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Bug 648730 - Now not have upstream level possibility for Orca to user ask what object have the clipboard
Now not have upstream level possibility for Orca to user ask what object have...
Product: orca
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Orca Maintainers
Orca Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-04-27 06:33 UTC by Hammer Attila
Modified: 2011-08-13 20:51 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Hopefuly full done implementation for this function (2.84 KB, patch)
2011-04-27 06:41 UTC, Hammer Attila
none Details | Review
Second, hopefuly final revision (3.54 KB, patch)
2011-04-28 14:23 UTC, Hammer Attila
none Details | Review

Description Hammer Attila 2011-04-27 06:33:03 UTC
Dear Developers,

Now, if an Orca user not using Storm Dragon file, not have possibility upstream Orca level ask what objects have the clipboard.
Advantages of this function for upstream level for example after the user copyed a text for clipboard, possible verify the correct selection and clipboard operation, this is important now for example with Firefox selection verification.
Another adwantage, if the user selected more directory or files with file browser, and cut or copy the selected files with clipboard, have possibility to listen what files and directoryes are putted realy with clipboard before the user doing a paste operation with other directory.

Yesterday an user sent Orca list for following letter, I copying only short part:
"HI all,
Starting to use orca, but I notice that in firefox when I am attempting to select text to copy/past, using the shift+arrows doesn't work."

Storm answered following the user, and suggest he's file:
Most of the time you can select text using arrows and shift but Orca will not speak the text. If you just need one line the easiest way is to press shift and end. If you need a lot of lines you can read through them and count then go back and hold shift and press down the number you counted. If you use my customizations file, available at:
You can read anything you have copied to the clipboard by pressing orca+r.
the only times this doesn't work is when the page has something like google ads on it. For some reason it seems that focus moves to the ads when you try to select and copy text. It doesn't happen all the time but usually.

I maked an upstream level compatible patch with support this function, I copyed Storm code from he's file, and little modified the code. I assign this new function for Orca modifier+r keystroke, this is provide backward compatibility if an user already prewious like this keystroke with Storm script.
I tested for this upstream level patch for following situations:
1. Not have the clipboard any text (or any Orca understandable object). Orca right spokening the localizable notification message.
2. Normal text selection operation: Orca wonderful present the clipboard text.
3. File selection operation: Orca right spokening the clipboard cutted or copyed selected directoryes or file names.
4. Screen shot copying for clipboard when I press ALT+Printscreen key combination, and click copy to clipboard button. When this situation I request what text or object have the clipboard, Orca spokening no text in clipboard notification message, because now have the screen shot image for clipboard.

Next comment I attaching my patch. If not need doing another works with this function related, and this function is acceptable with upstream level, please commit my patch for master branch.

Comment 1 Hammer Attila 2011-04-27 06:41:01 UTC
Created attachment 186713 [details] [review]
Hopefuly full done implementation for this function

I don't no: need presenting braille display for clipboard text related output?
What happening if for example more lines are selected and putted the clipboard? This situation the braille Orca user how can possible rewieving the presented longer informations?
Now, the clipboard related informations both spokening and presenting the braille display.

Comment 2 Storm Dragon 2011-04-27 15:30:41 UTC
Will users be able to customize the key for reading from the clipboard? In my generator people can choose which key they want, orca+r is only the default. So to keep options open it would be great if users were able to reassign the key in preferences, keybindings.
Comment 3 Hammer Attila 2011-04-27 15:40:44 UTC
Hy Storm,

Of course, you possible changing the clipboard reading keybinding.
The factory default key binding is Orca+R, similar with your script in Vinux, but possible changing this keystroke with Orca preferences dialog/keybindings page with Orca users any not assigned keystroke.
For example, now I right changed the present clipboard text command from Orca Modifier+r to Orca Modifier+E keystroke with Orca preferences dialog/keybindings page.

Comment 4 Hammer Attila 2011-04-28 14:23:56 UTC
Created attachment 186821 [details] [review]
Second, hopefuly final revision


I attached a second revision.
Following changes happened:
- Don and Storm suggestion with Orca-list I changed default key binding from Orca Modifier+R to Orca Modifier+Shift+R. Prewious key binding is conflicted with Libreoffice Calc dinamic column header related Orca key binding.
- If clipboard have a textual understandable function, Orca only send the "Clipboard text:" notification message if the verbosity setting is verbose. If the verbosity setting is brief, Orca only spokening the clipboard awailable text, and present the braille display the awailable text. This modification we prewenting unneed chattines the function.


Comment 5 Hammer Attila 2011-08-02 07:30:14 UTC
If my patch doesn't have any error, possible committing the second revision with orca-master and orca-xdesktop branches?

Comment 6 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2011-08-13 20:51:23 UTC
So.... I've got good news and bad news. 

First the bad news: This functionality is cool and useful. However, I don't see what this functionality has to do with screen readers. In other words, I as a sighted user don't know what's in my clipboard until I try to paste it. Then I find out. And sometimes I'm surprised that something I thought I copied is not in the clipboard. This suggests to me that we (computer users) need an accessible clipboard tool; not that we (Orca community) need to add this functionality to our screen reader. Let's try to keep Orca as a tool which does the sorts of things sighted users can do visually.

Now for the good news: It seems there is a clipboard tool for all users called GPaste: That tool seems to be for gnome-shell. I wonder what other tools are out there for other environments. I think finding that out, along with testing to ensure such tools are compatible with Orca -- and filing bugs when they are not -- would be a better goal.
