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Bug 669596 - Port printer panel to GDBus
Port printer panel to GDBus
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: Printers
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Marek Kašík
Control-Center Maintainers
Depends on:
Blocks: 622871 622875
Reported: 2012-02-07 18:39 UTC by Javier Jardón (IRC: jjardon)
Modified: 2012-02-29 22:40 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: 3.4
GNOME version: 3.3/3.4

printers: port to GDBus (50.48 KB, patch)
2012-02-07 18:39 UTC, Javier Jardón (IRC: jjardon)
needs-work Details | Review
printers: port to GDBus (57.32 KB, patch)
2012-02-25 03:31 UTC, Robert Ancell
none Details | Review
printers: port to GDBus (57.03 KB, patch)
2012-02-25 03:35 UTC, Robert Ancell
needs-work Details | Review
printers: port to GDBus (57.09 KB, patch)
2012-02-28 22:29 UTC, Robert Ancell
committed Details | Review
printers: Convert unnecessary use of GDBusProxy to using GDBusConnection directly (23.46 KB, patch)
2012-02-28 22:59 UTC, Robert Ancell
committed Details | Review

Description Javier Jardón (IRC: jjardon) 2012-02-07 18:39:48 UTC
Created attachment 207013 [details] [review]
printers: port to GDBus

Patch from Robert Ancell following
Comment 1 Marek Kašík 2012-02-24 11:28:23 UTC
Comment on attachment 207013 [details] [review]
printers: port to GDBus


this is something I wanted to fix already for quite some time but haven't get to it yet. So thank you for working on it.

Unfortunately, the patch doesn't apply any more. There were committed some changes to g-c-c's GIT recently. These changed error handling and usage of floating references to GVariant.

>diff --git a/panels/printers/pp-new-printer-dialog.c b/panels/printers/pp-new-printer-dialog.c
>index bbe1f91..92753bf 100644
>--- a/panels/printers/pp-new-printer-dialog.c
>+++ b/panels/printers/pp-new-printer-dialog.c
>@@ -486,7 +485,6 @@ devices_get_cb (GObject      *source_object,
>                 {
>                   GVariantBuilder  device_list;
>                   GVariantBuilder  device_hash;
>-                  GVariant        *input = NULL;
>                   GVariant        *output = NULL;
>                   GVariant        *array = NULL;
>                   GVariant        *subarray = NULL;
>@@ -524,11 +522,9 @@ devices_get_cb (GObject      *source_object,
>                         }
>                     }
>-                  input = g_variant_new ("(v)", g_variant_builder_end (&device_list));
>                   output = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (proxy,
>                                                    "GroupPhysicalDevices",
>-                                                   input,
>+                                                   g_variant_new ("(v)", g_variant_builder_end (&device_list)),
>                                                    G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,
>                                                    60000,
>                                                    NULL,
>@@ -560,7 +556,6 @@ devices_get_cb (GObject      *source_object,
>                   if (output)
>                     g_variant_unref (output);
>-                  g_variant_unref (input);
>                   g_object_unref (proxy);
>                 }

Matthias already committed a fix for all these floating references.

>--- a/panels/printers/pp-utils.h
>+++ b/panels/printers/pp-utils.h
>-DBusGProxy *get_dbus_proxy (const gchar *name,
>+GDBusProxy *get_dbus_proxy (const gchar *name,

This function is not needed any more. Just remove it and use g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_sync() together with error handling as in current service_disable().

Thank you

Comment 2 Robert Ancell 2012-02-25 03:31:19 UTC
Created attachment 208387 [details] [review]
printers: port to GDBus

Updated as requested.  Note that I've used g_dbus_connection_call instead of using proxies as we never reuse the proxies so they just make the code more complex.
Comment 3 Robert Ancell 2012-02-25 03:35:19 UTC
Created attachment 208388 [details] [review]
printers: port to GDBus

Removed some checks that aren't necessary when using g_dbus_connection_call
Comment 4 Marek Kašík 2012-02-28 15:00:27 UTC
Comment on attachment 208388 [details] [review]
printers: port to GDBus

Hi Robert,

thank you for the quick modification of the patch. I have some comments on it.

