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Bug 608811 - Piwik password reset process is not working
Piwik password reset process is not working
Product: sysadmin
Classification: Infrastructure
Component: Other
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: GNOME Sysadmins
GNOME Sysadmins
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-02-02 16:54 UTC by Stormy Peters
Modified: 2010-10-26 18:56 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Stormy Peters 2010-02-02 16:54:56 UTC
It doesn't seem to be possible for users to change their piwik passwords:

    The only UI to change the password is to request the email for a lost
    password/password reset.

    When you use it, however, all you get is a backtrace from the login

I guess not being able to change your piwik password is a feature[1] however it sounds like the password reset should work. Can we get the piwik password reset process working?



Comment 1 Jeff Schroeder 2010-02-10 03:37:10 UTC
Can you please post the exact traceback you're seeing? Also, if it includes any sensitive information like passwords please obsfucate them.
Comment 2 Paul Cutler 2010-02-10 04:12:17 UTC
Trying to change my password via the reset form, here's the backtrace:

Notice: Undefined variable: login in /usr/local/www/piwik/piwik-0.4.5/plugins/Login/Controller.php on line 275 

Backtrace -->
#0 Piwik_ErrorHandler(8, Undefined variable: login, /usr/local/www/piwik/piwik-0.4.5/plugins/Login/Controller.php, 275, Array ([loginMail] => pcutler,[token] => ee5ee972a7b27693d820858f6434f8be,[password] => xxxxxxxxxx,[urlToRedirect] => index.php,[user] => Array ([login] => pcutler,[password] => ddf0429541aa2fcbb194a6fe7bf80bed,[alias] => pcutler,[email] =>,[token_auth] => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,[date_registered] => 2009-11-12 18:55:52))) called at [/usr/local/www/piwik/piwik-0.4.5/plugins/Login/Controller.php:275]
#1 Piwik_Login_Controller->resetPasswordFormValidated(pcutler, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxx, index.php) called at [/usr/local/www/piwik/piwik-0.4.5/plugins/Login/Controller.php:231]
#2 Piwik_Login_Controller->resetPassword()
  • #3 call_user_func_array(Array

Comment 3 Raymond Lu 2010-10-25 22:42:04 UTC seems to fix this. r1566 is in piwik 0.5.
Comment 4 Jeff Schroeder 2010-10-25 23:05:01 UTC
Paul, could you try this again? Raymond's point also jogged my memory. We upgraded to 1.0 a few months ago so this might very well be a non-issue.
Comment 5 Paul Cutler 2010-10-26 18:56:47 UTC
Testing this out, the upgrade fixed it, I successfully changed my password a few times.
