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Bug 635455 - primary display setting lost when adding/removing displays
primary display setting lost when adding/removing displays
Product: gnome-settings-daemon
Classification: Core
Component: xrandr
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gnome-settings-daemon-maint
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-11-21 19:17 UTC by William Jon McCann
Modified: 2010-11-23 02:51 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description William Jon McCann 2010-11-21 19:17:18 UTC
It seems that the primary display setting is lost when adding/removing displays.

We should probably try to keep it on the monitor it was on last if it still exists and is turned on.  And if that monitor is turned off or disconnected it might make sense to prefer the either the top-left most display or the internal display.
Comment 1 William Jon McCann 2010-11-23 02:51:38 UTC
Until something better comes along:
commit 89c21494aec0a2feda705d4e4cca36ab4ebff9f8