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Bug 681801 - Integrated previewer for file and folders metadata, instead of tooltips
Integrated previewer for file and folders metadata, instead of tooltips
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2012-08-13 23:45 UTC by William Jon McCann
Modified: 2021-06-18 15:33 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description William Jon McCann 2012-08-13 23:45:31 UTC
I think it makes sense to have a well integrated previewer. Sushi is a good start but there are a number of things we can't do in nautilus because we can't depend on Sushi being there. We may also want to integrate it slightly differently.
Comment 1 André Klapper 2012-08-14 07:07:09 UTC
"number of things" and "slightly differently" are rather vague.
Comment 2 Jeremy Bicha 2012-10-31 06:57:13 UTC
Does bug 147642 have any interesting ideas to make this bug report less vague?
Comment 3 Jean-François Fortin Tam 2016-02-10 03:37:49 UTC
As I understand it, the idea is to replace the simple "tooltips" idea from bug 147642, and probably go more towards a pane or floating object approach.
Comment 4 André Klapper 2021-06-18 15:33:39 UTC
GNOME is going to shut down in favor of
As part of that, we are mass-closing older open tickets in
which have not seen updates for a longer time (resources are unfortunately
quite limited so not every ticket can get handled).

If you can still reproduce the situation described in this ticket in a recent
and supported software version of Files (nautilus), then please follow
and create a new ticket at

Thank you for your understanding and your help.