>--- a/panels/printers/pp-new-printer-dialog.c
>+++ b/panels/printers/pp-new-printer-dialog.c
>@@ -1554,44 +1553,59 @@ new_printer_add_button_cb (GtkButton *button,
>+                  bus = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, NULL, &error);
>+                  if (!bus)
>+                    {
>+                      g_warning ("Failed to get system bus: %s", error->message);
>+                      g_error_free (error);
>+                    }
>+                  if (bus)

Maybe it would be better to move the body of "if (!bus)" to else branch of the "if (bus)" (or move if (bus) to else branch of if (!bus)).

>--- a/panels/printers/pp-utils.c
>+++ b/panels/printers/pp-utils.c
>@@ -1749,12 +1714,14 @@ printer_rename (const gchar *old_name,
>+  bus = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, NULL, &error);
>+  if (!bus)
>+   {
>+     g_warning ("Failed to get system bus: %s", error->message);
>+     g_error_free (error);
>+   }
>-  if (proxy)
>+  if (bus)
>     {

The same case.

>@@ -1919,96 +1917,119 @@ gboolean
> gboolean
> printer_delete (const gchar *printer_name)
> {
>+  output = g_dbus_connection_call_sync (bus,
>+                                        MECHANISM_BUS,
>+                                        "/",
>+                                        MECHANISM_BUS,
>+                                        "PrinterSetDefault",

You should call "PrinterDelete" method here.

>@@ -2024,32 +2045,45 @@ printer_set_default (const gchar *printer_name)
>+      bus = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, NULL, &error);
>+      if (!bus)
>+        {
>+          g_warning ("Failed to get system bus: %s", error->message);
>+          g_error_free (error);
>+        }
>-      if (proxy)
>+      if (bus)
>         {

The "if (bus)" thing again.

>@@ -2263,43 +2355,56 @@ gboolean
> class_add_printer (const gchar *class_name,
>                    const gchar *printer_name)


>+  if (output)
>+    {
>+      const gchar *ret_error;
>-  result = dbus_g_proxy_call (proxy, "ClassAddPrinter", &error,
>-                              G_TYPE_STRING, class_name,
>-                              G_TYPE_STRING, printer_name,
>-                              G_TYPE_INVALID,
>-                              G_TYPE_STRING, &ret_error,
>-                              G_TYPE_INVALID);
>+      g_variant_get (output, "(&s)", &ret_error);
>+      if (ret_error[0] != '\0')
>+        g_warning ("%s", ret_error);
>+      else
>+        result = TRUE;
>-  if (!result)
>+      g_variant_unref (output);
>+      result = TRUE;
>+    }
>+  else

There shouldn't be the last "result = TRUE;".

>+  g_variant_builder_init (&array_builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("as"));
>+  for (i = users; i; i++)
>+    g_variant_builder_add (&array_builder, "s", *i);

This crashes the Printer panel. I usually use this:

  gint        i;
  for (i = 0; users[i]; i++)
    g_variant_builder_add (&array_builder, "s", users[i]);

Also, there should be something like this:

  g_variant_new ("(s)", string ? string : "");

for all strings for which we are not sure that they are not NULL.


Comment 5 Robert Ancell 2012-02-28 22:29:30 UTC
Created attachment 208644 [details] [review]
printers: port to GDBus

Updated as requested.  I've manually checked which strings could be NULL, but please check again.
Comment 6 Robert Ancell 2012-02-28 22:59:31 UTC
Created attachment 208646 [details] [review]
printers: Convert unnecessary use of GDBusProxy to using GDBusConnection directly

This patch updates the existing GDBus code that was using GDBusProxy to the same method used in the gbus-glib patch for consistency.  This is a better method in this case as the code is not using any of the signals/properties that the proxies provide and these features require additional D-Bus communication that can be avoided.
Comment 7 Marek Kašík 2012-02-29 13:57:49 UTC
Comment on attachment 208644 [details] [review]
printers: port to GDBus

Hi Robert,

thank you for those modifications.

I have just final comments on it.

