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Bug 636884 - Bracket Completion plugin adds extra brackets
Bracket Completion plugin adds extra brackets
Product: gedit-plugins
Classification: Other
Component: General
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Gedit maintainers
Gedit maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-12-09 15:40 UTC by Koichi Akabe
Modified: 2020-11-24 10:18 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Koichi Akabe 2010-12-09 15:40:38 UTC
Bracket Completion plugin adds extra brackets when it is typed follow keys.

Typed keys:

Actual result:

Expected result:
Comment 1 José Aliste 2010-12-10 20:26:39 UTC
Which type of file were you editing? Normally the " should not be picked by the bracket completion plugin so I can't reproduce your problem
Comment 2 Koichi Akabe 2010-12-11 02:16:41 UTC
This problem occurs with C source files.
Comment 3 José Aliste 2010-12-11 11:56:02 UTC
Could you please explain more whether this happens all the time? Which encoding? any information that you can provide, actually, since I can't reproduce your problem. If I type ( and then ", I get ("). If I type ( and then ), I get ()). Is this the bug your having?
Comment 4 Koichi Akabe 2010-12-11 15:34:44 UTC
I confirmed this bug occurs with "ibus 1.3.7 (input method)"
I report this bug to Ubuntu (launchpad)

Environment: Ubuntu 10.10, gedit 2.30.3, gedit-plugins 2.30.0, ibus 1.3.7
Encoding: UTF-8
Type of file: C source file

( and )  -->  ())
( and "  -->  (""))
( and '  -->  (''))
( and [  -->  ([]))
[ and (  -->  [()]]
{ and (  -->  {()}}
and many combinations...

but I get correct result when I type following keys:

" and (  -->  "()"
' and (  -->  '()'
" and {  -->  "{}"
' and [  -->  '[]'
Comment 5 Sébastien Wilmet 2020-11-24 10:18:50 UTC
Mass-closing of all gedit-plugins bugzilla tickets.

Special "code" to find again all those gedit-plugins bugzilla tickets that were open before the mass-closing:


By searching the above sha256sum in bugzilla, the gedit contributors can find again the tickets. We may be interested to do so when we work on a specific area of the code, to at least know the known problems and possible enhancements.

We do this mass-closing because is being replaced by