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Bug 652754 - No GIR metadata to force a struct to become a class
No GIR metadata to force a struct to become a class
Product: vala
Classification: Core
Component: GObject Introspection
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Vala maintainers
Vala maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-06-16 16:40 UTC by Daniel Espinosa
Modified: 2011-08-13 08:30 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

girparser: Add class argument to force records become compact classes (1.20 KB, patch)
2011-06-19 07:45 UTC, Luca Bruno
none Details | Review
GIR file for GDA 5.0 development version commit f96e75 on master (193.17 KB, application/x-lzop)
2011-08-12 18:30 UTC, Daniel Espinosa
gda vapi generated from Gda-5.0.gir + metadata (101.88 KB, text/plain)
2011-08-13 08:30 UTC, Luca Bruno

Description Daniel Espinosa 2011-06-16 16:40:52 UTC
I'm trying to generate libgda-5.0 bindings for Vala from GIR file but I have the following error message:

Gda-5.0.gir:15894.7-15894.6: error: Recursive value types are not allowed

At this I have the following GdaSqlAnyPart declaration as:

struct _GdaSqlAnyPart {
    GdaSqlAnyPartType  type;
    GdaSqlAnyPart     *parent;

And GIR as:

<record name="SqlAnyPart" c:type="GdaSqlAnyPart">
      <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Base structure of which all structures (except #GdaSqlStatement) "inherit". It identifies, for each structure,
its type and its parent in the structure hierarchy.</doc>
      <field name="type" writable="1">
        <type name="SqlAnyPartType" c:type="GdaSqlAnyPartType"/>
      <field name="parent" writable="1">
        <type name="SqlAnyPart" c:type="GdaSqlAnyPart*"/>
      <method name="check_structure"
        <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Checks for any error in @node's structure to make sure it is valid. This
is the same as gda_sql_statement_check_structure() but for individual #GdaSqlAnyPart
parts. This function is mainly for database provider's implementations</doc>
        <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
          <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">TRUE if no error occurred</doc>
          <type name="gboolean" c:type="gboolean"/>
      <method name="foreach"
        <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Calls a function for each element of a #GdaSqlAnyPart node
        <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
          <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">TRUE if @func has been called for any sub node of @node and always returned TRUE, or FALSE</doc>
          <type name="gboolean" c:type="gboolean"/>
          <parameter name="func"
            <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">function to call for each sub node</doc>
            <type name="SqlForeachFunc" c:type="GdaSqlForeachFunc"/>
          <parameter name="data" transfer-ownership="none">
            <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">data to pass to @func each time it is called</doc>
            <type name="gpointer" c:type="gpointer"/>

In libgda-4.0.vapi we have:

    [CCode (cheader_filename = "libgda/libgda.h")]
    public class SqlAnyPart {
        public weak Gda.SqlAnyPart parent;
        public Gda.SqlAnyPartType type;
        public bool check_structure () throws GLib.Error;
        public bool @foreach (Gda.SqlForeachFunc func, void* data) throws GLib.Error;

Do I need a metadata information to "tell" vapigen to use <weak Gda.SqlAnyPart> as the type of parent to avoid recursive?

In email response, Bruno Luca response:

>The problem is that while in libgda-4 it was a compact class, the gir
>says it's a <record> which is a struct.
>There's no metadata currently to force a struct to become a class: if you
>report a bug I can take care of it, should be trivial.

But I can add:

It realy need to be a compact class o it is a struct (as defined in C), with just a "weak" pointer to other struct with the same type?
Comment 1 Luca Bruno 2011-06-19 07:45:31 UTC
Created attachment 190192 [details] [review]
girparser: Add class argument to force records become compact classes

Yes, it should be a compact class.

