GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 599501
Changes usually not synced when ejecting ipod
Last modified: 2020-03-17 08:37:29 UTC
When I eject the iPod from within banshee on this machine, most of the time, it does not write out the changes back to the device. My iPod is manually managed, and is a 120GB classic. I have banshee on two machines, both running Debian sid. Both were initially running the same 1.5.0 version. One machine rarely has this problem; the other rarely doesn't. I upgraded the problematic machine to 1.5.1, but the problem persisted. Both machines are manually managing the iPod. Podsleuth says read only is false on both machines. I am at a loss to explain the difference in behavior from one to the other. On the machine with the problem, I expect to see "synchronizing" before the iPod is ejected. That message is never displayed; instead, the iPod is ejected, and the changes I've made -- setting ratings, moving songs between playlists, etc. aren't saved. Except they were saved once or twice.
If you're manually managing the device, then it should have synced soon after you manually changed it - not on disconnect. Can you try with Banshee git master or the soon to be released 1.5.3 and see if you still have issues?
I have just now tested with 1.5.2 and the behavior is the same. It certainly is not changing right after, say, I change the rating or move it to a different playlist (the operations I am usually speaking of here.) When it works, it behaves like this: I will click on the Eject button, and see a brief Synchronizing message, followed by the actual eject. When it does not work, it will simply eject without a Synchronizing message. I will try to compile the 1.5.3 and test with it. Do I need a particular version of ipod-sharp or is 0.8.5 sufficient?
Gabriel, I just tested with 1.5.3 and the bug is not fixed there. I plugged in the iPod, set a rating on a track (the track was in a playlist that was being displayed), waited about 30 seconds while viewing some other playlists, then hit the Disconnect button in Banshee. I then unplugged the iPod from the computer, plugged it back in, and viewed the same screen -- and the rating I had added to the track was not there.
Lots of issues. It used to work reliably but in recent versions has stopped. Deleting playlists, etc... once you look at the ipod or reconnect - everything is as it was before. banshee-2.2.0-1.6.x86_64
Though yours is a bit old, but I recently reported a bug with similar symptoms. Perhaps it could help you. Basically, make sure you do not synchronize tracks that you don't have in a physical device any more: Try launching banshee from the command line. If you are managing your iPod from two different banshee's, chances that this happens to you are higher. Good luck.
Banshee is not under active development anymore and had its last code changes more than three years ago. Its codebase has been archived. Closing this report as WONTFIX as part of Bugzilla Housekeeping to reflect reality. Please feel free to reopen this ticket (or rather transfer the project to GNOME Gitlab, as GNOME Bugzilla is being shut down) if anyone takes the responsibility for active development again. See for more info.