when no export target)

(this is the menu item where “Export to” and “Overwrite” are swapped in as appropriate)

do not touch the Save menu items, they work fine, as-is, since 1984. Save is for the main window content and the name of that is in the title bar of that main window.

and that is it.
Comment 7 Jehan 2013-11-13 11:16:07 UTC
Sent by email:

Ok. I'll simplify the patch.

Should I change the action's names to follow their label? In
particular "Export" would correspond to "file-export" and "Export
As..." corresponds to "file-export-as" (otherwise we would end up in
the strange situation where "Export" <=> "file-export-to" and "Export
As..." <=> "file-export").
Or you care only about UI, not action names, and I should ask Mitch for this?
Comment 8 Michael Natterer 2013-11-13 11:32:24 UTC
Yes, the action names and internal enum names should also change, or
we have a lot a confusion. The functionality doesn't change
Comment 9 Jehan 2013-11-13 11:56:23 UTC
Created attachment 259728 [details] [review]
Updated patch. Just export labels and actions renamed.

Hop new patch!
Comment 10 Mike Henning (drawoc) 2013-11-14 00:41:24 UTC
Jehan, since your proposed fix is to only do this new migration step for config files that are migrated from 2.8 (I think that's what you're suggesting), do you think you could add that check to the code now? It would make me feel better, and I don't see any reason not to.
Comment 11 Jehan 2013-11-14 00:44:32 UTC
Were the actions "file-export" and "file-export-to" only available since 2.8? I guess so since the save/export change appeared in 2.8, but just to be sure.
Comment 12 Mike Henning (drawoc) 2013-11-14 00:58:19 UTC
It looks like they were introduced in this commit:
which does not appear to be in 2.6.

2.7 (development release) also had these actions though. So, I suppose the filter should be applied to 2.7/2.8.

Really, you could just make it apply to anything <= 2.8, if that's simpler.
Comment 13 Jehan 2013-11-14 01:25:10 UTC
Created attachment 259777 [details] [review]
New patch.

Yeah I just checkout the gimp-2-6 branch and grep-ed "file-export". No result.
As for 2.7, it does not matter. That was a dev branch. We don't care about dev branch's config files and never migrate them. What was in dev stays in dev. :-)

See the migration code:
for (i = (GIMP_MINOR_VERSION & ~1); i >= 0; i -= 2)

Attached updated patch with version check.
Comment 14 Mike Henning (drawoc) 2013-11-14 02:26:01 UTC
Looks good to me. (although, this patch cannot be merged back to 2.8, so if we want to backport it, we'll have to just do a strings change and leave the other code alone.)
Comment 15 Jehan 2013-11-17 10:05:40 UTC
So? Should I push it?

For a simple string change on 2.8, yes I can do this of course.
Comment 16 Michael Natterer 2013-11-17 13:04:40 UTC
Forgot about this, will review asap
Comment 17 Michael Natterer 2013-11-17 13:41:53 UTC
The patch looks fine, please push. You are the expert in the new
migration voodoo tho, I trust this does what it should.
Comment 18 Jehan 2013-11-17 21:00:32 UTC
It does what it should, and if not, that can be fixed. :-)
Anyway I guess I should write some test for it. I'll put this on my TODO.

commit 4b14ed2e5e0c5a83df361814c4c8286079f60989
Author: Jehan <>
Date:   Wed Nov 13 15:15:45 2013 +1300

    file-export* labels and actions renamed.
    Follows updated save+export specification.
    For renamed actions (file-export and file-export-to respectively to
    file-export-as and file-export to mimick file-save*), menurc from
    GIMP 2.8 will be correctly migrated.

I've also pushed a 2.8 commit with only the string changes, as proposed by Drawoc:

commit 3097b94e614841150c6790c1932f85b51a261812
Author: Jehan <>
Date:   Mon Nov 18 09:44:10 2013 +1300

    file-export* labels renamed.
    Follows updated save+export specification.
    Partial implementation of commit 4b14ed2. The full commit also renames
    the actions for consistency.

But I realize just now this might not be appropriate since you said that there should be no string change in the stable branch. Was it a mistake? Should I cancel the 2.8 commit?
Anyway if that was a mistake, just tell me, I'll revert the patch, I guess.