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Bug 616117 - Improve sound-juicer listening commands ui
Improve sound-juicer listening commands ui
Product: sound-juicer
Classification: Applications
Component: interface
git master
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Sound Juicer Maintainers
Sound Juicer Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-04-18 17:46 UTC by Martin Blanchard
Modified: 2021-05-17 16:04 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

patch refreshing sound-juicer ui (36.74 KB, patch)
2010-04-18 17:46 UTC, Martin Blanchard
none Details | Review
Before/After screen-shot (79.29 KB, image/png)
2010-04-18 17:48 UTC, Martin Blanchard
New UI proposition (53.11 KB, image/png)
2010-08-03 15:26 UTC, Martin Blanchard
Totem Mockup (19.98 KB, image/png)
2010-08-03 15:54 UTC, Allan Day
New mockup, add a toolbar (54.12 KB, image/png)
2010-08-03 19:53 UTC, Martin Blanchard
New mockup, remove StatusBar (41.89 KB, image/png)
2010-08-12 15:04 UTC, Martin Blanchard

Description Martin Blanchard 2010-04-18 17:46:36 UTC
Created attachment 159028 [details] [review]
patch refreshing sound-juicer ui

This patch tries to improve sound-juicer ui :
  - It add previous/next button to main ui and replace extract and
    play button by new one (Totem like),
  - Re-organize the "Disc" menu,
  - Add icons to previous/next menuitems,
  - Time scale and volume button are now always visible,
  - Fix the adjustment of seek_scale in the new GtkBuilder .ui file.
Comment 1 Martin Blanchard 2010-04-18 17:48:12 UTC
Created attachment 159029 [details]
Before/After screen-shot

Here is a screen-shot sowing differences
Comment 2 Florian Ludwig 2010-07-25 20:24:52 UTC
My humble opinion:

The new disc-menu looks better to me. I like to suggest to add a checkbox in front of "play" in the menu like in rhythmbox.

I do really like and welcome the similarity to totem with the buttons on the bottom. Only I do fear that the function of the "extract" button is not obvious. The user knows that he inserted a CD and now is looking at the content of it. So displaying an icon of a CD does not give any new information. I think the part the icon should focus on is the hard drive the cd content is copied to. Maybe some icon similar to the typical "download" or "save" ones would fit better.

Also I like to argue that the wording "copied to disk" while technically wrong is better understandably to people less into technical details. So I suggest to change the labeling for this too. (For hover text and in the menu)

A suggestion I'm not sure about myself: Maybe add a separator between the copy-to-disk button and the next/play/previous buttons.

Having the same shortcuts in all programs would be helpful so maybe adapted them from totem for play/next/previous as well. Then the old shortcuts might also work but the rhythmbox ones should be the default and displayed in the menu.

Btw. those Rhythmbox's shortcuts work in totem as well.
Comment 3 Allan Day 2010-08-02 10:34:25 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> My humble opinion:
> The new disc-menu looks better to me.

Agreed. Much nicer! :)

> I like to suggest to add a checkbox in
> front of "play" in the menu like in rhythmbox.

I prefer Banshee's approach - the Play menu entry switches to Pause when it's playing. This method is more compact and it's easier to understand than having Play/Pause. It's also consistent with the Play/Pause button.

> I do really like and welcome the similarity to totem with the buttons on the
> bottom. Only I do fear that the function of the "extract" button is not
> obvious. The user knows that he inserted a CD and now is looking at the content
> of it. So displaying an icon of a CD does not give any new information. I think
> the part the icon should focus on is the hard drive the cd content is copied
> to. Maybe some icon similar to the typical "download" or "save" ones would fit
> better.

I agree. I'd recommend adding a label to the button: 'Extract'.

> A suggestion I'm not sure about myself: Maybe add a separator between the
> copy-to-disk button and the next/play/previous buttons.

