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Bug 640716 - Gconf fail to create the ~./.gconf dir when the username has a white space
Gconf fail to create the ~./.gconf dir when the username has a white space
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 161209
Product: GConf
Classification: Deprecated
Component: gconf
Other Linux
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: GConf Maintainers
GConf Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-01-27 13:26 UTC by jose.rob.jr
Modified: 2011-01-28 10:57 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

This is shown when I login with a username containing white space (19.95 KB, image/png)
2011-01-27 13:26 UTC, jose.rob.jr

Description jose.rob.jr 2011-01-27 13:26:35 UTC
Created attachment 179434 [details]
This is shown when I login with a username containing white space

My system is configured to accept users in my Active Directory domain, everything works fine except the gconf when the username has a white space.

For eg, if I login with the user "DOMAIN\admin", the system will create the home dir:

And everything will work fine.

But if I login with the user "DOMAIN\josé roberto", the system will create the dir:
/home/DOMAIN/josé roberto

And gconfd will fail as shown in the attachment.

I tried to change many config files and I think that it's related with the line:

It's in the file: /etc/gconf/2/path

I tried to add quotes in 3 different ways:

But that didn't work.

That line is probably being included in a line like:
conftool-2 --config-source xml:readwrite:$(HOME)/.gconf

and the argument get incorrectly splited 
conftool-2 --config-source xml:readwrite:/home/DOMAIN/josé roberto/.gconf
arg0: conftool-2
arg1: --config-source
arg2: xml:readwrite:/home/DOMAIN/josé
arg3: roberto/.gconf

when it should be:
conftool-2 --config-source "xml:readwrite:/home/DOMAIN/josé roberto/.gconf"
arg0: conftool-2
arg1: --config-source
arg2: xml:readwrite:/home/DOMAIN/josé roberto/.gconf

This is happening in Debian 5 and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

I can't simply rename the users because there are more than 800 usernames with space...
Comment 1 jose.rob.jr 2011-01-27 13:30:50 UTC
When it happens the panes don't display and I can't do many things..

And to authenticate users in the Active Directory Domain I followed that steps:
Comment 2 jose.rob.jr 2011-01-28 10:50:52 UTC
Easy steps to reproduce:

# mkdir "/mnt/home with space"
# adduser --home "/mnt/home with space" sample

Now, try to login and you will get the error message:

The application "gnome-panel" attempted to change an aspect of your configuration that your system administrator or operating system vendor does not allow you to change. Some of the settings you have selected may not take effect, or may not be restored next time you use the application.
Comment 3 jose.rob.jr 2011-01-28 10:57:27 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 161209 ***