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Bug 609410 - Pressing F11 in OOo Writer results in an unfocused Styles and Formatting window
Pressing F11 in OOo Writer results in an unfocused Styles and Formatting window
Product: orca
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie)
Orca Maintainers
Depends on:
Blocks: 404411
Reported: 2010-02-09 12:11 UTC by Hammer Attila
Modified: 2010-07-05 15:17 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

This debug.out file possible show what the problem. (249.95 KB, application/octet-stream)
2010-02-09 12:16 UTC, Hammer Attila
Screenshot for Writer (187.88 KB, image/png)
2010-02-17 12:49 UTC, Hammer Attila

Description Hammer Attila 2010-02-09 12:11:34 UTC
Dear Developers,

I hope this is not known problem.

When I would like using in Writer the Style and formatting dialog, the list is present my display, but Orca does'nt handle this list, I don't no why.
I am using 3.2 version (awailable with Ubuntu Lucid).

The test reproducation is easy, if you would like look this bug present your system or not:
1. Please launch oowriter application.
2. Type any text, and select it.
3. Choose Format/styles and formatting menu item, or press f11 key. The list is presenting your display, but Orca does'nt see the list.

If this is known issue and impossible to fix this development Orca version, I am very sorry the unneed bugreport.

Next comment I attaching a debug.out file, with shows the problem.

Comment 1 Hammer Attila 2010-02-09 12:16:58 UTC
Created attachment 153322 [details]
This debug.out file possible show what the problem.

Now, I write a barack line with oowriter application and select it.
I see following part with debug.out file after I pressing f11 key:
KEYEVENT: type=0
orca.keyEcho: string to echo: F11
orca.isModifierKey: returning: False
orca.isNavigationKey: returning: False
orca.isDiacriticalKey: returning: False
orca.isPrintableKey: returning: False
orca.isLockingKey: returning: False
orca.isFunctionKey: returning: True
orca.isModifierKey: returning: False
orca.isModifierKey: returning: False
---------> QUEUEING EVENT object:state-changed:showing
DEQUEUED EVENT object:state-changed:showing <----------

vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:showing vvvvv
OBJECT EVENT: object:state-changed:showing             detail=(0,0)'soffice' name='Stílusok és formázás' role='tool tip' state='enabled resizable sensitive' relations=''
---------> QUEUEING EVENT object:children-changed:add
---------> QUEUEING EVENT window:create
^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:showing ^^^^^

DEQUEUED EVENT object:children-changed:add <----------

vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:children-changed:add vvvvv
OBJECT EVENT: object:children-changed:add              detail=(1,0)'soffice' name='soffice' role='application' state='' relations=''
^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:children-changed:add ^^^^^

DEQUEUED EVENT window:create <----------

vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT window:create vvvvv
OBJECT EVENT: window:create                            detail=(0,0)'soffice' name='Stílusok és formázás' role='frame' state='enabled resizable sensitive showing visible' relations=''
KEYEVENT: type=1
orca.isModifierKey: returning: False
orca.isModifierKey: returning: False
^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT window:create ^^^^^

---------> QUEUEING EVENT object:property-change:accessible-name
DEQUEUED EVENT object:property-change:accessible-name <----------

vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:property-change:accessible-name vvvvv
OBJECT EVENT: object:property-change:accessible-name   detail=(0,0)'gnome-panel' name='Lenti kiterjesztett élpanel' role='panel' state='enabled focusable sensitive showing visible' relations=''
^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:property-change:accessible-name ^^^^^

KEYEVENT: type=0
orca.keyEcho: string to echo: Down
orca.isModifierKey: returning: False
orca.isNavigationKey: returning: True
orca.isModifierKey: returning: False
orca.isModifierKey: returning: False
---------> QUEUEING EVENT object:text-selection-changed
DEQUEUED EVENT object:text-selection-changed <----------

vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:text-selection-changed vvvvv
OBJECT EVENT: object:text-selection-changed            detail=(0,0)
---------> QUEUEING EVENT object:text-caret-moved
---------> QUEUEING EVENT object:state-changed:focused
---------> QUEUEING EVENT object:state-changed:focused
---------> QUEUEING EVENT object:text-caret-moved
---------> QUEUEING EVENT focus:'soffice' name='None' role='paragraph' state='editable enabled focusable focused multi line multiselectable showing visible' relations='flows from flows to'
^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:text-selection-changed ^^^^^

DEQUEUED EVENT object:text-caret-moved <----------

vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:text-caret-moved vvvvv
OBJECT EVENT: object:text-caret-moved                  detail=(-1,0)'soffice' name='None' role='paragraph' state='editable enabled focusable multi line multiselectable showing visible' relations='flows from flows to'
^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:text-caret-moved ^^^^^

DEQUEUED EVENT object:state-changed:focused <----------

vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:focused vvvvv
OBJECT EVENT: object:state-changed:focused             detail=(0,0)'soffice' name='None' role='paragraph' state='editable enabled focusable multi line multiselectable showing visible' relations='flows from flows to'
^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:focused ^^^^^

