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Bug 710973 - draw_tabs_and_spaces should not call gtk_text_view_get_iter_location excessively
draw_tabs_and_spaces should not call gtk_text_view_get_iter_location excessively
Product: gtksourceview
Classification: Platform
Component: General
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: GTK Sourceview maintainers
GTK Sourceview maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2013-10-27 19:28 UTC by Arpad Borsos
Modified: 2014-05-26 16:39 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Stopgap solution (6.59 KB, patch)
2013-10-29 13:38 UTC, Arpad Borsos
needs-work Details | Review
Review comments addressed (6.60 KB, patch)
2013-10-29 17:17 UTC, Arpad Borsos
none Details | Review
Add profiling and debug output (3.45 KB, patch)
2013-11-01 23:24 UTC, Arpad Borsos
none Details | Review
Updated (8.67 KB, patch)
2014-02-04 11:46 UTC, Arpad Borsos
none Details | Review

Description Arpad Borsos 2013-10-27 19:28:26 UTC
gtk_text_view_get_iter_location can be very slow, especially when wrapping is enabled (I filed bug 710972 about that).

Calling it for every char can be a big slowdown.

With draw_spaces enabled, gedit is basically unresponsive when scrolling through files with long lines and wrapping enabled.

When disabling draw_spaces, it is still very slow, but at least useable.
Comment 1 Sébastien Wilmet 2013-10-27 21:12:40 UTC
Yes, it is a known issue. It would be better if pango can directly draw the spaces, if I understand correctly the problem.
Comment 2 Arpad Borsos 2013-10-29 13:38:24 UTC
Created attachment 258443 [details] [review]
Stopgap solution

So for every line, I bsearch the last visible char.
Then iterate the line chars, checking whether the chars should be drawn at all (avoiding the get_iter_location call if not needed).

Some rough manual testing gives me these timings:

# base:
nowrap: 0.37
wrap: 0.13

# old:
nowrap: 0.72
wrap: 1.1

# patched:
nowrap: 0.69
wrap: 0.3

So it is roughly 4x faster for the wrapped case, very small improvement for the non-wrapped case.

Other changes are mostly noise.
Comment 3 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro (nacho) 2013-10-29 13:44:05 UTC
Review of attachment 258443 [details] [review]:

Here you have an initial review.

::: gtksourceview/gtksourceview.c
@@ +2035,3 @@
+static gboolean
+check_needs_drawing (GtkSourceView *view,

rename it to just needs_drawing?

@@ +2145,3 @@
+	*end_iter = *start_iter;
+	gtk_text_iter_forward_to_line_end(end_iter);

space before (

@@ +2156,3 @@
+	}
+	min = gtk_text_iter_get_line_offset(start_iter);

space before (

@@ +2157,3 @@
+	min = gtk_text_iter_get_line_offset(start_iter);
+	max = gtk_text_iter_get_line_offset(end_iter);

space before (

@@ +2165,3 @@
+		gtk_text_view_get_iter_location (text_view, end_iter, &rect);
+		if (is_wrapping ?

this is a bit hard to decrypt can you rewrite it with && and || ?

@@ +2171,3 @@
+			min = i + 1;
+		}
+		else if (is_wrapping ?

same here

@@ +2179,3 @@
+		else
+		{
+			return;

use break here?

@@ +2262,3 @@
 			/* move to the first iter in the exposed area of
 			 * the next line */
+			if (!gtk_text_iter_starts_line (&s))

if inside if, use && ?
Comment 4 Arpad Borsos 2013-10-29 17:17:20 UTC
Created attachment 258467 [details] [review]
Review comments addressed

Thanks a lot for the very fast review :-)
And sorry I got the style wrong on the first try.

btw: Are there any automated tests for this? It does work like a charm in manual testing, but I would feel a lot more confident if there were some tests backing this (and maybe even benchmarks?)
Comment 5 Arpad Borsos 2013-11-01 23:24:59 UTC
Created attachment 258791 [details] [review]
Add profiling and debug output

So I added some more instrumentation to these calls, here are some of the observations I made. Would be nice if someone could comment on the findings. I will continue profiling to figure out where the overhead time in the scrolling case is spent.

