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Bug 655393 - Do not disturb mode doesn't work
Do not disturb mode doesn't work
Product: ekiga
Classification: Applications
Component: Presence stack
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Ekiga maintainers
Ekiga maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-07-27 08:58 UTC by Dmitriy Trt (Orion)
Modified: 2020-06-06 16:31 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Dmitriy Trt (Orion) 2011-07-27 08:58:27 UTC
Steps to reproduce:
1) Start Ekiga
2) Set "Do not disturb" mode from status selector
3) You'll still receive incoming calls.

Am I missing something?

We're using Ekiga 3.2.7 from Debian Testing, hardware is PBX based on Asterisk 1.4.
Comment 1 Eugen Dedu 2011-07-27 09:08:54 UTC
These statuses have no influence on the ability to be called.  I have just added an explanation at

If you wish not to be callable, then you can unregister or quit ekiga.  Damien, Julien, is it useful to have a "status" where you are not callable?
Comment 2 Dmitriy Trt (Orion) 2011-07-27 09:26:59 UTC
Well, here is a workflow which we've used before migration to Ekiga:
1) Employer sets his status to away (manually or automatically based on idle time)
2) This informs PBX that he is not at his computer
3) All calls will be transferred to his cell phone

I'm not familliar with SIP protocol and don't know how was it implemented. By the way, our previous software was 3CXphone.

Will it be possible with Ekiga?
Comment 3 Eugen Dedu 2011-07-27 09:31:00 UTC
In Ekiga, this can be done manually.  In Preferences, you set in General Call Options, Always transfer call, afterwards in SIP you put the number to call.
Comment 4 Dmitriy Trt (Orion) 2011-07-27 09:55:38 UTC
It is not acceptable for employers to change this options 100 times a day each time they're leaving computer. Are there any alternative solutions?
Comment 5 Eugen Dedu 2011-07-27 10:10:19 UTC
Preferences in GUI are related to gconf schema entries.  So you can directly change them, like this:

You can simply create a file with two 'gconftool' commands in it, which does the same thing, but directly in user's schemas, such as:

gconftool --set /apps/ekiga/general/personal_data/short_status --type string away
gconftool --set /apps/ekiga/protocols/call_forwarding/always_forward --type bool yes

The user should execute it each time he leaves the computer.

A similar file could be used when he comes back.
Comment 6 Eugen Dedu 2011-07-27 10:13:04 UTC
You should also put the correct URI forwarding in ekiga Preferences (to be done only once), as shown in comment #3.
Comment 7 Eugen Dedu 2011-09-10 12:19:54 UTC
So Dmitriy, was this simple command sufficient?

By the was, I think you are right: Do not disturb should refuse incoming calls...  And away should be re-implemented too.

Damien, Julien, Yannick, what do you think?  DnD refused calls in the past, is that right?
Comment 8 Dmitriy Trt (Orion) 2011-09-12 07:32:45 UTC
Well this command is switching status and enables call forwarding, but doing it manually is not usable for us. Automatic Away/DnD status based on idle time + call refusing while on these statuses - this is what we really need. Probably it's possible to do this with scripts by executing gconftool command on idle time, didn't checked yet. Anyway it would be a workaround, of course.

Thanks for your decision about this problem. It would be great to have Away/DnD statuses with call refusing.
Comment 9 André Klapper 2020-06-06 16:31:23 UTC
Ekiga is not under active development anymore:

Ekiga saw its last release 7 years ago. The last code commits were 4 years ago.

Closing this report as WONTFIX as part of Bugzilla Housekeeping to reflect reality. Please feel free to reopen this ticket (and transfer the project to GNOME Gitlab, as GNOME Bugzilla is deprecated) if anyone takes the responsibility for active Ekiga development again in the future.