GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 607148
Authorize gnomeweb account to access apache2 logs on progress
Last modified: 2010-09-05 16:48:48 UTC
When a Web application generates an error, it's often useful to see what's happening in Apache logs. But on progress, the gnomeweb account doesn't have the necessary rights to read them.
Olav did setup appropriate permissions today. He's not sure this is permanent, though. So let's wait some days before closing the bug.
I confirm that the read access permission is *not* permanent, so another solution should be found...
@Olav - can you comment on what you implemented to initially give permissions, and what method we might employ to make it permanent? Would it be something as simple as 'chown :gnomeweb logs/; chmod g+s logs/' ? (I'm completely guessing here, not being familiar with what was previously attempted.)
From the httpd Puppet module: file { "/var/log/httpd": ensure => directory, mode => 750, owner => root, group => gnomeweb, require => Package["httpd"] } Suggest to hook progress up to Puppet (might not be easy, Puppet modules assume Red Hat). Note: Previously, we changed above permissions using Cron.
progress is now in puppet. (httpd module only) file { "/var/log/apache2": ensure => directory, mode => 2750, owner => root, group => gnomeweb, require => Package["apache2"] } closing ticket. please re-open if this fix doesn't persist.