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Bug 609045 - [blocked] Bookmarks broken when using Firefox 3.6.2 from 14th July to present
[blocked] Bookmarks broken when using Firefox 3.6.2 from 14th July to present
Product: orca
Classification: Applications
Component: speech
Other All
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie)
Orca Maintainers
Depends on:
Blocks: 404403
Reported: 2010-02-05 06:25 UTC by Steve Holmes
Modified: 2011-01-15 02:34 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Steve Holmes 2010-02-05 06:25:14 UTC
As soon as Firefox 3.6.2 was installed on my Arch Linux system, I found that I could no longer manage my bookmarks nor could I navigate the bookmarks folders list when I pressed the Show All Folders button.

Here's a few steps to demo the problem.
1. Go to any site with Firefox 3.6.2 
2. Press Ctrl-D to open the bookmarks save dialog.
3. press tab a few times until you hear "Show all Folders."
4. Use the up and down arrow keys to find a folder to save the new bookmark in.  This assumes you have several bookmarks in your bookmarks area.

You should hear each folder as you arrow by.  Instead, things get flaky.  It's almost like the focus jumps out of the list of folders and you end up on things like "More folders".

Another issue with this same bug happens when you choose "Organize bookmarks" from the Bookmarks menu.
Just open this dialog and try to navigate around in the dialog.  It is practically unnavigable.  Again, the cursor seems to skip out of the list control when trying to arrow up and down the list of folders.
Comment 1 Steve Holmes 2010-02-09 03:06:07 UTC
After applying the latest git pull from 2010-02-08 wihch includes the fix for Bug 608149,, I was hoping the problem with this bug would fix itself; alas, it does not.  The bookmark select menu and the Organize Bookmarks features are still broken.  Is this related to Mozilla's navigation order that was mentioned?
Comment 2 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2010-02-09 03:31:07 UTC
Steve, I'm afraid I've not yet had time to debug this issue. But based on working on the caret-nav issue (i.e. bug 608149), I'd say that the issue in this bug is an entirely different one.

Sorry! (It's on my list, I swear.)
Comment 3 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2010-02-13 23:15:57 UTC
I can confirm this behavior in at least the 30th Sept build of Firefox 3.6 in Ubuntu. Something is causing the Name entry to reclaim focus. I do not see this problem with Firefox 3.5.7 in OpenSolaris.

Note that this bug occurs when I arrow around without using Orca. Therefore, this is not an Orca bug and there's nothing we can do about it other than file a Mozilla bug. In order to help the Mozilla guys track down where this regression occurred, I will go through the various builds of Firefox. Fortunately I still have bunches of them already downloaded from my work on bug 608149, so hopefully it won't take all that long. :-/

Stay tuned for the regression date and blocker bug....
Comment 4 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2010-02-14 00:14:27 UTC
And the winner goes to.... 14th July. Mozilla bug filed here:

Blocking this bug.
Comment 5 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2010-02-14 00:19:08 UTC
Oops, just noticed the "Organize bookmarks" issue. I need to eat something, but then I'll try to pin that one down.
Comment 6 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2010-02-14 01:17:16 UTC
The issue in the Library/Organize Bookmarks dialog looks very similar to me and shares the exact same regression period. So rather than open a separate bug for it, I've just added that issue as a comment on the Mozilla bug I opened for the first issue.

I believe I've now done everything I can w.r.t. this bug. We're blocked.
Comment 7 Trevor Saunders (IRC: tbsaunde) 2011-01-10 06:35:41 UTC
ok, since this seems to be working in 4.0 beta's I'm considering closing this as obsoleted or not gnome, does anyone have objections?  or of course feel free to reopen if you still have problems.

Comment 8 Trevor Saunders (IRC: tbsaunde) 2011-01-15 02:34:39 UTC
Ok, since there seems to be no objections.  If someone can reproduce please reopen.