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Bug 640629 - _setup_native_vfuncs() unnecessarily recurses to all base classes; makes startup slow
_setup_native_vfuncs() unnecessarily recurses to all base classes; makes star...
Product: pygobject
Classification: Bindings
Component: introspection
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Nobody's working on this now (help wanted and appreciated)
Python bindings maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-01-26 11:57 UTC by Laszlo Pandy
Modified: 2011-02-01 06:08 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

[gi] Speed up _setup_native_vfuncs() (3.01 KB, patch)
2011-01-26 12:03 UTC, Laszlo Pandy
none Details | Review
[gi] Speed up _setup_native_vfuncs() (4.30 KB, patch)
2011-01-26 15:31 UTC, Laszlo Pandy
reviewed Details | Review
[gi] Speed up _setup_native_vfuncs() (4.32 KB, patch)
2011-01-26 17:29 UTC, Laszlo Pandy
needs-work Details | Review

Description Laszlo Pandy 2011-01-26 11:57:56 UTC
The current implementation recurses too all base classes, and installs native vfuncs from all base classes onto the new subclass.

For example, Gtk.Dialog has a vfunc "do_close". Gtk.AboutDialog subclasses Gtk.Dialog. In the current implementation, the vfunc "do_close" is wrapped once when it is installed on Gtk.Dialog, once when installed on Gtk.AboutDialog and once for any other subclasses. 

That is, after _setup_native_vfuncs() is run, there will be different function wrappers created as Gtk.Dialog.do_close, and Gtk.AboutDialog.do_close, which both point to the same native function.

Creating separate wrapper objects is unnecessary, and it is not even necessary to set the attribute "do_close" on Gtk.AboutDialog. Because if Python's getattr() can't find do_close on Gtk.AboutDialog it will search the base classes, and return the one found on Gtk.Dialog. Without setting it explicitly on Gtk.AboutDialog, The vfunc will still be accessible, and everything will still work the same.

Additionally, there is another problem which causes vfuncs to be installed unnecessarily. For example let's say PythonSubObject inherits from Gtk.Dialog. When _setup_native_vfuncs() is called, it tries to get the __info__ attribute, which is only available in the __dict__ of wrapped native classes. Since no '__info__' exists in PythonSubObject.__dict__, retrieving PythonSubObject.__info__ will search the base class and return the Gtk.Dialog.__info__ attribute. Then "do_close" will be installed on PythonSubObject again, because we think we are handing a new set of vfuncs in a new __info__ object.

These factors together make each vfunc in C be wrapped far more times that it needs to be. In the case of subclasses implemented in overrides, it is 4 times more. If an application uses larger class hierarchies, it would be much more.
Comment 1 Laszlo Pandy 2011-01-26 12:03:04 UTC
Created attachment 179363 [details] [review]
[gi] Speed up _setup_native_vfuncs()

This changes _setup_native_vfuncs() to only install native
vfunc wrappers from the current class on the current class.
Native vfuncs will not be propogated up or down the class
hierarchy as this is unnecessary and wastes CPU and memory.

Since the normal process in python to retrieve a method or
attribute recurses to the base classes if an attribute is not
found in the subclass, there is no need to setup all base class
virtual functions on a subclass.

This patch removes the recursion in _setup_native_vfuncs()
and lets Python find them in the base classes like a normal
Python class would work. This significantly increases the speed
of any class which is or inherits from a C class which includes
virtual methods.
Comment 2 Steve Frécinaux 2011-01-26 12:43:25 UTC
Review of attachment 179363 [details] [review]:

This looks nice. Do you think it would be possible to somehow write a test ensuring we are not overriding the same function more than once?

Also, does it make a difference in the memory used? I guess the gain in time is not measurable.
Comment 3 Laszlo Pandy 2011-01-26 14:23:31 UTC
Yes, I will try to make some tests for the next patch.

Actually, the gain in time was the point of this patch, as I was trying to speed up the import of Gtk.

Time spent in _setup_native_vfuncs() during warm import of Gtk (including time spent in functions it all calls):
- git master: 0.078s
- this patch: 0.001s

Time spent for entire warm import of Gtk:
- git master: 0.12s
- this patch: 0.04s

But also fewer NativeVFunc wrappers are created, so memory is saved. Here is the resident memory size after importing Gtk:
- git master: 16,272 KB
- this patch: 14,784 KB
Comment 4 Steve Frécinaux 2011-01-26 14:25:25 UTC
Wow, this is really impressive.
Comment 5 Laszlo Pandy 2011-01-26 15:31:53 UTC
Created attachment 179376 [details] [review]
[gi] Speed up _setup_native_vfuncs()

This changes _setup_native_vfuncs() to only install native
vfunc wrappers from the current class on the current class.
Native vfuncs will not be propogated up or down the class
hierarchy as this is unnecessary and wastes CPU and memory.

This patch is the same as the previous one, but with a
test case included.
Comment 6 Johan (not receiving bugmail) Dahlin 2011-01-26 16:41:48 UTC
Review of attachment 179376 [details] [review]:

::: gi/
@@ +155,3 @@
+        # Also check if __info__ in __dict__, not hasattr('__info__', ...)
+        # because we do not want to accidentally retrieve __info__ from a base class.
+        if not '__info__' in cls.__dict__ or \

You can write this a bit cleaner like this.

# __info__ is set in base classes, avoid traversing the class heirachy,
# and only get it for the current class.
class_info = cls.__dict__.get('__info__')
if class_info is None or not isinstance(class_info, ObjectInfo):

How many times will this isinstance() be called for a normal gtk+ import?
We could do some integer checking instead, by exposing the GIInfoType on the GIBaseInfo wrapper? That'd be even faster - since this seems performance sensitive.

@@ +158,3 @@
+                not isinstance(cls.__info__, ObjectInfo):
+            return
+        for vfunc_info in cls.__info__.get_vfuncs():

Use class_info from above her.
Comment 7 Johan (not receiving bugmail) Dahlin 2011-01-26 16:44:53 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
> Review of attachment 179376 [details] [review]:
> ::: gi/
> @@ +155,3 @@
> +        # Also check if __info__ in __dict__, not hasattr('__info__', ...)
> +        # because we do not want to accidentally retrieve __info__ from a base
> class.
> +        if not '__info__' in cls.__dict__ or \
> You can write this a bit cleaner like this.
> # __info__ is set in base classes, avoid traversing the class heirachy,
> # and only get it for the current class.
> class_info = cls.__dict__.get('__info__')
> if class_info is None or not isinstance(class_info, ObjectInfo):
>     return

Thinking about it, class_info.__class__ is ObjectInfo will work as well and should be what we want here. Slightly evil optimization but...
Comment 8 Laszlo Pandy 2011-01-26 17:29:28 UTC
Created attachment 179382 [details] [review]
[gi] Speed up _setup_native_vfuncs()

Same as previous patch, with Johan's comments included.
Comment 9 johnp 2011-01-29 16:25:21 UTC
Comment on attachment 179382 [details] [review]
[gi] Speed up _setup_native_vfuncs()

Does not apply to HEAD.  Can you rebase so I can test. Thanks.
Comment 10 Laszlo Pandy 2011-02-01 06:08:00 UTC
It does not apply, because this patch was already committed. So I am changing status of bug.