>--- a/panels/printers/pp-new-printer-dialog.c
>+++ b/panels/printers/pp-new-printer-dialog.c
>@@ -1554,44 +1553,58 @@ new_printer_add_button_cb (GtkButton *button,
>+                      output = g_dbus_connection_call_sync (bus,
>+                                                            MECHANISM_BUS,
>+                                                            "/",
>+                                                            MECHANISM_BUS,
>+                                                            "PrinterAddWithPpdFile",
>+                                                            g_variant_new ("(sssss)",
>+                                                                           pp->devices[device_id].display_name,
>+                                                                           pp->devices[device_id].device_uri,
>+                                                                           ppd_file_name,
>+                                                                           pp->devices[device_id].device_info,
>+                                                                           pp->devices[device_id].device_location ? pp->devices[device_id].device_location : ""),
>+                                                            G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(s)"),
>+                                                            G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,
>+                                                            -1,
>+                                                            NULL,
>+                                                            &error);

The "pp->devices[device_id].device_info" can be NULL. Maybe just add check for all those "pp->devices[device_id].*".

>@@ -1665,49 +1685,61 @@ new_printer_add_button_cb (GtkButton *button,
>+                  output = g_dbus_connection_call_sync (bus,
>+                                                        MECHANISM_BUS,
>+                                                        "/",
>+                                                        MECHANISM_BUS,
>+                                                        "PrinterAdd",
>+                                                        g_variant_new ("(sssss)",
>+                                                                       pp->devices[device_id].display_name,
>+                                                                       pp->devices[device_id].device_uri,
>+                                                                       ppd_name->ppd_name,
>+                                                                       pp->devices[device_id].device_info,
>+                                                                       pp->devices[device_id].device_location ? pp->devices[device_id].device_location : ""),
>+                                                        G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(s)"),
>+                                                        G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,
>+                                                        -1,
>+                                                        NULL,
>+                                                        &error);

The same here.

>@@ -1806,28 +1837,45 @@ new_printer_add_button_cb (GtkButton *button,
>+                  output = g_dbus_connection_call_sync (bus,
>+                                                        MECHANISM_BUS,
>+                                                        "/",
>+                                                        MECHANISM_BUS,
>+                                                        "PrinterAddOptionDefault",
>+                                                        g_variant_new ("(ssas)",
>+                                                                       pp->devices[device_id].display_name,
>+                                                                       "PageSize",
>+                                                                       &array_builder),
>+                                                        G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(s)"),
>+                                                        G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,
>+                                                        -1,
>+                                                        NULL,
>+                                                        &error);

And here.

Feel free to commit this patch after you add those checks.

Thank you

Comment 8 Marek Kašík 2012-02-29 14:01:47 UTC
Comment on attachment 208646 [details] [review]
printers: Convert unnecessary use of GDBusProxy to using GDBusConnection directly


thank you for converting those calls to GDBus.

>--- a/panels/printers/pp-new-printer-dialog.c
>+++ b/panels/printers/pp-new-printer-dialog.c
>@@ -530,13 +522,17 @@ devices_get_cb (GObject      *source_object,
>+              output = g_dbus_connection_call_sync (bus,
>+                                                    SCP_BUS,
>+                                                    SCP_PATH,
>+                                                    SCP_IFACE,
>+                                                    "GroupPhysicalDevices",
>+                                                    g_variant_new ("(v)", g_variant_builder_end (&device_list)),
>+                                                    G_VARIANT_TYPE ("()"),
>+                                                    G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,
>+                                                    60000,
>+                                                    NULL,
>+                                                    &error);

There should be NULL or G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(aas)") instead of G_VARIANT_TYPE ("()").

Otherwise than that it is ok so you can commit it to master after the change.


Comment 9 Robert Ancell 2012-02-29 22:40:26 UTC
Thanks Marek,

I've pushed these changes (7dd5ae6b94d1b294032d0f0fae18df12322eb1c2 and the two following).

You pointed to three cases in the review of using pp->devices[device_id].device_info but the third case is using .display_name so assuming that was in error.

I've made the device_info change in a separate commit as I'm pretty sure device_class, device_uri, device_make_and_model, device_info and display_name are always non-NULL:

                      printer_informations = line_split (standard_output);
                      length = g_strv_length (printer_informations);
                      if (length >= 4)
                          pp->devices[pp->num_devices].device_class = g_strdup (printer_informations[0]);
                          pp->devices[pp->num_devices].device_uri = g_strdup (printer_informations[1]);
                          pp->devices[pp->num_devices].device_make_and_model = g_strdup (printer_informations[2]);
                          pp->devices[pp->num_devices].device_info = g_strdup (printer_informations[3]);
                          pp->devices[pp->num_devices].display_name = g_strdup (printer_informations[3]);