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Bug 615954 - actions/system-shutdown missing hires
actions/system-shutdown missing hires
Product: adwaita-icon-theme
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other Linux
: High normal
: ---
Assigned To: Jakub Steiner
Jakub Steiner
Depends on: 644020 644026
Reported: 2010-04-16 12:40 UTC by Markus Berlin
Modified: 2013-03-20 14:50 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Markus Berlin 2010-04-16 12:40:57 UTC
Some icons are only available no larger than 48x48 and thus look very blurred when used by applications (e.g. launchers like gnome-do) that expect them to be at least 128x128.

For instance the following icons look very blurred in gnome-do, since their highest resolution is 48x48:
- actions/system-run.png
- actions/view-refresh.png
- actions/system-shutdown.png

By contrast, these icons look ok, since they are also available in 256x256:
- actions/system-lock-screen
- actions/system-log-out
- actions/system-search

Why are not all icons available in 256x256?
Comment 1 Jakub Steiner 2010-04-16 23:10:43 UTC
High res variants of the icon require much more time to design than the small sizes. Most of the icons in teh action context didn't need to be designed at highres.

But gnome-do is an exception.
Comment 2 Lapo Calamandrei 2010-04-21 14:06:57 UTC
Let's use this bug to keep track of which naming specs base set icons need an high resoltion version.
Comment 3 ulrik sverdrup 2010-05-07 23:03:47 UTC
Gnome Do is not the only application benefiting from larger icons, many applications benefit from freely scalable icons (and should understand to themselves carry the consequences of "scaling up").

Some icons are still exactly the same but not available in SVG as they were before, for example system-run. In this way, it is a regression.
Comment 4 Lapo Calamandrei 2010-05-08 00:00:35 UTC
It surelly is a regression, but we cannot add back the scalable svgs as it will clash with 256x256 scalables, our only option is to produce the high resolution versions, but as Jakub said it's a very time consuming process and we are lacking man power. It woud be great to have a list of the most visible icons missing, so we can somehow prioritize the making of the new stuff or even better having more people helping with the artwork :-)
Comment 5 ulrik sverdrup 2010-05-09 12:49:07 UTC
I do not completely understand why SVG fallbacks cannot be added for the icons that don't have a 256 pixel version. That must be a purely technical thing relating to the workflow and/or build system.

I wish that the old SVG icons were there as fallbacks for the icons that did not receive the wonderful detailed 256 pixels treatment.

In fact, I think too detailed action icons is just against the spirit of the icons. I am developing Kupfer, another "keystroke launcher", and our icon policy says: __"Actions should have stylized, simple icons."__
Comment 6 Andreas Nilsson 2011-01-18 14:52:33 UTC
This seems to be a GNOME 3 blocker. (
However, the only place we currently use the 256x256 size is in the alt-tab switcher. Time is everything. What icons do we need to focus on for that?
Comment 7 Jakub Steiner 2011-01-18 15:28:59 UTC
App launchers are key to have. Off the top of my head:

all the GNOME Games
File Roller
Sound Juicer
Comment 8 Andreas Nilsson 2011-01-19 00:57:45 UTC
A bunch of those seems to be in pretty good shape already [1] (Evince, EOG, Sound Juicer) so we just need to file followup bugs to fix those in the right packages (Depends on in bugzilla is great for this).
I'm currently working on Tomboy, but moving forward a bit slowly. [2]

Comment 9 André Klapper 2011-03-03 21:17:19 UTC
[Removing GNOME3.0 target as decided in release-team meeting on March 03, 2011.
This report has an "important" categorisation for GNOME3.0 but is not considered a hard blocker. For querying use the corresponding whiteboard entry added.]
Comment 10 Andreas Nilsson 2011-03-06 14:50:59 UTC
Added deps for tomboy and devhelp bugs.
Transmission is already fixed!
Comment 11 William Jon McCann 2011-03-21 23:38:09 UTC
Seems we're only missing actions/system-shutdown.png now, but since GNOME doesn't use this it isn't a big deal.
Comment 12 Jakub Steiner 2013-03-20 14:50:28 UTC
Finally added system-shutdown. Closing.