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Bug 607563 - Missing links in dot graphs
Missing links in dot graphs
Product: doxygen
Classification: Other
Component: general
Other Windows
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Dimitri van Heesch
Dimitri van Heesch
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-01-20 16:17 UTC by Hubert Mackenberg
Modified: 2010-02-21 12:57 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Hubert Mackenberg 2010-01-20 16:17:20 UTC
Dot graphs and diagrams can contain links via the URL tag.
This tag seems to be ignored starting with doxygen 1.6.2,
that is there is no link generated at all.


1. Create a file test.h with this contents:

          /** @defgroup test Test
           ** @{
             digraph example {
                  // nodes
                  A  [URL="\ref foo1"]
                  B  [URL="\ref foo2"]

                  // edges
                  A -> B [URL="\ref bar"]

           /** This is function foo1 **/
          void foo1();

           /** This is function foo2 **/
          void foo2();

           /** This is function bar **/
          void bar();

          /** @} **/

2. Create an default configuration file using:

      doxygen -g

3.  In Doxfile, set:

     INPUT = test.h

4. Run doxygen:


Compared to the doxygen 1.6.1 output the following lines are missing 
in the generated html file:

<area shape="poly" id="node1" href="group__test.html#ga888d87a9f8a6e3e80d5c45e838cc0416" title="A" alt="" coords="77,29 76,22 70,15 62,10 52,7 41,5 30,7 20,10 12,15 7,22 5,29 7,37 12,43 20,49 30,52 41,53 52,52 62,49 70,43 76,37"/>
<area shape="poly" id="node2" href="group__test.html#ga2d19baf875d1256bf3bfe2b8d02f20ea" title="B" alt="" coords="77,125 76,118 70,111 62,106 52,103 41,101 30,103 20,106 12,111 7,118 5,125 7,133 12,139 20,145 30,148 41,149 52,148 62,145 70,139 76,133"/>
<area shape="poly" id="edge2" href="group__test.html#ga49a4b11e50430aa0a78de989ea99e082" alt="" coords="44,54 44,87 39,87 39,54"/>
Comment 1 Dimitri van Heesch 2010-01-23 20:02:14 UTC
Confirmed. Should be fixed in the next subversion update.
Comment 2 Dimitri van Heesch 2010-02-21 12:57:39 UTC
This bug was previously marked ASSIGNED, which means it should be fixed in
doxygen version 1.6.3. Please verify if this is indeed the case. Reopen the
bug if you think it is not fixed and please include any additional information 
that you think can be relevant.