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Bug 681546 - evince-3.4.0 crashes on start due to division by zero
evince-3.4.0 crashes on start due to division by zero
Product: evince
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal critical
: ---
Assigned To: Evince Maintainers
Evince Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2012-08-09 18:13 UTC by Petr Pisar
Modified: 2012-09-17 15:48 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Proposed fix (979 bytes, patch)
2012-08-09 18:13 UTC, Petr Pisar
committed Details | Review

Description Petr Pisar 2012-08-09 18:13:33 UTC
Created attachment 220819 [details] [review]
Proposed fix

evince-3.4.0 compiled for Loongson MIPS architecture crashes with SIGILL on start-up when GCC optimization is set to -O2 level.

GDB session:

Starting program: /home/petr/evince-3.4.0/work/evince-3.4.0/shell/.libs/evince 
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/".
[New Thread 0x7697b330 (LWP 31106)]
[New Thread 0x7617b330 (LWP 31107)]

Program received signal SIGILL, Illegal instruction.
0x77f176ac in ev_view_set_adjustment_values (view=0x10270058, 
    orientation=GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) at ev-view.c:618
    618                             new_value = CLAMP (upper * factor + 0.5,
    0, upper - page_size);
    (gdb) disassemble 

   0x77f17664 <+292>:   mul.d   $f13,$f20,$f13
   0x77f17668 <+296>:   dmtc1   zero,$f13
   0x77f1766c <+300>:   lw      t9,-31676(gp)
   0x77f17670 <+304>:   jalr    t9
   0x77f17674 <+308>:   move    a0,s0
   0x77f17678 <+312>:   lw      t9,-31060(gp)
   0x77f1767c <+316>:   mov.d   $f13,$f22
   0x77f17680 <+320>:   jalr    t9
   0x77f17684 <+324>:   move    a0,s0
   0x77f17688 <+328>:   lw      v0,108(s1)
   0x77f1768c <+332>:   li      v1,1
   0x77f17690 <+336>:   beq     v0,v1,0x77f17788 <ev_view_set_adjustment_values+584>
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
   0x77f17694 <+340>:   move    at,at
   0x77f17698 <+344>:   bnez    v0,0x77f176d0 <ev_view_set_adjustment_values+400>
   0x77f1769c <+348>:   li      v1,2
   0x77f176a0 <+352>:   lw      v0,-32716(gp)
   0x77f176a4 <+356>:   sub.d   $f20,$f22,$f20
   0x77f176a8 <+360>:   ldc1    $f0,-23736(v0)
=> 0x77f176ac <+364>:   madd.d  $f0,$f22,$f24
   0x77f176b0 <+368>:  $f20,$f0
   0x77f176b4 <+372>:   bc1t    0x77f17864 <ev_view_set_adjustment_values+804>

(gdb) info float 
f0:  0x3fe0000000000000 flt: 0                 dbl: 0.5                     
f1:  0x3ff0000000000000 flt: 0                 dbl: 1                       
f2:  0x0000000000000001 flt: 1.40129846e-45    dbl: 4.9406564584124654e-324 
f3:  0x4076800000000000 flt: 0                 dbl: 360                     
f4:  0x3fe0ab0ca9742035 flt: -5.42068187e-14   dbl: 0.52088006111535512     
f5:  0x40456db6db6db6c3 flt: -6.69105181e+16   dbl: 42.857142857142684      
f6:  0x3fdee3c6eb396bb0 flt: -2.24159816e+26   dbl: 0.48265240641711227     
f7:  0x3fdee3c6eb396bb0 flt: -2.24159816e+26   dbl: 0.48265240641711227     
f8:  0x3fe1285057ca4ac2 flt: 4.44844862e+14    dbl: 0.53617112299465242     
f9:  0x3fe3333333333333 flt: 4.17232506e-08    dbl: 0.59999999999999998     
f10: 0x0000000000000000 flt: 0                 dbl: 0                       
f11: 0x0000000000000000 flt: 0                 dbl: 0                       
f12: 0x3ff0000000000000 flt: 0                 dbl: 1                       
f13: 0x3ff0000000000000 flt: 0                 dbl: 1                       
f14: 0x0000000000000000 flt: 0                 dbl: 0                       
f15: 0x0000000000000000 flt: 0                 dbl: 0                       
f16: 0x3ff0000000000000 flt: 0                 dbl: 1                       
f17: 0x0000000000000000 flt: 0                 dbl: 0                       
f18: 0x3ff0000000000000 flt: 0                 dbl: 1                       
f19: 0xffffffffffffffff flt: -nan              dbl: -nan                    
f20: 0x0000000000000000 flt: 0                 dbl: 0                       
f21: 0xffffffffffffffff flt: -nan              dbl: -nan                    
f22: 0x3ff0000000000000 flt: 0                 dbl: 1                       
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
f23: 0xffffffffffffffff flt: -nan              dbl: -nan                    
f24: 0x7ff7ffffffffffff flt: -nan              dbl: nan                     
f25: 0xffffffffffffffff flt: -nan              dbl: -nan                    
f26: 0xffffffffffffffff flt: -nan              dbl: -nan                    
f27: 0xffffffffffffffff flt: -nan              dbl: -nan                    
f28: 0xffffffffffffffff flt: -nan              dbl: -nan                    
f29: 0xffffffffffffffff flt: -nan              dbl: -nan                    
f30: 0xffffffffffffffff flt: -nan              dbl: -nan                    
f31: 0xffffffffffffffff flt: -nan              dbl: -nan                    
fcsr: 0x800044
fir: 0x501

The crash is located on this line in libview/ev-view.c:

   switch (view->pending_scroll) {
                case SCROLL_TO_KEEP_POSITION:
                case SCROLL_TO_FIND_LOCATION:
618: →     new_value = CLAMP (upper * factor + 0.5, 0, upper - page_size);


   switch (view->pending_scroll) {
             case SCROLL_TO_KEEP_POSITION:
             case SCROLL_TO_FIND_LOCATION:
   new_value = (((upper * factor + 0.5) > (upper - page_size)) ? (upper - page_size) : (((upper * factor + 0.5) < (0)) ? (0) : (upper * factor + 0.5)));
   gtk_adjustment_set_value (adjustment, (int)new_value);

Studying the disassembly shows the SIGILL comes from FPU exception while computing (upper * factor + 0.5) where factor is not-a-number using optimized multiply-and-add instruction. Obviously multiplying by NaN is not allowed by this instruction. 

Tracing origin of `factor' value revealed the factor is result of division by zero (0 / 0) here:

        switch (view->pending_scroll) {
                case SCROLL_TO_KEEP_POSITION:
                case SCROLL_TO_FIND_LOCATION:
→                       factor = value / upper;

I have no idea why `upper' value is zero, but it is and that puts NaN into factor. Attached patch guards the factor computation by check for upper value and resolves the problem for me.
Comment 1 Germán Poo-Caamaño 2012-09-15 05:36:33 UTC
I'm not an Evince developer, but the patch seems fine to me.  Maybe a g_warning message could be added in order to show an exception has been triggered.
Comment 2 Carlos Garcia Campos 2012-09-17 15:48:33 UTC
Review of attachment 220819 [details] [review]:

We can actually skip the whole switch when upper is == 0. Thanks!