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Bug 710634 - Tile layout - scaling issues
Tile layout - scaling issues
Product: gnome-software
Classification: Applications
Component: General
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: GNOME Software maintainer(s)
GNOME Software maintainer(s)
Depends on:
Reported: 2013-10-22 11:44 UTC by Allan Day
Modified: 2014-08-03 16:18 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: Unversioned Enhancement

mockup experiments (350.95 KB, image/png)
2014-04-10 19:58 UTC, Allan Day

Description Allan Day 2013-10-22 11:44:26 UTC
When you resize the window, the layout of the tiles on the All and category pages goes out of whack. The tiles should be treated as being part of a single grid, so that the tile edges remain aligned.

One possible fix for this would be to enforce a maximum width for the tiled pages.
Comment 1 Richard Hughes 2014-04-07 15:40:38 UTC
(In reply to comment #0)
> The tiles should be treated as being part of a single
> grid, so that the tile edges remain aligned.

So if you expand the window horizontally you want the categories to be padded on the left and the right? Or the picks to be non-square? I'm having a hard time getting my head around any other way to do this. Thanks.
Comment 2 Allan Day 2014-04-10 19:58:30 UTC
Created attachment 274033 [details]
mockup experiments

I might have been to hasty in recommending a solution here. I can think of 3 possible approaches:

 1. A fixed width layout - the content would be contained within a fixed width column in the centre of the window.

 2. Reflowing and expanding content. Here we would add tiles to the picks section, reflow the categories and expand the width of the featured box. There would need to be a maximum width that we would expand to, based on the maximum number of tiles we want to show in the picks section.

 3. The same as 2, but we wouldn't expand the width of the the featured box.
Comment 3 Allan Day 2014-04-11 14:42:09 UTC
I spoke to Jakub about this earlier. He prefers solution 1.

A note here: we should use the same fixed width as is used for the details pages.
Comment 4 Kalev Lember 2014-08-03 16:18:28 UTC
I've pushed some fixes that implement solution 1. This is how it currently looks maximized: