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Bug 702098 - Screen Brightness load bar is changing size every time you plug or unplug the power supply
Screen Brightness load bar is changing size every time you plug or unplug the...
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: Power
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Richard Hughes
Control-Center Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2013-06-12 14:32 UTC by Jean-Benoit MARTIN
Modified: 2013-06-25 14:43 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Fix display between Brightness and battery (1.09 KB, patch)
2013-06-17 16:28 UTC, Jean-Benoit MARTIN
rejected Details | Review
power: remove the primary battery from the battery label size group (1.13 KB, patch)
2013-06-20 13:33 UTC, Thomas Wood
committed Details | Review

Description Jean-Benoit MARTIN 2013-06-12 14:32:04 UTC
On a laptop

go to setting
power setting

plug or unplug the power supply

the screen brightness bar changes of size
Comment 1 Jean-Benoit MARTIN 2013-06-17 16:28:05 UTC
Created attachment 247048 [details] [review]
Fix display between Brightness and battery

The Screen Brightness panel was in the same group that Battery capacity
When the power supply was unplug, the battery estimate time was display and the Screen brightness level bar was changed
Comment 2 Thomas Wood 2013-06-20 13:33:18 UTC
Created attachment 247325 [details] [review]
power: remove the primary battery from the battery label size group

The primary battery box has a different layout from other battery items
and therefore shouldn't be included in the same size group. Including it
in the size group was causing the other items to be resized when the
battery status changed.
Comment 3 Thomas Wood 2013-06-20 13:35:03 UTC
Review of attachment 247048 [details] [review]:

The "Screen Brightness" label needs to remain in the size group so that it aligns with other labels (such as from other devices reporting battery status). The main issue here is that the primary battery box is in the size group.
Comment 4 Matthias Clasen 2013-06-21 17:46:32 UTC
Review of attachment 247325 [details] [review]:

If it works, sure. I don't think there's much to review here.
Comment 5 Thomas Wood 2013-06-25 14:43:35 UTC
Attachment 247325 [details] pushed as 1a085fe - power: remove the primary battery from the battery label size group