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Bug 626779 - xmllint infinite loop parsing RNG file
xmllint infinite loop parsing RNG file
Product: libxml2
Classification: Platform
Component: relaxng
git master
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Daniel Veillard
libxml QA maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-08-12 20:52 UTC by stuart yeates
Modified: 2021-07-05 13:27 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description stuart yeates 2010-08-12 20:52:39 UTC
There is an RNG file at which causes xmllint to go into an infinite loop when specified as schema. This file is widely used in the TEI community, since it defines TEI/XML at it's most generic. It is a notorious memory hog.

For example the command line:

xmllint --relaxng tei_all.rng -

never blocks to read from stdin whereas the commandl ine 

xmllint --relaxng tei_all.rng --huge --stream -

reads an xml file from stdin but never completes, even for trivial XML files. In both cases monitoring reports a single CPU at 100% indefinitely.

I'm on 32bit ubuntu running:
   xmllint: using libxml version 20705
   compiled with: Threads Tree Output Push Reader Patterns Writer SAXv1 FTP HTTP DTDValid HTML Legacy C14N Catalog XPath XPointer XInclude Iconv ISO8859X Unicode Regexps Automata Expr Schemas Schematron Modules Debug Zlib 
There have been reports that this works, however, for older versions and MacOS versions. See discussion at
Comment 1 taq.gnome 2010-08-13 08:53:48 UTC

I followed the discussion on TEI-L too, here is the entry point:

In contrast to Stuarts posting, my version:

xmllint: using libxml version 20632
   compiled with: Threads Tree Output Push Reader Patterns Writer SAXv1 FTP HTTP DTDValid HTML Legacy C14N Catalog XPath XPointer XInclude Iconv ISO8859X Unicode Regexps Automata Expr Schemas Schematron Modules Debug Zlib 

on a 64bit Xubuntu has the problem too. So ... may be the bits are a hint.

Comment 2 taq.gnome 2010-08-17 08:03:41 UTC
Hi again,

the infinite loop can be found in relaxng.c lines 4206-4209:

 * xmlRelaxNGCheckGroupAttrs:
 * @ctxt:  a Relax-NG parser context
 * @def:  the group definition
 * Detects violations of rule 7.3
static void
xmlRelaxNGCheckGroupAttrs(xmlRelaxNGParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
                          xmlRelaxNGDefinePtr def)
     * Don't run that check in case of error. Infinite recursion
     * becomes possible.
    if (ctxt->nbErrors != 0)

    cur = def->attrs;
!   while (cur != NULL) {
!       nbchild++;
!       cur = cur->next;
!   }

The comment matches the situation, but the solution seems to be incomplete.

Comment 3 stuart yeates 2010-08-17 09:38:30 UTC
The comment doesn't quite match the situation, surely, since we have infinite looping rather than infinite recursion. At least I'm assuming that it was infinite looping rather than infinite recursion, since after ~30 minutes it hadn't run out of memory as would be the expected result of infinite recursion.
Comment 4 taq.gnome 2010-08-17 11:49:54 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> The comment doesn't quite match the situation, surely, since we have infinite
> looping rather than infinite recursion. At least I'm assuming that it was
> infinite looping rather than infinite recursion, since after ~30 minutes it
> hadn't run out of memory as would be the expected result of infinite recursion.

Yes, you are right. :) We are talking about an infinite loop (lines marked by
'!'). The comment was right there when I found the given code section.
I mentioned it because there once was a similar problem with a solution that may
be applicable to our current in some way.

Comment 5 GNOME Infrastructure Team 2021-07-05 13:27:26 UTC
GNOME is going to shut down in favor of
As part of that, we are mass-closing older open tickets in
which have not seen updates for a longer time (resources are unfortunately
quite limited so not every ticket can get handled).

If you can still reproduce the situation described in this ticket in a recent
and supported software version, then please follow
and create a new ticket at

Thank you for your understanding and your help.