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Bug 689063 - power: implement new design
power: implement new design
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 689614
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: Power
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Richard Hughes
Control-Center Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2012-11-26 05:53 UTC by Matthias Clasen
Modified: 2012-12-22 16:21 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: 3.8
GNOME version: ---

patch (23.52 KB, patch)
2012-11-26 05:53 UTC, Matthias Clasen
none Details | Review
how it looks (16.41 KB, image/png)
2012-11-26 09:23 UTC, Matthias Clasen
how it looks, 2 (37.35 KB, image/png)
2012-11-26 09:24 UTC, Matthias Clasen
how it looks, 3 (33.14 KB, image/png)
2012-11-26 14:45 UTC, Matthias Clasen
with devices (43.32 KB, image/png)
2012-12-02 21:39 UTC, Matthias Clasen
without batteries (31.12 KB, image/png)
2012-12-02 21:39 UTC, Matthias Clasen
with hw killswitch on (35.78 KB, image/png)
2012-12-02 21:39 UTC, Matthias Clasen

Description Matthias Clasen 2012-11-26 05:53:59 UTC
Created attachment 229881 [details] [review]

This is a very partial implementation of the new power panel design here:

The reason for doing this part first is that with the lock related settings moving to the privacy panel, this will allow us to ditch the screen panel altogether.
Comment 1 Matthias Clasen 2012-11-26 09:23:41 UTC
Created attachment 229885 [details]
how it looks
Comment 2 Matthias Clasen 2012-11-26 09:24:18 UTC
Created attachment 229886 [details]
how it looks, 2
Comment 3 Matthias Clasen 2012-11-26 14:45:33 UTC
Created attachment 229906 [details]
how it looks, 3
Comment 4 Matthias Clasen 2012-11-26 22:11:36 UTC
So, comment from Allan was that the idea with 'Screen Power Saving' was to make it just a switch, and have 'smart' behaviour, like adjust the timeout depending on ac/battery, etc.
Comment 5 Jeremy Bicha 2012-12-01 20:29:29 UTC
Do we really need more pop-up dialogs? At least on my laptop, the 3.6 Power panel only used up about half of the vertical space used by the Overview so there should still be enough space to just have the settings inline.

Also, it doesn't look like any normal GNOME button I'm used to. "On" is unusual as we already have a widget (in English) that says "On"
Comment 6 Matthias Clasen 2012-12-02 21:32:28 UTC
I've now pushed a wip/power branch that contains a mostly complete implementation of the new design.
Comment 7 Matthias Clasen 2012-12-02 21:39:03 UTC
Created attachment 230491 [details]
with devices
Comment 8 Matthias Clasen 2012-12-02 21:39:26 UTC
Created attachment 230492 [details]
without batteries
Comment 9 Matthias Clasen 2012-12-02 21:39:47 UTC
Created attachment 230493 [details]
with hw killswitch on
Comment 10 Allan Day 2012-12-03 15:26:37 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> Do we really need more pop-up dialogs? At least on my laptop, the 3.6 Power
> panel only used up about half of the vertical space used by the Overview so
> there should still be enough space to just have the settings inline.

The new design only includes one dialog. It also contains more settings than in 3.6 (this is the power saving section). I don't think we could have accommodated these additional settings without using a dialog. Also, the dialog contains the settings that aren't as interesting, and probably won't be used repeatedly, so it makes sense to have them one step removed.

> Also, it doesn't look like any normal GNOME button I'm used to. "On" is unusual
> as we already have a widget (in English) that says "On"

We're using this type of widget in other places, including initial setup and some of the other settings panels. It's new, so we'll need to keep an eye on it, but it won't be the only place where people will see it.
Comment 11 Matthias Clasen 2012-12-18 11:01:27 UTC
squashed patch for the new panel can be found in bug 689614
Comment 12 Matthias Clasen 2012-12-22 16:21:16 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 689614 ***