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Bug 665430 - The example code for using gstxoverlay in gtk+ has typos
The example code for using gstxoverlay in gtk+ has typos
Product: GStreamer
Classification: Platform
Component: documentation
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: 0.10.36
Assigned To: GStreamer Maintainers
GStreamer Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-12-02 20:26 UTC by "Op" Philip Flarsheim
Modified: 2011-12-05 08:38 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description "Op" Philip Flarsheim 2011-12-02 20:26:47 UTC
The documentation found at:

I ran into some bugs when attempting to use the example code for gtk+

missing an include
    #include <gst/interfaces/xoverlay.h>

for gtk+-3 line 42 should read
    video_window_xid = GDK_WINDOW_XID(gtk_widget_get_window(widget));

typo on line 42 for older versions of gtk+ (didn't test this one but pretty confident)
    video_window_xid = GDK_WINDOW_XID (widget->window);

typo on line 70
    gtk_widget_realize (video_window);
Comment 1 Sebastian Dröge (slomo) 2011-12-05 08:38:59 UTC
commit b0f4085f229d02f656ebbf1349c5c7681ce96557
Author: Sebastian Dröge <>
Date:   Mon Dec 5 09:38:33 2011 +0100

    xoverlay: Fix mistakes in the sample code
    Fixes bug #665430.