Does applying this patch to vala and adding a metadata such as: SqlAnyPart class work for you?
Comment 2 Daniel Espinosa 2011-08-11 18:48:32 UTC
I'm using Vala and when compiles the following code using:

valac test.vala --pkg Gda-5.0

using Gda;

namespace Test {
	class T : Object {
	    public string name { set; get; }
	    public void connect () {
	        Gda.Connection cnn = Gda.Connection.open_from_dsn("test", null, Gda.ConnectionOptions.READ_ONLY);
	        Gda.SqlBuilder b = new Gda.SqlBuilder();
	class Hello : Object {
	    public static int main (string[] args) {
	        T t = new T(); = "Test All";
	        stdout.printf("object name: %s\n",;
	        return 0;

I get the following messages and errors:

[THIS MESSAGE ABOUT vala_code_node_get_attribute_string IS SENT ABOUT 200 TIMES]
** (valac:10836): CRITICAL **: vala_code_node_get_attribute_string: assertion `self != NULL' failed

** (valac:10836): CRITICAL **: vala_code_node_get_attribute_string: assertion `self != NULL' failed

** (valac:10836): CRITICAL **: vala_gir_parser_is_container: assertion `sym != NULL' failed

** (valac:10836): CRITICAL **: vala_gir_parser_is_container: assertion `sym != NULL' failed

** (valac:10836): CRITICAL **: vala_gir_parser_add_symbol_to_container: assertion `sym != NULL' failed
Gda-5.0.gir:15983.7-15983.22: error: Recursive value types are not allowed
      <field name="parent" writable="1">
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Then this not working for this Vala version.
Comment 3 Daniel Espinosa 2011-08-11 19:49:11 UTC
Now I've applied your patch to commit e632b (the master e30d04 doesn't compile).

Compiles Ok but same error. I need to add a metadata but HOW? Theres no annotation for metadata at

Do I missing some thing?
Comment 4 Daniel Espinosa 2011-08-11 20:06:31 UTC
I've added a Gda-5.0.metada to libgda/ directory with contents:

After that I've called in the same directory Gda-5.0.gir and Gda-5.0.metada files exist:
vapigen --pkg libxml2-2.0 --library libgda-5.0 Gda-5.0.gir

Message errors are:

** (vapigen:9428): CRITICAL **: vala_symbol_set_replacement: assertion `self != NULL' failed

** (vapigen:9428): CRITICAL **: vala_symbol_set_deprecated_since: assertion `self != NULL' failed

** (vapigen:9428): CRITICAL **: vala_symbol_get_deprecated_since: assertion `self != NULL' failed

** (vapigen:9428): CRITICAL **: vala_symbol_set_deprecated_since: assertion `self != NULL' failed

** (vapigen:9428): CRITICAL **: vala_symbol_get_replacement: assertion `self != NULL' failed

** (vapigen:9428): CRITICAL **: vala_symbol_get_deprecated_since: assertion `self != NULL' failed

** (vapigen:9428): CRITICAL **: vala_symbol_set_deprecated: assertion `self != NULL' failed

** (vapigen:9428): CRITICAL **: vala_gir_parser_is_container: assertion `sym != NULL' failed

** (vapigen:9428): CRITICAL **: vala_gir_parser_add_symbol_to_container: assertion `sym != NULL' failed
Gda-5.0.gir:15983.7-15983.22: error: Recursive value types are not allowed
      <field name="parent" writable="1">

Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Comment 5 Luca Bruno 2011-08-11 20:51:08 UTC
The file must be called Gda-5.0.metadata not Gda-5.0.metada.
You have to put it in the same directory of the gir, or alternatively use --metadatadir.

I've pushed the change for marking structs as compact classes (struct=false).
I have gda 4.0 gir, so the following is the contents of the metadata which might help you sorting things out:

SqlErrorType skip
Error skip
SList skip
ValueList skip
SqlAnyPart struct=false
SqlFunction struct=false
ServerProviderMeta skip
ServerProviderXa skip
SqlStatementContentsInfo skip
value_get_list skip
value_set_list skip

Skipped elements are currently unsupported / hard to support.
Let me know.
Comment 6 Daniel Espinosa 2011-08-11 22:20:25 UTC
Was my typo. I have a Gda-5.0.metadata file in the same directory than Gda-5.0.gir.

I'm usign master b29284, with no patch applied. In Gda-5.0.metadata I've added your metadata. I get the same error.