DEQUEUED EVENT object:state-changed:focused <----------

vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:focused vvvvv
OBJECT EVENT: object:state-changed:focused             detail=(1,0)'soffice' name='None' role='paragraph' state='editable enabled focusable focused multi line multiselectable showing visible' relations='flows from'
LOCUS OF FOCUS: app='soffice' name='' role='paragraph'
generate braille for'soffice' name='None' role='paragraph' state='editable enabled focusable focused multi line multiselectable showing visible' relations='flows from' (args={'useDefaultFormatting': False, 'formatType': 'focused', 'role': ROLE_PARAGRAPH, 'mode': 'braille', 'recursing': True}) using '(includeContext                           and (ancestors                                + (rowHeader and [Region(" " + asString(rowHeader))])                                + (columnHeader and [Region(" " + asString(columnHeader))])                                + (radioButtonGroup and [Region(" " + asString(radioButtonGroup))])                                + [Region(" ")])                           or []) + [Text(obj, asString(label), asString(eol))]                + (required and [Region(" " + asString(required))])                + (readOnly and [Region(" " + asString(readOnly))]) + (nodeLevel and [Region(" " + asString(nodeLevel))])'
eol=[' $l']
KEYEVENT: type=1
orca.isModifierKey: returning: False
orca.isModifierKey: returning: False
required=[] for'soffice' name='None' role='paragraph' state='editable enabled focusable focused multi line multiselectable showing visible' relations='flows from'
generate braille results:
  Text: ' $l', 0
     VISIBLE:  ' $l', cursor=1
^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:focused ^^^^^

DEQUEUED EVENT object:text-caret-moved <----------

vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:text-caret-moved vvvvv
OBJECT EVENT: object:text-caret-moved                  detail=(0,0)'soffice' name='None' role='paragraph' state='editable enabled focusable focused multi line multiselectable showing visible' relations='flows from'
     VISIBLE:  ' $l', cursor=1
sayLine: line=<>, len=0, start=0, 
caret=0, speakBlankLines=True
sayCharacter: char=<
>, startOffset=0, 
caretOffset=0, endOffset=0, speakBlankLines=True
Comment 2 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2010-02-14 06:07:16 UTC
Are you sure the window has focus and not the document?

I've not yet installed OOo 3.2, but with 3.1, when I press F11, the Styles and Formatting window appears, but it doesn't have focus. I believe we have a similar bug open for the Navigator window. If I press F6/Shift+F6 I can eventually cycle to it. (Shift+F6 seems to be the fastest for me.) Once I'm actually in the list, Orca speaks the correct information I as arrow Up and Down.

Please give this a try and let us know. If that isn't the issue, I'll try to add OOo 3.2 to my to-do list for tomorrow.

Comment 3 Hammer Attila 2010-02-17 12:49:29 UTC
Created attachment 154027 [details]
Screenshot for Writer

Joanmarie, I am not sure the dialog is focused or not, because I am not see the display.
F6 key opening file menu after I choosing format menu styles and formatting menu item when I try pressing.
I make a screenshot, with possible show the window is displayed or not.

Comment 4 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2010-05-16 02:00:44 UTC
Attila, I didn't see your screenshot until now. Sorry!

What I was seeing is what you're seeing too. When you press F11, the styles and formatting window appears, but it doesn't have focus. Because it doesn't have focus, you're not in the list. This would be true if Orca were running or not. You need to use F6/Shift F6 to move focus to the styles and formatting window first.

I admit that this is not a very nice behavior on the part of OOo. If you press F11, the window should have focus IMHO. I'd say open a bug against OOo, but:

1. You already have (
2. It was marked as FIXED at the end of March.

It takes a little while to go from FIXED to "something you can download." Therefore, I'm marking this bug as [to verify]. I will periodically check development builds of OOo to see when this issue gets fixed.
Comment 5 Hammer Attila 2010-05-16 06:08:14 UTC
Thank you Joanmarie your check.
In my Lucid system have OO 3.2.0 release. If you give a little instruction how can I possible download and install actual development version with OO with containing this formatting related bug fix, I welcome look what happening. I newer use actual snapshot of
In Lucid packaged version, the Shift+f6 tip is not help. Now I using heading level formatting for example direct keystrokes:
Ctrl+1 a selected text: do 1. heading style formatting
Ctrl+2: 2nd heading style formatting

In Lucid, following final OO version are packaged:
Version: 1:3.2.0-7ubuntu4

Comment 6 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2010-05-16 15:51:58 UTC
Attila, right now I don't believe you'll see the fix because I don't believe that changeset has been integrated yet. Having said that, if you'd like to get the latest dev build knowing that it might not fix your problem, you can get it from:
Comment 7 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2010-05-22 18:52:48 UTC
This problem still exists in OOo 3.3 dev m78. Leaving it on the 'to verify' list.
Comment 8 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2010-07-05 02:44:44 UTC
(3.0 Planning Spam-o-rama. Sorry!)
Comment 9 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2010-07-05 15:17:50 UTC
I just tried this with the latest dev build of OOo (3.3 dev m84). The bug is verified as FIXED. The window gets focus as expected, and Orca presents the list as expected.

Attila, if Shift+F6 and F6 are not moving you to the window in OOo 3.2, I would recommend giving the very latest 3.3 a try.