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Bug 659305 - GObject properties, null terminated string array doesn't work
GObject properties, null terminated string array doesn't work
Product: vala
Classification: Core
Component: Code Generator: GObject
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: 1.0
Assigned To: Vala maintainers
Vala maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-09-17 09:13 UTC by Lucas Baudin
Modified: 2018-05-22 14:09 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Code to show the bug (328 bytes, text/x-vala)
2011-09-17 09:13 UTC, Lucas Baudin

Description Lucas Baudin 2011-09-17 09:13:34 UTC
Created attachment 196792 [details]
Code to show the bug

If a gobject property is a null terminated array of string, it behaves as if it was not null terminated (see attached code, that I compile with "valac -H header.h -C header.vala")

It produces C functions like:
void test_array_set_null_terminated_array (TestArray* self, gchar** value, int value_length1);

But it is not logical, it should produce functions like:
void test_array_set_null_terminated_array (TestArray* self, gchar** value);

The length argument is not needed since the array must be null terminated.
Comment 1 Luca Bruno 2011-09-20 10:28:40 UTC
Even if the array is null terminated, it's nothing bad to have a length. So the problem is not that vala adds the length, but it's whether you explicitly want to _not_ have a length and vala fails. I assume the bug is about the latter.
Comment 2 Lucas Baudin 2011-09-20 16:58:56 UTC
Hum ok, my problem is that I want to make a C API which already exists (we wanted to do some modifications to GtkAbotuDialog in Vala, with the function set_authors for instance, we are stuck). But I think vala should just not put the length when the array is null terminated... or maybe there is another flag to say to valac that we don't want it ?
Comment 3 Luca Bruno 2011-09-20 17:44:31 UTC
Using [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] should work for bindings. Can you confirm?
Comment 4 Lucas Baudin 2011-09-20 18:46:50 UTC
Yes, it works for the .vapi. (but as shown in the example code, it doesn't work to generate .h)
Comment 5 Travis Reitter 2011-11-23 16:23:53 UTC
This bug is particularly nasty in that it can lead to very hard-to-debug situations.

I've got a constructor like:

public Foo (string[] some_str_array)
  Object (str_array: some_str_array);

In some tests, the value of str-array was turning out to be {"abc", "def", "123", "456"}. The first two values were from a pre-defined array of common valid values. But the second two values were from a completely different array that wasn't even being used in the construction of the object.

So I burned a bit of time on this until I realized that it was a freak accident due to some_str_array not being NULL-terminated,
Comment 6 Daniel Espinosa 2017-03-13 14:02:38 UTC
This is a limitation of Vala.

If property use a GLib collection, like GQueue, or Gee one, this shouldn't be a problem.

So I would like to suggest this bug to be  changed to enhancement and Target 1.2 instead.
Comment 7 GNOME Infrastructure Team 2018-05-22 14:09:55 UTC
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