# observations

Within a frame, `gtk_source_view_paint_right_margin` is actually called
5 times. 4 of those have `gtk_cairo_should_draw_window (…) =  FALSE`, so they
don’t do any drawing at all. Together, they are below 1ms, so I didn’t include
those timings here.

The `paint time` measurement is what I observe when hooking a timer into the
frame clocks `before_paint` and `after_paint` signals.
Those times are considerably larger, so a lot of time is spend not in
`gtk_source_view_draw` at all.

When scrolling a wrapped view, without spaces, the redraw time is below 1ms,
however there is a ~26ms overhead outside of `gtk_source_view_draw`.
When scrolling with spaces enabled, the time spent in `draw_tabs_and_spaces`
is roughly the same, meaning it does not support incremental redraw?

# results

## non-wrapping, with spaces
    > gtk_source_view_draw start
        draw area: 0 - 962
        lines to update: 0 - 9
        Painting marks background for line numbers 0 - 9
        gtk_source_view_paint_right_margin time: 0,014 (sec * 1000)
        > draw_tabs_and_spaces start
            drawing spaces for line 0, characters 0 - 339
            drawing spaces for line 1, characters 0 - 339
            drawing spaces for line 2, characters 0 - 339
            drawing spaces for line 3, characters 0 - 339
            drawing spaces for line 4, characters 0 - 339
            drawing spaces for line 5, characters 0 - 339
            drawing spaces for line 6, characters 0 - 339
            drawing spaces for line 7, characters 0 - 339
            drawing spaces for line 8, characters 0 - 339
            drawing spaces for line 9, characters 0 - 339
            draw_tabs_and_spaces time: 316,18 (sec * 1000)
        > draw_tabs_and_spaces end
        gtk_source_view_draw time: 453,095 (sec * 1000)
    > gtk_source_view_draw end
    paint time: 617,645

## non-wrapping, without spaces
    > gtk_source_view_draw start
        draw area: 0 - 962
        lines to update: 0 - 9
        Painting marks background for line numbers 0 - 9
        gtk_source_view_paint_right_margin time: 0,013 (sec * 1000)
        gtk_source_view_draw time: 137,064 (sec * 1000)
    > gtk_source_view_draw end
    paint time: 306,117

## wrapping, with spaces
    > gtk_source_view_draw start
        draw area: 0 - 981
        lines to update: 0 - 2
        Painting marks background for line numbers 0 - 1
        gtk_source_view_paint_right_margin time: 0,016 (sec * 1000)
        > draw_tabs_and_spaces start
            drawing spaces for line 0, characters 0 - 10000
            drawing spaces for line 1, characters 0 - 7389
            draw_tabs_and_spaces time: 185,877 (sec * 1000)
        > draw_tabs_and_spaces end
        gtk_source_view_draw time: 254,664 (sec * 1000)
    > gtk_source_view_draw end
    paint time: 307,443

## wrapping, without spaces
    > gtk_source_view_draw start
        draw area: 0 - 981
        lines to update: 0 - 2
        Painting marks background for line numbers 0 - 1
        gtk_source_view_paint_right_margin time: 0,014 (sec * 1000)
        gtk_source_view_draw time: 79,81 (sec * 1000)
    > gtk_source_view_draw end
    paint time: 132,113

## scrolling wrapped, without spaces
    > gtk_source_view_draw start
        draw area: 98 - 1079
        lines to update: 0 - 2
        Painting marks background for line numbers 0 - 1
        gtk_source_view_paint_right_margin time: 0,01 (sec * 1000)
        gtk_source_view_draw time: 0,664 (sec * 1000)
    > gtk_source_view_draw end
    paint time: 26,81

## scrolling wrapped, with spaces
    > gtk_source_view_draw start
        draw area: 98 - 1079
        lines to update: 0 - 2
        Painting marks background for line numbers 0 - 1
        gtk_source_view_paint_right_margin time: 0,014 (sec * 1000)
        > draw_tabs_and_spaces start
            drawing spaces for line 0, characters 1677 - 10000
            drawing spaces for line 1, characters 0 - 9069
            draw_tabs_and_spaces time: 199,304 (sec * 1000)
        > draw_tabs_and_spaces end
        gtk_source_view_draw time: 200,14 (sec * 1000)
    > gtk_source_view_draw end
    paint time: 227,478
Comment 6 Arpad Borsos 2013-11-02 01:56:06 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> When scrolling a wrapped view, without spaces, the redraw time is below 1ms,
> however there is a ~26ms overhead outside of `gtk_source_view_draw`.

