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Bug 708575 - examples: add repeat options to help with library performance measurements
examples: add repeat options to help with library performance measurements
Product: GUPnP
Classification: Other
Component: gupnp
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: GUPnP Maintainers
GUPnP Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2013-09-22 13:21 UTC by Andrzej Bieniek
Modified: 2013-10-16 13:10 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

examples/light-server changes (2.37 KB, patch)
2013-09-22 13:21 UTC, Andrzej Bieniek
none Details | Review
examples/light-client changes (3.94 KB, patch)
2013-09-22 13:22 UTC, Andrzej Bieniek
committed Details | Review
examples/light-server changes (2.37 KB, patch)
2013-09-22 13:33 UTC, Andrzej Bieniek
committed Details | Review

Description Andrzej Bieniek 2013-09-22 13:21:17 UTC
Created attachment 255510 [details] [review]
examples/light-server changes

Options added to help with library performance measurements.
E.g. Run top to see CPU usage and send 1000 toggle commands with 50ms delay:
gupnp/examples$ ./light-server -q
gupnp/examples$ ./light-client -q -c 1000 -d 50 toggle

gupnp/examples$ ./light-client --help
  lt-light-client [OPTION...] [on|off|toggle]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                     Show help options

Application Options:
  -q, --quiet                    Turn off output
  -c, --repeat-counter=value     Repeat counter
  -d, --repeat-delay=value       Delay in [ms] between each iteration

gupnp/examples$ ./light-server --help
  lt-light-server [OPTION...]

Help Options:
  -h, --help       Show help options

Application Options:
  -q, --quiet      Turn off output
Comment 1 Andrzej Bieniek 2013-09-22 13:22:28 UTC
Created attachment 255511 [details] [review]
examples/light-client changes
Comment 2 Andrzej Bieniek 2013-09-22 13:33:10 UTC
Created attachment 255515 [details] [review]
examples/light-server changes

Updating light-server patch, replaced FALSE with NULL in GOptionEntry table.
Comment 3 Jens Georg 2013-09-29 12:03:25 UTC
Which performance is this supposed to test? GUPnP?
Comment 4 Andrzej Bieniek 2013-09-30 22:35:00 UTC
yes, it allows to measure CPU usage with various UPnP commands frequency.

It may be useful to get it into the code, so it can be run on different platforms and results could be compared - on the PI CPU usage looks quite high.

E.g. CPU usage for toggle command on raspberry PI (as reported by htop):
toggle every 20ms: client 40% CPU, server 30% CPU, tatal 70% CPU
toggle every 40ms: client 30% CPU, server 20% CPU, tatal 50% CPU
toggle every 60ms: client 22% CPU, server 17% CPU, tatal 39% CPU
toggle every 80ms: client 18% CPU, server 15% CPU, tatal 33% CPU