GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 650016
datamodel gdouble operations locale sensivity
Last modified: 2011-05-18 16:27:23 UTC
Updating DataModel with gdouble value cuts off decimal part if locale decimal point is set to comma, so Gda::DataModel::ValueVector vec; vec.push_back (Gda::Value((gdouble)7364.23)); ... datamodel->set_values(0,vec); above updates value 7364.0 to the database Tested db was mysql Tested locale were pl_PL.utf8 Workaround is to set locale for application to en_US.utf8 (or any other where default numerical decimal point is dot)
Could you provide a standalone program which shows the bug (program + test data)? That would help a lot. Thanks
/* create database test; use test; create table taxrates( taxrateid int primary key auto_increment, taxname varchar(20), taxrate decimal (18,5) ); insert into taxrates (taxname,taxrate) values ('22%',22.5); */ #include <iostream> #include <libgdamm.h> #include <libgdamm/handlernumerical.h> using namespace Gnome; int main() { std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl; setlocale(LC_NUMERIC,"pl_PL.utf8"); Gda::init(); Glib::RefPtr<Gda::Connection> con = Gda::Connection::open_from_string("MySQL","HOST=localhost;DB_NAME=test","USERNAME=root;PASSWORD=pass"); Glib::RefPtr<Gda::SqlParser> parser= con->create_parser(); Glib::RefPtr<Gda::Statement> stmt = parser->parse_string("SELECT taxrateid,taxname,taxrate FROM taxrates"); Glib::RefPtr<Gda::DataModel> model = con->statement_execute_select(stmt,Gda::STATEMENT_MODEL_ALLOW_NOPARAM | Gda::STATEMENT_MODEL_RANDOM_ACCESS); con->update_meta_store (); Glib::RefPtr<Gda::DataSelect> ds= Glib::RefPtr<Gda::DataSelect>::cast_dynamic(model) ; stmt = parser->parse_string("INSERT INTO taxrates (taxname,taxrate) VALUES (##+1::string,##+2::gdouble)"); ds->set_modification_statement (stmt); stmt = parser->parse_string("UPDATE taxrates SET taxname=##+1::string::NULL,taxrate=##+2::gdouble::NULL WHERE taxrateid=##-0::gint"); ds->set_modification_statement (stmt); stmt = parser->parse_string("DELETE FROM taxrates WHERE taxrateid=##-0::gint:NULL"); ds->set_modification_statement (stmt); Gda::DataModel::ValueVector vec; vec.push_back (Gda::Value((int)1)); vec.push_back (Gda::Value(Glib::ustring("22%"))); vec.push_back (Gda::Value((gdouble)7364.23)); Glib::RefPtr<Gda::HandlerNumerical> nh=Gda::HandlerNumerical::create(); std::cout<<nh->get_str_from_value (Gda::Value((gdouble)7364.23)) <<std::endl; model->set_values(0,vec); return 0; } /* select taxname,taxrate from taxrates will give improper value +---------+------------+ | taxname | taxrate | +---------+------------+ | 22% | 7364.00000 | changing setlocale(LC_NUMERIC,"en_US.utf8"); will cause proper value +---------+------------+ | taxname | taxrate | +---------+------------+ | 22% | 7364.23000 | */
This is now corrected in git/master and LIBGDA_4.2 branches: Thanks for the bug report!