GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 711363
in SEPA transfers gnucash silently ignores error messages in the banks reply
Last modified: 2018-06-29 23:20:52 UTC
If the bank does not accept a transfer due to an error it gives a error message which is silently ignored. Gnucashs XML file as well as the account view look like an successful transfer, and the user will get aware of the failure not before the bank statement shows that nothing was transfered, unless he carefully checks the log in the "Onlinebanking connection window". The only difference between an successful and a failed transfer are two lines successful: HBCI: 0010 - Nachricht entgegengenommen. (M) (eng: message accepted) HBCI: 0010 - Auftrag entgegengenommen. (S) (eng: order accepted) failed: HBCI: 9050 - Die Nachricht enthält Fehler. (M) HBCI: 9210 - Der von Ihnen erstellte Auftrag ist für diese Kontoart nicht zulässig. (S) (in english something like: HBCI: 9050 - The message contains errors HBCI: 9210 - the order you submitted is not allowed for this type of account) Another example for the second line: HBCI: 9210 - Die Empfänger IBAN ist nicht korrekt. (S) (eng: recipients IBAN is incorrect)
Created attachment 258885 [details] the logfile of the transfer
*** Bug 711362 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Reassigned to aqbanking. The "Import" in the component name is confusing.
Severity critical as it can cause money loss. So you think returncodes >= 9000 should pop up a message?
This Bug ist still present: gnucash-2.6.7-1.10.x86_64 (df6326f+) aqbanking-5.1.0beta-2.10.x86_64 LANG de_DE.UTF-8 The aqbanking messages are: HBCI: 9050 - Nachricht teilweise fehlerhaft (HBMSG=10349) (M) HBCI: 9010 - Der Auftrag wurde nicht ausgeführt. (S) HBCI: 9130 - Die SEPA-Nachricht enthält unerlaubte Zeichen. (MDC17760200017) (S) and there is nothing else that indicates that an error has occurred. You must a) leave the Dialogbox by default open b) ignore the message: dialog has not been canceled, PIN appears to be valid AqHBCI completed. c) scroll 28 lines back to see this message Not very comfortable! It should at least be seen at the end of the log that something went wrong or better should be a dialog box Report this.
GnuCash bug tracking has moved to a new Bugzilla host. The new URL for this bug is Please continue processing the bug there and please update any external references or bookmarks.