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Bug 636901 - 'Region and Language' configures neither region nor language
'Region and Language' configures neither region nor language
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: [obsolete] Keybinding
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Control-Center Maintainers
Control-Center Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-12-09 19:15 UTC by Bill Nottingham
Modified: 2011-01-27 15:04 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: 3.0
GNOME version: ---

Description Bill Nottingham 2010-12-09 19:15:40 UTC
It configures keymaps. This is not obvious from the title.
Comment 1 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2010-12-12 01:13:38 UTC
I do not know why good old kbd settings were moved into Reg&Lang ...
Comment 2 William Jon McCann 2011-01-18 22:14:03 UTC
Supposed to look like this:

svu: there is nothing good about the old keyboard settings
Comment 3 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2011-01-18 22:25:03 UTC
Well, I do not hold to the old kbd settings (and it was not even me who moved the stuff into the new panel). Functionally it works, I will upgrade it to those mockups a bit later. First, I am making sure that the functionality is not lost - currently, the indicator is not 100% functional yet.
Comment 4 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2011-01-18 23:04:20 UTC
Anyway, we can discuss things here, at least to make that bug useful. So, here are my questions:

I presume, the kbd settings should go into "Input Sources" tab, right? 
1. How do you propose to display layouts and variants in that single list "Select input sources to use"? Using the tree (like in some ancient version of gnome2)?
2. Why is "English" on top of the Input Sources list?
3. The "Input Source Options" group - should I squeeze Layout Options (usability nightmare) into that place?
4. Why do you want to drop the "layout preview"/"show layout" functionality. People found it useful

I am not fighting with that mockup, I am trying to find out how to make something realistic of it.
Comment 5 Bastien Nocera 2011-01-27 15:04:06 UTC
It now configures languages and keyboard layouts. Managing keyboard layouts and input sources at the same time should be done later.