GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 663767
Feature request: edit-autostart-list.desktop
Last modified: 2014-03-05 11:38:59 UTC
There would be so good to have a desktop entry /usr/share/application/edit-autostart-list.desktop so any of XDG-compliant window manager can use it to edit session autostart list by means of gnome-session-properties application. I'm using such one: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Exec=gnome-session-properties Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Edit autostart entries Name[uk]=Змінити автоматичний запуск Name[ru]=Изменить список автостарта Comment=Edit list of programs to run on session start Comment[uk]=Редагувати перелік програм, що запускаються автоматично при вході Comment[ru]=Редактировать список программ, автоматически запускающихся при входе Terminal=false Categories=GNOME;GTK;Settings;X-GNOME-SystemSettings;X-GNOME-Settings-Panel; NotShowIn=KDE;KDE4; Icon=gnome-session.png
We already have /usr/share/applications/session-properties.desktop. It's hidden by default, though. I think the goal is to integrate this in the control center. Rodrigo might know.
Ah, cool, I've missed it though as it has a line: OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity; and I don't use GNOME desktop, sorry. So then I propose to remove OnlyShowIn= and add NotShowIn=, Encoding=, and [uk] and [ru] lines there as your cool utility is XDG-compliant in part of adding and deleting entries. And it would be very nice if you could check XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP environment variable and disable tag and 'Options' tab in case it's not GNOME or Unity so you'll implement that OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity; case inside making it not-GNOME-only-oriented at all but even if you don't do so anyway gnome-session-properties is very nice program, thank you.
I also noticed it's really difficult to configure what apps to start or not now in Gnome 3.8. For example, I wanted to add deluged to start and drop emesene (as I removed it recently). I needed to run gnome-session-properties manually... but I could do that because I already knew what app to use, it would be much more difficult to a new user Also, this is already patched in debian to let desktop entry to be shown: And also reported to Fedora downstream: Could "NoDisplay" be dropped?
gnome-session-properties is no longer included in gnome-session.