Using GDB I get:

vala_struct_is_recursive_value_type (self=0x1574d20 [ValaStruct], type=
    0x1618010 [ValaEnumValueType]) at valastruct.c:2245
2245		_tmp1_ = _vala_code_node_ref0 (VALA_IS_STRUCT_VALUE_TYPE (_tmp0_) ? ((ValaStructValueType*) _tmp0_) : NULL);

A bt returns:

  • #0 vala_struct_is_recursive_value_type
    at valastruct.c line 2245
  • #1 vala_struct_is_recursive_value_type
    at valastruct.c line 2333
  • #2 vala_struct_is_recursive_value_type
    at valastruct.c line 2333
  • #3 vala_struct_is_recursive_value_type
    at valastruct.c line 2333
  • #4 vala_struct_is_recursive_value_type
    at valastruct.c line 2333
  • #5 vala_struct_is_recursive_value_type
    at valastruct.c line 2333
  • #6 vala_struct_is_recursive_value_type
    at valastruct.c line 2333
  • #7 vala_struct_is_recursive_value_type
    at valastruct.c line 2333

Comment 7 Daniel Espinosa 2011-08-11 22:28:17 UTC
I deleted all metadata but SqlAnyPart struct=false line, with the same result.

If Vala will use GIR files, Why to create VAPI files for libraries? Requiring to create METADATA

Why not just add annotations to GObject-Introspection to use a struct as a Class?

If last is not possible: How I can distribute Gda-5.0.metadata file? Is this file required when I compile a vala code using GIR? Will be a {datadir}/gir-1.0/metadata directory to add metadata to?
Comment 8 Luca Bruno 2011-08-12 06:15:27 UTC
(In reply to comment #7)
> I deleted all metadata but SqlAnyPart struct=false line, with the same result.

Would you upload the gir somewhere?

> If Vala will use GIR files, Why to create VAPI files for libraries? Requiring
> to create METADATA
> Why not just add annotations to GObject-Introspection to use a struct as a
> Class?

It's not that trivial.

> If last is not possible: How I can distribute Gda-5.0.metadata file? Is this
> file required when I compile a vala code using GIR? Will be a
> {datadir}/gir-1.0/metadata directory to add metadata to?

Just distribute the .vapi, the .metadata is vala-specific.
Comment 9 Daniel Espinosa 2011-08-12 18:30:40 UTC
Created attachment 193724 [details]
GIR file for GDA 5.0 development version commit f96e75 on master

Gda-5.0.metadata contents:

// Vala Bindings for GDA
SqlAnyPart struct=false
Comment 10 Daniel Espinosa 2011-08-12 19:27:03 UTC
I'm trying to get master from Vala respository but I get this errors:

 CC     valacodenode.lo
valacodenode.c: In function 'vala_code_node_set_attribute_cache':
valacodenode.c:1219:89: error: macro "g_renew" requires 3 arguments, but only 2 given
valacodenode.c:1219:34: error: 'g_renew' undeclared (first use in this function)
valacodenode.c:1219:34: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in
make[3]: *** [valacodenode.lo] Error 1

I can't fully test without make master baabed. I suspect that in my comment #6 reporting to be using master b29284 was wrong, because this problem I've reported in my #3 I have switched to  e632b because master e30d04 doesn't compile.
Comment 11 Luca Bruno 2011-08-12 20:09:20 UTC
Lately we've fixed a bug in bootstrapping vala. So you are probably compiling vala with a miscompiled vala. Solve this by cleaning up the repository and bootstrapping vala using 0.12 or a 0.13.x tarball.
Comment 12 Luca Bruno 2011-08-13 08:30:21 UTC
Created attachment 193745 [details]
gda vapi generated from Gda-5.0.gir + metadata

I was able to generate the vapi with the metadata below:

SqlErrorType skip
Error skip
SList skip
ValueList skip
SqlAnyPart struct=false
SqlFunction struct=false
ServerProviderMeta skip
ServerProviderXa skip
SqlStatementContentsInfo skip
value_get_list skip
value_set_list skip

$ ../vapigen/vapigen --library gda Gda-5.0.gir
Generation succeeded - 0 warning(s)

Vapigen must be from vala master. I'm attaching the vapi for reference. You have to still tweak it due to wrong C headers (this can be fixed upstream) and so on. So for metadata reference please take a look at

Closing the bug. You can use the mailing list or the #vala channel on for further discussion.