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Bug 620771 - crash on import
crash on import
Product: f-spot
Classification: Other
Component: Import
Other Linux
: Immediate critical
: 0.7.0
Assigned To: F-spot maintainers
F-spot maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-06-06 20:49 UTC by Jakub Steiner
Modified: 2010-06-14 20:43 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

complete log created with `f-spot --debug 2>&1 > bt.log` (333.34 KB, text/x-log)
2010-06-06 20:49 UTC, Jakub Steiner
SD card contents (7.96 KB, text/plain)
2010-06-07 15:05 UTC, Jakub Steiner
contents with basic info per file. (37.29 KB, text/plain)
2010-06-07 15:05 UTC, Jakub Steiner
Catch more errors in RecursiveFileEnumerator. (3.54 KB, patch)
2010-06-11 17:31 UTC, Ruben Vermeersch
committed Details | Review

Description Jakub Steiner 2010-06-06 20:49:30 UTC
Created attachment 162886 [details]
complete log created with `f-spot --debug 2>&1 > bt.log`

Trying to import from an SD card crashes f-spot. This is the last error message, attaching full log of warnings.

(f-spot:6921): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: GdkPixbufLoader finalized without calling gdk_pixbuf_loader_close() - this is not allowed. You must explicitly end the data stream to the loader before dropping the last reference.

Unhandled Exception: GLib.GException: Error stating file '/media/A5F8-A1AC/private/avchd/nikon co.rpo': Input/output error
  at GLib.FileEnumerator.NextFile (GLib.Cancellable cancellable) [0x00000] 
  at GLib.FileEnumerator.NextFile () [0x00000] 
  at GLib.FileEnumerator+Enumerator.MoveNext () [0x00000] 
  at FSpot.Utils.RecursiveFileEnumerator+<ScanDirectoryForFiles>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x001b4] in /home/jimmac/src/cvs/gnome/f-spot/src/Utils/RecursiveFileEnumerator.cs:62 
  at FSpot.Utils.RecursiveFileEnumerator+<ScanDirectoryForFiles>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x0017b] in /home/jimmac/src/cvs/gnome/f-spot/src/Utils/RecursiveFileEnumerator.cs:71 
  at FSpot.Utils.RecursiveFileEnumerator+<ScanDirectoryForFiles>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x0017b] in /home/jimmac/src/cvs/gnome/f-spot/src/Utils/RecursiveFileEnumerator.cs:71 
  at FSpot.Utils.RecursiveFileEnumerator+<ScanForFiles>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () [0x0012f] in /home/jimmac/src/cvs/gnome/f-spot/src/Utils/RecursiveFileEnumerator.cs:44 
  at FSpot.Import.FileImportSource.ScanPhotoDirectory (FSpot.Import.ImportController controller, Hyena.SafeUri uri) [0x000c9] in /home/jimmac/src/cvs/gnome/f-spot/src/Import/FileImportSource.cs:55 
  at FSpot.Import.FileImportSource.ScanPhotos (FSpot.Import.ImportController controller) [0x0000d] in /home/jimmac/src/cvs/gnome/f-spot/src/Import/FileImportSource.cs:47 
  at FSpot.Import.FileImportSource+<StartPhotoScan>c__AnonStorey7.<>m__F () [0x00000] in /home/jimmac/src/cvs/gnome/f-spot/src/Import/FileImportSource.cs:42
Comment 1 Ruben Vermeersch 2010-06-07 09:39:21 UTC
Could you do an "ls -l" on that file? Is it a normal file or a symlink / device / ...?
Comment 2 Jakub Steiner 2010-06-07 15:03:55 UTC
It is a normal SD card, used by two cameras (Nikon D90 and Panasonic GF1). Attaching content listing.
Comment 3 Jakub Steiner 2010-06-07 15:05:09 UTC
Created attachment 162941 [details]
SD card contents
Comment 4 Jakub Steiner 2010-06-07 15:05:45 UTC
Created attachment 162943 [details]
contents with basic info per file.
Comment 5 Ruben Vermeersch 2010-06-11 17:31:53 UTC
Created attachment 163405 [details] [review]
Catch more errors in RecursiveFileEnumerator.
Comment 6 Ruben Vermeersch 2010-06-11 17:33:59 UTC
Comment on attachment 163405 [details] [review]
Catch more errors in RecursiveFileEnumerator.

Attachment 163405 [details] pushed as db8c0bf - Catch more errors in RecursiveFileEnumerator.

I have pushed a possible fix for this, which ignores errors. It should no
longer crash now. Could you try to gvfs-info the file on which it crashed?
(/media/A5F8-A1AC/private/avchd/nikon co.rpo)