GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 695553
add translation context to all strings with multiple occurrence
Last modified: 2013-03-20 10:42:51 UTC
Hi, please, if any string is in files twice, please add context to each one. You save us a lot time and yourself too, because then we do not have to report it each time. Please, make us happier, thanks
This bug report is way too vague to be useful. If this is meant as a pledge for developers to do it in a general manner, this is not the place (rather try desktop-devel-list for instance). If this concerns a real case you encountered, please be more specific (and eventually open a bug report against the relevant product).
What Alexandre said in #c1.
Yes, my point was that developers should not use same string twice without adding context. I will write to desktop-devel-list ML then. I have encountered this issue many many times, and reported bugs for it, to be honest, it is really annoying, also some not self explanatory strings are hard to get, so we have to dig into code and I suppose you should not require translators to do so (just extra barrier for newcomers). Thanks folks
I don't agree with that suggestion. No need to un-necessarily clutter up all code with lots of context. There are plenty of strings that are re-used that never form a problem, because they are specific enough to never form the basis for problems for translators. In my mind (and I am a translator myself), what we need to do is to raise the developers awareness of this problem and "train" them to think critically about the string they make and whether these string could form a problem.
I raised that issue on ML, it is open discussion. I do not think it will clutter up a source code, it is usually just few characters. Yes, but it is really hard to detect that a subset from a set of all possible languages and occurrences. Therefore, there is no developer capable of doing this, as the set is huge in size.
In a lot of modules, the same string is used several times with the same context/meaning, so no need to add comments or context to it. Also, if there is a duplicated string in the source code, PO file shows it just once, unless they have different case or context. Is there a real need to add context to every string duplicated in a module? I belive this cases are already documented, but if you think there is a string that should be splitted in two, with different context each one, file a bug in that module to ask for it.
As everyone is saying its own solution/proposal... Why not make damned-lies send a mail to a certain mailing list (probably gnome-i18n is not the best, to not clutter it) when a string is added to a module? Just like we have for string freeze but the whole time. This way will be easier to report early on the cycle problems with strings. The sooner we are able to say that a string is confusing, the easier it will be for the developer that added the string to add some context, explanation, etc. And if we keep that on a regular basis it will be the best way to make developers be aware of it.
(In reply to comment #7) > As everyone is saying its own solution/proposal... > > Why not make damned-lies send a mail to a certain mailing list (probably > gnome-i18n is not the best, to not clutter it) when a string is added to a > module? Just like we have for string freeze but the whole time. > > This way will be easier to report early on the cycle problems with strings. The > sooner we are able to say that a string is confusing, the easier it will be for > the developer that added the string to add some context, explanation, etc. > > And if we keep that on a regular basis it will be the best way to make > developers be aware of it. I just see a problem in this model. Traffic will be really in high, and people watching this list will lost interest soon, and it won't be useful. For example, there is a commit-list which, if I'm not wrong, receives an email with each commit done in git. Is somebody tracking down that list step by step or its just used as a history? Maybe just defining some guidelines would be enough to "teach" developers how to deal with strings.
My point was, from an experience, many cases where is string used multiple times, we have to report a bug to add a context, just check my profile to see that the most of the bugs are translation/context related. Reading a source file to figure out meaning and reporting bugs should not be required from l10n people. It really slows things down. Also some sentences are split into pieces and then put back together, and it really does not make sense.
Since brainstorming is occurring here.... What about using GNOME Goals[1] as the vehicle by which to bring about awareness? Perhaps: 1. One annoyance per release (identified by your team) 2. Make the module developers do it (as opposed to y'all doing it for us) 3. Your team reviews the fixes This is not completely unlike what was done with the "remove markup from translatable messages" Goal[2]. But if memory serves me, that goal (and others like it) are sometimes seen as a way to get new people contributing and/or existing contributors contributing in a new area. I don't think that's what you want here. I think what you want and need is awareness building and education of module maintainers. And that means making the module maintainers do the work. [1] [2]
Yes, to be honest, I spent my time on other things, I like to give back (but I have no interest in Gnome itself, mainly do because of ubuntu). Therefore I am pro-awareness on developers side. Coordinator of our team raised other question about committing po files directly from DL, so we do not have to clone branch.
in many languages translation of short words is context related. We realy need to know if it is verb, noun or adjective. If it is in caption or if it is on button. Many words can have more genders which is also context related. This site is very very usefull, but provide only strings from glade files. Strings should be translated direct on this site to displayed windows and automaticaly save to po file. But problem is words that is in code. Developers often provide string like "%s" or ":" to translation without any comment. Developers also often provide translation comment and other developers insert code and comment dissaper from po file. We need some aplication like accercisser for developer, which alert developers for this problems.
A good brainstorming is happing here and I would like to share my experience of working with open source localization field (more than 8 years) and some ways and means we adopted to deal with this problem. Context (co-text + rel-text + chron-text + bi-text + non-text) is crucial while translating. So we should treat this bug as an important one and do whatever is possible to help translators and finally the language desktop users. To deal with the issue, FUEL project [1] prepared a list of Frequently Used Entries for Localization called FUEL desktop list [2] with context from major user applications. To some extent it solved our problems of context while dealing with the problem of standardization and inconsistency. Just now a similar interesting discussion like this bug appeared on FUEL project's mailing list [3]. Peter Mráz is very right in citing deckard instance as it can be very much helpful in understanding the context. The visual comparison and its method is documented under FUEL [4] and released in Aug '12 to help the localizers and the persons associated with its QA. I want to reiterate Pavol concern that without context translation can generate critical errors and it is very much difficult and time consuming to remove errors which are generated due to unavailability of Context info. [1]. [2]. [3]. [4].
This brainstorming should take place on as nobody else interested in this topic will find it in this bug report. Bugzilla is for specific feature requests or bug reports, not for general brainstorming, plus the ideas are nothing new. :) Please bring it up on the i18n mailing list instead to reach a wider audience. Thanks.
Andre, could you please post a link to this bug report to that mailing list. I prefer to solve it in bugzilla rather than be overwhelmed by ML non-related messages. Thanks, also, if it is nothing new, how come it has not been solved yet ;)
(In reply to comment #15) > Andre, could you please post a link to this bug report to that mailing list. I > prefer to solve it in bugzilla rather than be overwhelmed by ML non-related > messages. Again: Bugzilla is not the place for policy discussions so I'd appreciate if you could bring it to the bigger target audience of translators. That's the mailing list. > Thanks, also, if it is nothing new, how come it has not been solved yet ;) Because it's a trade-off (lots of mostly unneeded work for developers that could spend in better ways) and there's no easy solution?
Done That might be case, but if a developer wants people to translate app, he/she should carry burden of doing it as easy as possible, just common sense