So the overhead comes from the gutter renderer:
Each one of those calls to gtk_text_view_get_iter_location costs ~13ms.

The time spent in `gutter_renderer_text_draw` apparently amounts for all the difference between the time difference of `view_draw` and `paint time` that I mentioned earlier.
Comment 7 Arpad Borsos 2013-11-02 13:12:55 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> When scrolling with spaces enabled, the time spent in `draw_tabs_and_spaces`
> is roughly the same, meaning it does not support incremental redraw?

So GtkTextView is using GtkPixelCache internally for incremental redraw. That class is private though and not exposed to outside gtk users :-(
Any suggestions?
Comment 8 Sébastien Wilmet 2013-11-02 14:10:48 UTC
See the bug #708423 for a suggestion on how to draw on the pixelcache from GtkSourceView.
Comment 9 Sébastien Wilmet 2013-12-24 10:50:23 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> It would be better if pango can directly draw the
> spaces, if I understand correctly the problem.

Ignacio, wasn't this the problem? Pango and GtkTextView don't have settings for drawing spaces. We can imagine a GtkTextTag property to enable the visibility of certain types of spaces in a certain region of the buffer. And pango would draw the spaces directly at the right position, instead of computing the position afterwards.
Comment 10 Sébastien Wilmet 2013-12-24 13:28:39 UTC
Yes, drawing spaces should be pushed down on the stack, in GtkTextView and Pango, see bug #721015 and bug #721014.

In the meantime, a performance improvement would be nice though.
Comment 11 Arpad Borsos 2014-02-03 10:20:12 UTC
(In reply to comment #10)
> Yes, drawing spaces should be pushed down on the stack, in GtkTextView and
> Pango, see bug #721015 and bug #721014.
> In the meantime, a performance improvement would be nice though.

Is there something blocking this from being merged? Would be nice to have some speedup before a *proper* solution comes along.
Comment 12 Paolo Borelli 2014-02-03 11:05:14 UTC
(In reply to comment #11)
> Is there something blocking this from being merged? Would be nice to have some
> speedup before a *proper* solution comes along.

The time to review the patch :-)

I'll try to have a look at it... if it falls again out of my todo list, keep poking me and sorry again for the delay
Comment 13 Paolo Borelli 2014-02-03 18:51:48 UTC
Review of attachment 258467 [details] [review]:

Sorry again for the delay, the optimization makes sense to me, but I have not tested yet

In the mean time here is a quick round of (mostly trivial) review. If you have time to update the patch it would be great

::: gtksourceview/gtksourceview.c
@@ +2009,3 @@
 	gunichar c;
+	GdkRectangle rect;

leave a blank line after var declaration

@@ +2035,3 @@
+static gboolean
+needs_drawing (GtkSourceView *view,

the function name is a bit too generic... maybe space_needs_drawing?

@@ +2138,3 @@
+	      GtkTextIter *start_iter,
+	      GtkTextIter *end_iter,
+	      GdkPoint     end,

Just pass x and y as int

@@ -2122,0 +2137,15 @@
+get_end_iter (GtkTextView *text_view,
+	      GtkTextIter *start_iter,
+	      GtkTextIter *end_iter,
... 12 more ...

This is really hard to read...

@@ -2160,2 +2226,3 @@
 	                                     x2, y2);
+	GdkPoint endpoint = {x2, y2};

declare vars at the start of the block (but as said above you may as well simply not use GdkPoint)
Comment 14 Arpad Borsos 2014-02-04 11:46:48 UTC
Created attachment 268055 [details] [review]

I really have to learn those mad git skills, just wasted a lot of time trying to edit the first of the patches with `rebase -i` only to have it fail on me with tons of merge conflicts and then squashing both patches together even though i did not want that -_-

So there you go with the profiling/debugging patch merged in.
Comment 15 Paolo Borelli 2014-02-05 22:36:22 UTC
I amended the patch a little bit (e.g removed the very specific debug instrumentation but kept the profile output) and pushed the patch to master.

Thank you!
Comment 16 Sébastien Wilmet 2014-05-26 16:39:24 UTC
There is a regression, see bug #730713.