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Bug 641982 - Ring bell after processing long command
Ring bell after processing long command
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 557593
Product: gnome-terminal
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: GNOME Terminal Maintainers
GNOME Terminal Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-02-09 23:31 UTC by Ricardo Cruz
Modified: 2013-03-10 17:21 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Ricardo Cruz 2011-02-09 23:31:04 UTC

This option would be a tremendous addition to gnome-terminal: ring a bell after a long, time-consuming command has been processed. That would allow the user the opportunity to issue a ./configure or a "make" without always having to go back and check the program's status.

* Elaboration

Instead of a audible bell, a visual notification like the taskbar flashing (as in xchat-gnome) would also work wonders. The appropriate GTK+ call:

Rather than using a timeout, I would preferably just check if the window still has the focus, or that particular tab is selected, after a command has been processed.

* Work around

I understand it may not be possible to know whether a command has been run and done. Would it be possible though to check the process table every 30 seconds or so?

Just keep a boolean indicating whether the shell has any children running, and next time you check, notify the user if the command terminated and the window doesn't have focus. Obviously many people would not want to "pay" for this feature, but many would appreciate such a feature I'm sure: so, if it could be provided as an option it would be fantastic!

Comment 1 Christian Persch 2011-02-09 23:33:00 UTC
Duplicate of bug 557593 ?
Comment 2 Ricardo Cruz 2011-02-10 14:21:18 UTC
I can't tell.

This report is about the terminal providing a visual notification when the command running is done, and the window is no longer active.
Comment 3 Christian Persch 2013-03-10 17:21:16 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 557593 ***