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Bug 623125 - Need found an easy use solution to use caps lock state change if an orca user using laptop layout
Need found an easy use solution to use caps lock state change if an orca user...
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 373387
Product: orca
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Mesar Hameed
Orca Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-06-29 12:00 UTC by Hammer Attila
Modified: 2010-06-29 12:12 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Hammer Attila 2010-06-29 12:00:39 UTC
Dear Developers,

In sunday, an absolute beginner hungarian Orca user ask me how can possible use caps lock key with change caps lock state change if he use Orca with laptop layout. I tryed bipass mode command (Orca+Backspace key combination) and press a simple caps lock key, but the state is not changed.
Because unfortunately I haven't got another ydea, I wroted the beginner user how can possible manual change the orca modifyer key with replaced caps lock key with insert key. Need I wroted he how can he found the orca.settings.orcaModifierKeys  setting and how can he replace the orca.settings.LAPTOP_MODIFIER_KEYS original setting with ["Insert"] value if he would like using the caps lock key to wrote full capitalized lines with easy.
Sorry, but i haven't got another ydea with solving he problem. :-(:-(
Unfortunately, in Orca preferences GUI/keybindings page only have a readonly edit box with containing the actual Orca modifyer keys, but unable to change easy GUI way the modifyer key with user would like. Possible this future feature is not need, if we found an easy to use way to possible always change on/off the capslock key state if an user using Orca with laptop layout.
I not setted version number with this bugreport (leave version number with unspecified), because this problem are reproducable with Orca 2.30 and Orca Git master version. Because I don't no what type fix is possible with good both two versions, I not set version number.

Final, I copyed my sunday Orca-list wroted letter:
"I have a possible trivial question, if I remember right, oldest time an user ask the following problem, but now I not found my oldest e-mails the solution:
If an user would like switch on/off the capslock state, and use Orca with laptop layout, how can possible do this with relative easy way? I ask this question, because a very beginner hungarian blind user ask me this problem, and i havent known an useful solution. He using Orca 2.30.1 version.
The passes the next command on to the current application command is not help (Orca+Backspace key combination), I tryed, the capslock state is not changed when I press Capslock+Backspace keycombination and press a single capslock key.
When normal way I tryed press a single capslock key, nothing happen, capslock state is not changed, I think this is right.
I tryed two quick capslock press, the capslock state is not changed, I don't no this is right or not.

I known, if I change the orca.settings.orcaModifierKeys setting in the .orca/ file, possible solwing this problem, but not solving this method the problem main. Not easy solving this problem with beginner users. The original value with this setting is orca.settings.LAPTOP_MODIFIER_KEYS, this setting stored with src/orca/ file, this setting value is Caps_Lock in src/orca/ file.
In Orca Preferences GUI/keybindings page have a readonly edit box, with shows the actual Orca modifyer key, but impossible to change now the laptop modifyer key with graphical way in Orca preferences GUI window without redefining the entire key map, replace for example the Capslock+semicolon value with Super+semicolon value."

Jon, Joanie, your openion how can possible fix this problem with next Orca version or 2.30.3 maintenance version if not need do extra features?
For example the future enable Orca modifyer key change not good solution with 2.30.3 maintenance version.

Comment 1 Mesar Hameed 2010-06-29 12:12:08 UTC
Thanks for the bug report. This particular bug has already been reported into our bug tracking system, but please feel free to report any further bugs you find.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 373387 ***