Good idea. Or what about adding extra padding rather than using a separator? That'd look better.
Comment 4 Martin Blanchard 2010-08-03 13:36:38 UTC
Adding a label to the extract button just look awful to me. Would prefer a dedicated icon. Rhythmbox has one, maybe it could be ship with gnome-media (or anything else) to be shared... Or, if the patch has a chance to be accepted we could ask the GnomeArt community to draw a new one.
Comment 5 Allan Day 2010-08-03 14:48:23 UTC
Universally understood icons work well, but a new/uncommon icon will typically not be understood by users. See

You could dispense with the icon all together and just use a text label - that would look better.
Comment 6 Martin Blanchard 2010-08-03 15:26:13 UTC
Created attachment 167049 [details]
New UI proposition

I tried to make this button bigger. Attached is a mockup (icon can't be this one, here is just an idea. I have to agree with you allan, but I can't see a good way of using a text label without UI becoming ugly...
Comment 7 Allan Day 2010-08-03 15:53:35 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
> Created an attachment (id=167049) [details]
> New UI proposition

> I tried to make this button bigger. Attached is a mockup (icon can't be this
> one, here is just an idea. I have to agree with you allan, but I can't see a
> good way of using a text label without UI becoming ugly...

Yeah, it's tricky.

I wouldn't display information about the track that's being played - it's already indicated in the file list.

I'd also display the play time below the slider, not in a status bar. This is what Totem's going to do - I'll attach a mockup.
Comment 8 Allan Day 2010-08-03 15:54:17 UTC
Created attachment 167051 [details]
Totem Mockup

This is what Totem is going to look like. The mockup's not mine. ;)
Comment 9 Bastien Nocera 2010-08-03 16:02:29 UTC
(In reply to comment #8)
> Created an attachment (id=167051) [details]
> Totem Mockup
> This is what Totem is going to look like. The mockup's not mine. ;)

Not really, you must have had an old version ;)
Comment 10 Martin Blanchard 2010-08-03 16:05:38 UTC
Informations about the tracks are there to fill the blank created by this big button actually... By the way, I'm not very keen on the totem mockup. I would have do it like rhythmbox does: label in the top right corner, to keep the slider in buttons alignment, but just my opinion. Back to sound-juicer, I would like to stick with a big button, think it helps, we need to keep in mind that extract is the most important feature... No more ideas right now...
Comment 11 Martin Blanchard 2010-08-03 19:53:58 UTC
Created attachment 167067 [details]
New mockup, add a toolbar

Here an other possibility, with a toolbar. Cleaner but I don't really like it. Icons are borrowed from rhythmbox.
Comment 12 Allan Day 2010-08-04 09:09:37 UTC
(In reply to comment #9)
> (In reply to comment #8)
> > Created an attachment (id=167051) [details] [details]
> > Totem Mockup
> > 
> > This is what Totem is going to look like. The mockup's not mine. ;)
> Not really, you must have had an old version ;)

Ha ha. Bastien, you're everywhere! Hylke's been keeping the new mockups from me, the tease.

(In reply to comment #10)
> Informations about the tracks are there to fill the blank created by this big
> button actually... 

There's nothing wrong with leaving blank space. It can actually be good. It makes the interface feel lighter. I certainly wouldn't recommend adding visual noise in order to fill it. It makes the interface look cluttered.

(In reply to comment #11)
> Created an attachment (id=167067) [details]
> New mockup, add a toolbar
> Here an other possibility, with a toolbar. Cleaner but I don't really like it.
> Icons are borrowed from rhythmbox.

Yeah, the top toolbar doesn't make much sense in this context. A user wants to see the track information before deciding whether to play/extract it.
Comment 13 Martin Blanchard 2010-08-12 15:04:58 UTC
Created attachment 167738 [details]
New mockup, remove StatusBar

New mockup. I removed the status-bar and put two buttons for extraction and duplication. Looks better to me but I don't like the blank bottom left. Note that the progress-bar has been removed too: I just don't know were it could go... Old status-bar messages could be display in the middle of the TreeView like there :
Comment 14 GNOME Infrastructure Team 2021-05-17 16:04:20 UTC
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