GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 640445
Add Pology checks integration
Last modified: 2019-02-27 15:15:05 UTC
Pology is a set of scripts that include a script with the ability to perform bulk checks in translation files and to report each error in the translations. It can tell Lokalize to open the files with entries that didn't passed any of the checks, but to only open the conflicting entries, and to show for each of these entries the error messages reported by the filters didn't pass. For example if a .po file with 1500 entries only has 83 entries which didn't passed any of the checks, Lokalize only shows these 83 entries, and for each of these 83 the messages reported are shown in the "Unit metadata" pane. If one entry doesn't pass three of the rules (or filters) it shows the three messages in the pane. It is not only useful for the usual checks (punctuation, french guillemets,...) but also is useful for check that some english words have been translated to the target language using some specific words. For example "window" can be translated to galician like "ventá", "fiestra" or "xanela" since the three are perfectly valid, but in order to improve the consistency in the galician translation only "xanela" is recommended, so the Pology "check rules" sieve has a rule for this particular case. I want to translate offline and then bulk check a bunch of files with Pology and get them opened in a CAT editor, in the conflicting entries with the error message reported in order to easy and fast correct the mistakes. Can you make Gtranslator provide a public API with this functionality in order to integrate Pology with Gtranslator? Pology can be fetched using: svn co svn:// The documentation is in the "doc-html" directory.
I have reviewed all the Galician translations with pology and with the latest rules Marce Villarino made for Galician language. I wrote an article about the review of GNOME with pology at the Trasno's Association wiki page [in Galician]: as you can see there was ~2500 errors in GNOME and thankfully to pology now are ~700 errors (most of them are false positives or rules that doesn't fit 'cause the context). The integration of this tool is VERY important to make the work easy for reviewers and translations in general in GNOME, and for improve the cohesion into different translation projects (Mozilla, KDE, GNOME, Xfce, and so on). At this time, just Lokalize have integration with pology, and I'm very sad to say that if gtranslator doesn't have integration with it I will have to migrate to Lokalize to transltate GNOME into Galician language.
We are mass-closing old gtranslator issues as the latest versions of gtranslator (3.30 or later) should fix most of the reported problems and as there is unfortunately no capacity to retest all of them separately. If the issue described in this report still happens in gtranslator version 3.30 or later, please file a new ticket under - thanks for your understanding! We are sorry that your report was not handled / fixed after you reported it - many free and open source software projects receive more bug reports and feature requests than they have developers who have free time to work on them. If you would like to get involved and contribute on gtranslator code, please check