GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 637992
Future perhaps need doing a keybinding schema possibility, similar with now used profile feature with only easy keybindings switch easyest
Last modified: 2018-02-08 12:55:44 UTC
Dear Developers, This enhancement request is not full profile related, but little similar with this feature. I would like doing my accessible distribution some key bindings related schemas to help the migration with beginner users who using another screen readers (for example JAWS). This task is full possible with Orca new profiles feature, but have some problems now with perhaps not Orca side problems, see details my specific problem: I would like ask your hint with a special question: For example, if I would like doing future different keybinding schemas, similar with profiles but only key bindings, how can I doing this with absolute good method with end users related? Now, for example Ubuntu installation the active stored orca settings is copyed the target user during installation. For example if the user setted up the fastest speech rate with live system, keyboard layout etc, this values are copyed with first created user .local/share/orca folder and /var/lib/gdm folder, so after the restart the user keep back he setted settings. This is absolute good. If I would like making some typical beginner users want keybinding styles, I have possibility now the new profile feature. But have interesting possible unwanted problems my ydea now: I would like storing this custom profiles with a live CD the /etc/skel folder, because I developing a hungarian accessible Ubuntu based distribution and I using some preconfigured settings for beginner users (tutorial messages, speak object under mnemonics, etc). This is not problem, technical possible and works several years ago. But: when I prewious maked this keybinding schemas with a slower speech rate, this custom profiles containing a slower speech rate setting, this is full right with a normal saved as profile, not need changing anythink with Orca side because profile feature purpose is little different. When the user setting the speech rate with faster speech rate before the installation, next target system restart Orca of course remember this setting because default profile containing this change. But, for example if the user see "have another keystroke profiles in future, look!", the speech rate is changing with original slower speech rate and the user need setting again for example the speech rate with own already setted fastest rate. So, my ydea is not full good now, have some disadvantages of course. Have possibility only with Orca using this special I wanted purpose profiles with default speech values (speech rate, pitch and speech volume)? Or need making an another feature, for example only keybinding schemas possibility this purpose? More users need this general? If not, I full agree and not need doing new feature with keybinding schemas related. The now provided profile feature is fantastic, I very like, I would like only solving my special profiles this speech related issues, because I would like using this special maked future profiles for example with easyest the hungarian users the keybinding change method with some preconfigured schemas. If any beginner users using prewious more time for example with JAWS and temporary not want learning new keystrokes but begin like Orca, have possibility to temporary choosing some schemas before begin want learning new keystrokes. General, have relative small number of hungarian users request me this general keybindings reassigning prewious years, I not want prewious doing this, because I would like keep all factory Orca key bindings with default equals with documentation wrote key bindings, of course this is the good way with general key bindings. So: If have possibility to ask Orca using the speech related settings with default profile this custom purpose I generated profiles, I very happy. If this is possible, not need doing keybindings schema related feature if another users not want this function of course. But if more users want this style function with different with profile feature, possible doing this function with future, of course not this version because possible near the final release? Thanks the ydeas or hints, Attila
A more perhaps cleaner ydea with easyest this style feature implementation: Now, when an user save as a profile, the save as dialog containing only a profile name edit box, and the entire active profile is saved as an another name I think. If possible, need inserting a following style radio button or check boxes with possible choose the user what settings are would like save. The values are following possible for example: "Wished saving settings: (this is the label) All settings (default selected value, equals now used method) Only general settings Speech settings Braille settings Magnifier settings Keybinding settings Text attribute settings Pronunciation settings" If the user saving only a restricted settings, another prewious startup profile containing setted settings is not need owerwriting when load the limited profile. This is technical possible? The main problem have my second ydea how can possible activating for example the modifyed only restricted profile with a startup profile. For example, if I saved only a keybinding modifications containing schema, how can possible setting the user this modifyed schema with startup settings? Attila