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Bug 676860 - External native plugins FTBTS due to header that is not shipped
External native plugins FTBTS due to header that is not shipped
Product: rhythmbox
Classification: Other
Component: Plugins (other)
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: RhythmBox Maintainers
RhythmBox Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2012-05-26 03:48 UTC by Sean McNamara
Modified: 2012-05-26 04:44 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Sean McNamara 2012-05-26 03:48:50 UTC
In /usr/include/rhythmbox/rhythmdb/rhythmdb.h (the shipped external plugin headers that are provided after a `make install') we have the line

    #include <metadata/rb-ext-db-key.h>

This header is not shipped, because in metadata/ we have

    metadatainclude_HEADERS = rb-metadata.h

The metadatainclude_HEADERS is a list of files in the metadata/ directory that are shipped in includedir. As you can see, rb-ext-db-key.h is not in the list.

Therefore, the following trivial C program will not compile:

#include <rhythmdb/rhythmdb.h>
int main() { return 0; }

with the command

gcc `pkg-config --cflags rhythmbox` -o test test.c

This prevents building third-party native plugins as add-ons in distros that ship recent Rhythmbox (the problem has existed in any build since git commit c5bef5be9e942a8bf8a54351ee4d0a92c10a51d8 from December 20, 2011).
Comment 1 Jonathan Matthew 2012-05-26 04:44:32 UTC
fixed in commit 78f7c73, thanks for reporting.